The Observer from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Observeri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE OBSERVER ADELAIDE SATURDAY MAY 29 1920 Shipping General Banking Business Savings Bank Department A MNISON MILLM IMr Smith and jUnM affect! ytfrt tested from 14 to 3d OaMmlna lO and ovw lad to Btati'S to store! John Elder My 14 Minto LON DOS ran Bill and Makaweli At on 1917 18 fxm NC wad th 0 5 i 6 4 NC K0 no summer Commercial C'wealth )Q6M4000 rxo hlC ati AVvtnu 1 414 0 1 i 0 i 8 At At At At South Ata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 fl 0 0 9 BSL BSL wtwl 8L aii an umruiuawy sou tika Port Adelaide the recommendation of the kjcl Wheat Metebauu price Hoard and the actual mokinx al an oficUl abmrt 17 ta 17 t6l taa a statement by bbeChgirman of the Auswu rx sfewe (less diacoust) growers liu Wheat Bomrd in the eovrne of which toe l111 prrt lw Low Below Below 8 0 (atny) Low Low Low 3 0 Low Dry 5 8533000 1375000 Buabela 18740M 04MOOO 1006000 33507000 934 000 Buhel 54444 Off dPflorono 8973000 6147000 15000 Match 1919 March 1920 July itarch July March 1 hn warn On May 28 it was advised War tnrlo HamMb am (AIOMli JAMES KBLU Deputy toeeenu lood or critical stage ft In Si SO 1 18 13 10 0 SO S3 35 40 0 0 17 15 ss 14 St 30 11 8 14 18 fl GOLDEN SYRUP AND TREACLE By direction of the ederal Govern ment the prices of golden eynip and treacle have been advanced and are now a In hogshead 3 cwt cask 2 wt and ll cwt Golden svrup 31 a cwt treacle 27 in eases containing two 56 th tine 39 a cwt and 356 in canes containing 16 7 ft tins 43 a cwt and 39 in cam containing 50 2H tint 45 a cwt and 416 It Nrw Ootombn and 4418000 971000 Bushels 9511000 1 0S8000 THE GRAIN MARKETS After an inordinately long delay between pta BIUMUM 9)199) UnJUW WW Oto Dlwraith MeEaeharn Co City: RawUaga aou 005 roc: agents May S3 Drcman Crave Vaunt Co agent new for nrime grade about 184 a 67W(im 8372000 Riphela 81045000 14 008000 4949000 UK UX Total delivered 11347000 M400 CtaaUottad expenditure 886000 £1041408 SO4iunno 4874000 Bushels M9M000 44n60ono 8100000 1056000 114000 80478000 1919 780000 190000 Due helm 44WOOO 900000 4804000 price urr Current official wiling price of wheat for flour are or focal trade faq 78: crude 73: grade 71 Export quotations ar obtainable on application to the board low (miller Bekere Iota de livwrd in city end aubriis 17 78 a ion Bren (miller About 4 16 a too Kill door Port Adelaide tor focal trade 191 a bushel delivered city and euburbe Pollard (mitlera About 8 174 a toe mill dow Port Adelaide far focal trade 110 a bubef delivered city end raburtn ield Pet Buying prtrre of gtoner fota about 101 a buahel ou fructo Port Adelaide Cha (merchant aeHlag to to8 tt i i tong ton 4btm lariitoed) on trveke irie Kud 19 to 8 8 to a long toe (toga in eluded) delivered in Adelaide and ooburba Her frutterv buyina price) Beto wtowtau abeaeed toy 8 8 a tea toHvend to Adelaida Buying price gtowe a lota baaed on about 7 a totdtel for taM BnglM ml tow au trwto Poet AdoUMe: utaltia Cage ebetoV LONDON Nay Porielan from rrmanlle Tango Mint from Auitralian porta HORSES BARKER BfbjTliHRJ report baring yarded fit ho era for the week the aupply being made up principally of focal low with a few mall coun try conopunent Owing to the hlyb price of fodder and acafcity of gram in paddocka and no export trade the market wtt dull and mIv hard to efleet Draughta aold from 90 to 25 pair 00 medium and delivery borate from 10 to £15 hack and light harneea horaee from 4 to £10 ponie from £4 to £4 aged worn and weedy deacriptiona were practically unsaleable We alto report having conducted a aatiafactory clearing ale hotaw vehicle and lumete on account of Mewra John id Co at their Ourrie etreet premiaea on Ttaraday 10th int T14Or5O ADKLAID MIDI flgHf £jfl) TtUOViMn BKPOBT May Ud to ltd par 1 48 IM to IBM per 10 12 rWUn VBOETABLEB AVO GEVERAL PMODUCK MARKET The K13T KND MARKET CO reported ou May The following were Mie wboleaele quotation of produce at thia morninj'i Vegetable a 14 per doeen beta (rendt) 4 to 4 per doaeu beetroot S4 per doaen cettefe 4 per doaro do (red) 8 per doeen do (cavoy) 8 per douen capticunw 4L to 8d fer canola 1 per down bunebea cauliflower to 8 per doaeu celery 1 per doaen heed cntllic 5d to ad per homeradUh 1 per garuc 1 per leeta sa aer doton vucee per ooatn marpram 1 per oaten bunchei mint 4d per doaen bunebea onion 15 to to per cwt do (green) 8d per doaen bundle do (pickling) 14 per cwt parsley 8d per doaen bunebee parani' t5 per doaen dmnehea peat 13 per buabel potatoea 17 per owt do (new) 90 per cwt pumpkin 8 per owt ndiahea per doaen bunehea rhubarb 9 per doaen mge 1 per doaen bunehea matota 1 per apinach 2'4 per doaen bunehea thyme 1 per doen bunebaa tome wm if 9 taito raiu Al woifo to 11 per dame apple (eatingh 8 to to pv qaaej applta (oaatfa 7 to pr timwa per eat mtfom (pie) 4 Ouadagai Wagga Wagga Deniliquin Bay Moulamein Belranald Goodoca Mungundi Nogil Ntmoi Barwon Brewtrrfna Bcurke TOUlh Tilto Wlleonnla Menlndle Pooncarle Wentworth Albury Wahgunyah ch oca Swan Hill Button Overland Corner Morgan Renmark Tetman rie fall brve! BSL below rammer level NC no change 8 per donee bead garlic 1 per leekt S8 pier daaau tettueva 18 per doaen: marjoram 1 per dear bunehea mint 84 per doaen buacbee oelana 18 to per cwt onion (green) id per doaeu tanebea onion (pickling) 11 to 18 par ewt panley 1 par doaen buMMa puip S4 par doaea bunehea: pototoe (foeab) to to VI pat cwt potato (new) 90 mr ewt pump Um 8 per dowa radiabea per dnora May 27 Change in 24 hour ft la SC NO 0 8 9 (above) Low Total delivered Total advance Expenaet paid Wheat ahhmed Bold focillv Shipper' atoeta 'SiBttalia kbao emes snam Rutter fit I choice aetwralor and and eaLlecton 110 to 1114 Egea (at reeh hen 13 duck 14 uoecn Cbeae (at if to 11 tor Honey (at 74d to 8o a extraotod Od to sd for aeeona Dirtributing price dona la truck ort Adelaide O' port ADELAIDE AMJVKD May Karocli eatera State Taa Oventeten Singapore Baltic S044 Gothenburg via Sider Smith Co ageataatoomha S40O Heddle amtorn State COMMERCIAL CABLES MELBOURNE May 94 METAL MIRK The Auatralian Meta) Rt $ature London Metal Exchange middle quotation on May 11 On apot £96 74 at thee month £91 15' Ingot £107 wire and bar £108: American electrolytic IM cent per bmielected £108 14 Speller Ou apot £43 15 forward £15 15 Lead On apot £38 foe ward £39 15' On got £273 Id for ward IS Silver CMl 4104 forward 4lH tar cmfl 68 3 14 forward 52j 0 Total delivery 41 987 008 138 275000 The position a regarHa later pool South Au Imports Export £(MDM £12 406 9423673 14W93 2018 10 69442131 72 M3 OSS 1919 20 9287486 1119591)00 AUSTRALIAN TRADE wealth th termp ho atfest ing securities b4 whether ths 0My will bg raised locally or whether as tUpt will be made to st it oversea AUSTRALIAN TRADE In the Common wealth tmds rttarae Car ths nine months tnded March 31 th pwbon for many months wm con tinued the already substantial surplus of exports over uiorts having been oddsd to by an eiceoo og £4643600 for March The trade balance attained by the Oom monwMlth tor the nine months baa reached £49672402 in favour of exports a compared with £3AS0JM for tbe cor responding term in 191 A 19 Tbo prinei items affeeung tbe increase in values of exports have beta wool wheat flour hides and sting and meats A nummary for March ana the nine montha of the financial year exclusive of gold more manta tollo bead 8 per cwt tumine 28 per doaen bundle do (ewede) 1 per Ooaen bunehea vegetable marrow 4 per damn watercreae 4d per doaen bunehea Almonds per doaen aple (eating) 9o 10 per ewe do (cooking) 7 to 81 per caar banana 96 to 88 crate lemon 9 to 10 per case melon (pie) 0 per cwt ortngee 11 per ae do (mandarin) 15 per care do (navel) 14 to per cate paaaion fruit 84 per earn pear 10 to 11 per cate Since 8 per erne walnut 14 per doaen iry Bacon 18 to 14 per butter '( factory) 18 to 14 per 4b do (dairy) 1 10 to 111 par do (eepantori 1 to 21 pet cbeea (colonial) 1 per egge 8 8 to 94 per dome han 17 per MieetDane lower Id to 5d per bunch here 9 to S4 mrii honey 7d pet pigeon to 18 per pair The KA RUITGROWERS AND MARKET ASSOCIATION raported on May 86: Beam (rench) to 4 per ootea beetroot 14 per damn eebbage 4 to per domn: cnouege (rad) per damn eab BratMtie REVIEW THE WEEK The Observer Office MONEY MARKCT IRM The local money market is firm and a rite in deposit discount and other ratea is hinted at When the Commonwealth was raising loans in Australia the banks Agreed not to amend their rates in order that na much capital as powible wou be diverted to the loans By thxg means and liberal measures for financing aub scriber the barks contributed largely to the succem of the various imnes This obligation was removed some7 time ago end although tbe banks have deferred making changes out of consideration for the necessities of the State Governments private firm and companies who receive deposits from cuatomen and others have advanced the rate of interest they allow The opinion was expressed in banking eircleq on Tneeday that as money becomes tighter the banks will have to put up their rates Meanwhile considerable interest is wrinoed in the matter of the next Cbmmo fota £14 to feta about to 8 toe tu th Adelaide Market mircluntf prie to i Waukee para 4c abeet 17 14 a ton delivered I te I tA uha04 Im jMA I WOOL The Dealt noint in tha appear" to have leen definitely pawed ollowing upon the all round de cline at the last London sales Antwerphowed marked weakness when Argentine wool was offered and prices have broken "harply the United States of America the future of the market is invested with special interest alike because of the large quantity of British Government wool Tn also because the new clip will begin to arrive in a month or two vn Monday Dalgety Company Limited received the following message from their London house dated May ''Wool market vejr quiet Expect a further de cline in prices at next sale unless con tinental buyers operate more freely in mnuWltlnM nf in decline largely due to financial Our cable nuMaim to day notified a break in Egyptian cotton prices but although the Liverpool quotation for raw American middling cotton ha shown a alight down ward movement during the last fortnight the price is still phenomenally high An era of lower prices appears to be dawning hut it will take some time for th to be reflected to any appreciable degree locally THE WHEAT POOLS I In view of the reference this week to the or 1916 17 wheat pool the fol lowing summary of the position for thia State and the whole of the Commonwealth has to be be deduc these are 4500000 there hare been sharp fluctuations in uerip quotations farmers at last know wbat it is proposed to do in regard to further dio IrihutLiHM aa awnnt of wlfeit fhtr hTA MUVU WIVM 8 IK UWMa A UK Cato I ha iatsMt bPOrb tohflAb iw66 A Mnftll ft DO I will be received with general gretificfllioni bardebriK 7J4 but there may be some diqappoinuneni over tlie smallness al tbe amount ou 1917 13 wheat The fact of tbe matter is tbit to )4 Er 4a eoam ta 4d to Hd per 40 aufed do to 74 per lambdas tree to iOd per do atedy do to kt oo ujnufTs so aa io to net KaMareo Market tower ar Dores 89 to re red and dart 1 to 88 oar a 84 to 44 per 10 to to 1 4 to 8 48 to 8 VawM eta io nt on doaaa: damaged and raugb lota at to per daeen according to condition Good mined 68 to 40 per cwt etkex Horae t4 to 8 per 1b: mm and per oxtkina shipped or otherwise disposed of than was at fimt considered would be tbe case The aggregate involved by the payments will put growers in poreesnion of funds to meet tbe neavy calls upon their purse and generally apeakinz it is calculated they will stimulate efforts to sow a maximum area Undoubtedly the high prices which have ruled lately for hay oats and barley have tended to divert aome attention from wheat and thia is likely to be checks' by the high price received on account of the 1919 20 crop and tbe glowing prospects in respect to the future Undoubtedly Ue wheat outlook ia suggestive of high prices for some time ahead although the prevailing uncertainty in regard to other commodities and the stringent financial conditions throughout the world may bnng unexpected changes during the next few months Still there i no just ground for believing that wheatgrowing will be other than a highly remunerative occupation for the ensuing season and it is confidently expected that every effort will be made to plant the largcet area possible the same is being done by Victorian farmers On Wednesday it was reported that the eteamer Bretwalda had coarpleted load ing 272358 bueheta wheat at Wallaroo for Jtalv and tlut tbe ho*rde had lifted 204206 bushels at Port Pine and 40318 at Wallaroo for the United Kingdom Markets for all descrip tion of feedstuffs were very strong on Wednesday mainly on account of the drought condition! and the kcn demand from New South Wales The congestion in chaff has been relieved by menta and the position will be still lurcher improved by apace available during the next few days On Wednesday up to £12 a ton was quoted for chaff for prompt shipment and June July shipments were worth £11 a ton fob Port Adelaide Exclusive of bar £8 bin on trucks Mile End is now being asked and £10 a ton bags included or lay buyers are offer ing equivalent to £6 5 a ton delivered in Adelaide Oats are firmer with growers lots worth 53 to 54 a bushel on tnicks Port Adelaide and parcels 61 to 63 fob Most of tbe barley is out of dealers hands and oiily a few now have atocs for which oversea outlets are chiefly looked for ADKLAIDK PBODUCB MIUETB A BAXDORD OO LIMITED reported on May The cold froaty weathtr will no fortaaately ebeck tbe growth ot herbage further Aowsn would be gladly welcome to thoae mtenated hi dairy nz In butters quantitle toow no increase tala week and there 1 etill dlfflculty in obtaining Imported bulk which to being Mippiied tram the winter pool and tbe butter irrivlng are not openlt out aatWaCtoey At aoetlon to day the tnde bM keenly or ail locally nde butters and private separator and 4aMa eommanded high flrurea Xo al teration to report ia thtollne all oottigTwneni being readily placed at previous auction rate Re rgrted and pickled earl are rery ream thia Mon Cheese Market to very bare of new make and buyer are cwnpeHed to operate on the more ma fored sample Value toeiay advanced another halfpenny owing to the ehortare tn rap pile end trader anxious to obtain requirement Competition cont'nue keen tor ihi line and alt consignment find apeedy quittance Bacon meeting with bettae enquiry locally but there is an ibaence ot export Rate unchanged Lire A heavy marketing was eubmilfed today buyers qratin freely and good clear anew were efleeted trice well maintaining At auction factory and creamery butter in print realised if 8 to 9 8): bert (operator and dairies t1 to 21 fair quality I lli to S4 etore andllecUf 144 to 141 per lb lien egg 28 duck S4 per doarn New make 1 to 11 pee ft matured 114 to 14 per lb for Jarye to loot Prime clear extracted 74d to 8d aeoond gradee 5d to nfd berate 111 per Brandls 14 raised oft helk lld hardsheHa 7Jd to 8d kemeir 94 per Bert factory cured todre 13 io 14 time 17 pr Live Heavy weight table rooetre 4B to 48 each nice con ditioned cooketrla to 46 plwnp hem to 40 light bircto 3 to 36: ducks 30 to 64 geeae 50 to 09 plgeqna 10W each turkey from 1 to 19 per lb live weirht for fair lo prime table bird fattening orte lower Mem CARLES WILLCOX CO reported on May Owing to the abortage of butter in the eastern fltote and Abe difficulty ol securingufficient aupplita lor local requirement prfce remain flrm choice iactory and creamery realitlug 33 to 2(3 beet repentor and dairito 81 to 21 medium dairie 1ilj to 2 store and col lu' boxes 110 to tgi are In short qplv t'reah hen 83 duck 24 pickied 17 per doaen Cheere In bridt demand at 11J to 12 for prime matured no new offering Honey he guaranteed quirt sale at 7H per for prime quality Beecwax lll Alinouda in good deaund Brandi l( aufuhella lljd ltd kerne's 15 Bacon has ateady trade at 13 to ll for factory cured aides hanw 17 packet lard 1 3 Live Competition particularly keen and although fafriy beuvy supplies were aubmltied at our mieroom to day ready quittance was effected at an advance on lut Quotation Choke ix to eight month cortereto ot tte weighty breed realis ing t9 to 8M) with particular choice bird higher medium cookerela and plump to heavy weight hens 83 to 47 small to ordinary hennd lightweight co*ckerel 10 to 32 duck 8 to 84 for small and od bird to extra choice greae 59 to 46 jpigvons lOd each turkey if to 17 pee lb live weight for good to prime well breaded table bind Apple to 7 4 orang: Co 9 lemon to 7 qubqe to 80 Potatoes to 17 onion to 17 per cwt rlfovw Total dvanrea vpenees paid Wheat ahipned Sold loeallv Shipper' etodu Stock adjustment etocka Tie Total delivered S5M7000 Bereon 1918 Total adveneea Expense paid Wheat titipped Bold loeallv Clippers' etocka Miller stock OVERSEA LOUR TRADE Ou Wednesday further wpplies of what is officiary known as grade wheat were made available to for export trade in flour to South Africa Java nd the Eaat generally The price i 129 on trucks Port Adelaide and some business was done during the day The previous quotation was 126 and it was pointed out by the trade that the extra 3d a bushel would mren an additional 12 a ton on tbe export price of flour The point was raised the riee might induce re sales of Stuff M1d recently for export but not yet shipped and in this connection attention ra directed to rumonrs current recently that Japanese buyers had resold in Austra'ia at a handsome profit large quantities of inferior wheat booked earlier in the year POTATOES AND ONIONS Supplies of potatoea in the south east are getting down to low eomnan and the market is strong or Millicents up lo £14 has been obtained Victorians are costing £13 10 to £14 a ton on truck Gipnsland stations Onions have advancedo about £13 a ton in truck Mount Gam bier jo At May 94 Aacaaiu 4377 Lycact eastern State Geofge Will a co agent (krifflic ll7fo MetoeVe aaatera Delgety Co agvnta Barwon l14 Craft Newcastle ft owler Limited agent Oeace Darling 887 Melbourne Mwefok awnfl Tareoot 1077 Irvine NawcMlto Adelaida Btjnhip Co areni Durham 3SM Watkins Newport Elder Smith end Co igvnts Ormonde 4071 Staunton London 0 An flinon A Co Ltd agent May Btiwiune 3071 Tough Newcastle Gibb Brighl Cn City Lutterworth ILinco*ck Co un agriiM 197 Bcryeint fijdnry Mar Dimbooh 2104 Roy remantle Mel bourne Stamshlp Co agrnta Zealandia 3482 Sheriff remantle owler Limited agent BAILED May 21 Bailie 2044 Lofqubt Ooth ff Smith A fix agent Gabo Melbourne May AiMtralbrook Mancbeeter via remantle Durban Katoomba remantle Thutaka M' lhomne Nudd' a Maraielie via remantle May 24 Diiri Sydney and Newcastle May 25 Drega a (vii renaanllc) Gilgai Dunkirk (optional UK) vii May 26 Baltic Melbourne Kooringa ArdriMun Grace Dur'ing Melbourne Diobooia Sblei OVEfoiE lS SiriPPIXO LONDON Mabu lliron Sum NoA'hera Suffolk SOUTH Tull details of the oversea trade of South Australia for the yeau 1918 19 were issued Ion Wednesday ana ahowed that tbe total value oi direct oversea trade for that ear I was £18072779 comprising import direct £652309 and exports £1157047(1 thus I giving an excess of exports of moat satisfactory result and due to the increased supply of freight chiefly for the transportation of Imperial Government wheat and wool purchases The relative position of imports and exports has been equally satisfactory foe 'the expired period of the current year The trade per inbabi jtant last year averaged £40 114 which wui the host since 1911 (£41 59) and I the nercentage of imnorta to exnorts and (5615) wag the lowest for much longer period In fact the records for the last 20 yrars do not show anything nearly so eneouraeing the nearest having been 5835 per cen't in 1910 and the worst 133 20 ih 1914 15 Exports last year averaged £250'5 per the highest ance 1910 (£25 151) It ia noteworthy that £6358575 wprth oi the diretrt oversea im ports in 1018 19 came into the State through Port Adelaide and Outer Harbour and exporta therefrom aggregated £9 en aggregate of £15502406 compared With an aggregate of £1194306 for nalaroo and £1193850 for Port Pirie URTHER WHEAT DIVIDENDS When approached on May 20 tbe maniir Mr Nicho'l) stated that th Minuter in South Australis (Hou Bice) acting on the advice of the South AiMtralian Board had recommended on Mav 8 to the Australian Wheat Board further advances on eom of the nools Some time ago it was agreed that all an nouncements should be made by the ederal Minister only and if preisibc rmu taneoualy in reaped to each State Advu has been received from Melbourne that the announcement made in regard to one of the other State was unauthorized and iMorrcct Nevertheless as the pro yoeco raymento had been published for the three States other than South Aus tralia the oral bovd desired it to be Known that they were not responsible for ra pint aftd sure an offi cal announcement would be made by Amtralian Wheat Board (Sr RusmID the no on 1918 19 and 3d ou 1917 it Port At Port Napier from Wellington Passed Circinus from Sydney tor UK or Commonwealth from London Alioth Rotterdam TaurtM (4 ch) from Win alow Tarbciter (cr) and Wairwa from San rancisco or Port South Africa from South Africe or Oolconda from New Zealand LONDON May 86 At Anhalt from Melbourne for UJC or Continent At Orvieto from Australian porta tor London At Port Alda from Port Pirie for or Contnrnt Sofela from remantle tor Or Cootinent or Ojterlev and Karamra from don Merak Oceania Vance and Thomas Drum mond om Rja mnctaco or Melbourne Xenia or Brisbane and Walpara front Lon don or Pruth from Sydney or WaHemata from San ranciaeo MISCELLANEOUS Tbe following vends were in touch with the Adelaide Radio Station on Tuesday Zea landb lucre uantie uiraoooia RIVER LEVELS (Above Summer Level) 1 auraday Height at 9 am ft in 8 8 May SAILKD Sonoma from 3jn Mam 1GNDON May Psb the isiid Kcilebaven La Pallice and Kennedy At Table Aurtralmead Sydney Klgomu Ixitrim George vn la elty or placvd in trucks Mita End (lea count) Mount GsaDbiera 18 rails south 48 pet MSt WtMtiftM 1MK I Almeedi (at Metl0r)raB4k tfTMfttoflfl TlAgfl haMsMIU 7 Art a I grwMu'aiwvui 1 appouuiien Mimb tkcHftgi 11 Mt tutfevvaAtfed to inferior tn 45 wt 14 ht Ifl prnlg Ud per IM per Ruv fit tL4iAi ngt flwiww i uti ntir attaaA tUi Brararazkn wkfit 6'1 Ia 'tl raflijl IlbIp 1fl irt 91 had to be treated before it could be be tl to 11 et and 1w to llli 74 to 90 dwn ajeood incoming i wry uaawssa lMM14iii IlBlUgl IV 80 per doaen rammer damaged 7 to 10 pre doaen greasy incoming 40 to 40 per doaen rammer 10 to 86 pre doaen: odiy damaged and poorly furred onaatoable Rabbit Stina lrrt incoming 60d to 8M per BJ a few nicked akin higher artfond incoming tM to Kd per boardy 16d to 17d per kit ten and half grown 8d to IM pre does lOd to ltd per damag'd to per greasy 14d to 174 per Hamkin 4 to 4 per doaen Beeewix 1V to 8 per Oom Silver Wattle to 70 per ewt Mack 0 to 40 per ewt AAATTOIRS LIVE 8TOCK MARKETS Report of the Ade alde 9 tort Salesmen1 CJlle Market Monday May yarded compriting 790 ram tbe north and far north KU from the Cooper and Diamratina country 43 Iran the Murray awaawpa 3 frora the north eaat IS from the aouth and 115 from local aourceA Th aupply was very dmilar that of the past four weeks the hulk being light young rteera with a few good rows and ranging from forward etore to useful beef only a very limited number being good quality With a fair attendance vm erratic the sale opening on a lowre lere) than last week but deiaind Im proving tbe later aalea were enade at fully last quotation while all claawa ot reatera were mroer There wsa good outaide demand and country biftehera and other secured about 75 Beat beefold at 70 to 75 and occasionally higher and useful quality from 40 frime weighty bullorta £9 10 to ta extra prim and weighty higher prime eteera and light weight bullocks £J6 to 0 good to £S6 10 tmeful £14 10 to £11 plain and amsll lower prime ctnva io £9S extra prime and weight higher odd beasta to £37 7'4 rood £17 10 to £90 10 uwtul £10 14 to £14 10 prime calve £4 to £8 extra prime and weighty higher good £4 to £5 to otheta 'pare 'Avenree ollowing the approximate average ot the principal lot Bullock ami £8 Alan Bowman Dcronborough Tkwn £38 8' 0 Proprietor Booyoola Estate Gladstone £38 5'10 18 Sewage am lai i ng ton 99 107 A Brook Limited Kanowana £32 189 70 Oakden Hill Station £21 111 31 William Hryra gons Undooiya £10 10'4: to Sne'l Brother Anglpm £15 IL Corn and 30 fl A Brooks Limited Kunowjna £18 182 91 Witcbeltna Paaioral Ccenpany Limited £10 2S 30 Oakden nnis Station £9 18 9 0 I lium Htrei and Son Undoolya £8 7T Calvre ffl Oikden HiH Station £7 78 Bennett fl taher L'mL ted told 901 cattlei Dnlgrty fl Co Limited 338: Shake Lewta 84 Ho garth Edwards 112 Elder Smith fl Co limited B18 SA awners Co operative Union Limited to 14400 yarded ccnaistiag principally of merino in many inatancea carrying Arat elSM akin Thra were several falr ticad conaignmenta Iron northern station but not a great number of prime quality though there wa an ample aup ply pt useful to good trade mutton There waa a good attendance ot the city and country trade ana graxiera were aiao in evidence but compvti tian wa tar from keen at opening and pricaa easier A aaJea progressed however bidding became more brisk and closing sales were if anything la advance of fast quotation Thera was strong ctinund from outeide buyers and they secured about halt the yarding Qtmta lions: Prime northern merino wethers 46 to 60 extra prime and weighty higher odd pm to 051 good 34 to 44 useful 83 to 88' prime merino ewes 40 to 45 extra prime wd weighty to 484 good 85 to 39 useful 28 to 34 prime crossbred wethers 45 to 60 extra 1 net I Prin ARd weignty Higher good 38 (o 44' ci others lower prime crossbred ewee 40 to 40 ltf Prime and weighty to 718 good 84 to 88 other lower Elder Braith Co Ltd sold 62 sheep Dalgety fl Co Ltd 1587 8A armers Co operative Union Ltd 794 Bagot Bhake Lewis Ltd 1468 Bennett isher Ltd tMGi Hogarth Edwards 188 3444 yarded of which tbe large ma jority were hogget and only a very limited number ahowed any bloom Price geoenlly ruled easier for all descriptions but mactuated a good deal Prime crambred lambs 88 to 38 extra prime and weighty higher good 19 to 8S8 useful 861 to 0 A t'art Son A Co sold iO limh Iiuxhtonnd Co IN Elder Smith Co Ltd 1133 Dalgety fl Co Ltd 7U8: SA armers Oo ope Union Ltd 441 Bagot Shakes fl Lewis Ltd 300 Bennett fl isher Ltd 450 Ho garth fl Edwards 101 230 penned Quality realm were intrang request at high value Other etamas at late valuer Prime heavy ealve £8 to £5 10 extra £8 to £7 prime heavy vralera 80 to 90 extra to £5 good from ittmall and inferior tower Elder Smith fl Co Ltd sold 73 calve 3K armer Co operative Union Ltd 40 Barot Bbakre fl Lewis Ltd I Beuatt isher Ud 48 Hogarth fl EdvarX 18 1154 penned Including 830 toree AM light yarding and high raise for all claswo wly with stronger competition at advanced vaiure A light penning and iacreaard value ruled for all descriotioM tate high value were 7 per doaen cabbage (red) 8 per ocafo eab maintalMd Prim heavy choppoe Mgeo (savoy) 0 per doore earroti 10 per dcuaa 18 to 11 extra 13 to 14 medium 4 bonebet cauliflower 4 to 7 per doaen celery 1 to £8 to nlaln from £6 prime heavy bacoaera 7 f( Wfi rUW 6f diurn weight £5 10 to £8 10: Itrtt £4 to £3 3 priow heavy porkers 40 43 me dime 78 to 70 light 89 to wll groatores to to 86i extra to good slips 85' to 48 wnU from 174 A Outt 6osd Co told pifo Laughtoa Co 9 E)dr flmith fl Co Ltd 07 8A armer? 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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.