The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

wit Correspondence of the Plain Dealer. Cleveland and Shotch. The following item written by a Sanduskian vears since, entitled a of not a Cleveland." is new to mo, and may be to hundred many- -therefore, I will transcribe it and give he present history, and finally draw a son between the places: is a small town situated 011 the south shore of Lake Erie -a place where steam boats call occasionally on their way from Buffalo to Sandusky." Clovelaud, "as she now is," is the largest city but one on tho south shore of Lake Erie. Two Rail Roads terminate here, four lines of steaniboats, ten trains of cars, three or four lines of canal boats and a line of packets, two or three lines of "stages" arrive and depart daily--two lines of upper lake steam vessels and a line of sleamers to Toledo, call at this "town" dailybeing the only port in Ohio at which Upper Lakes steamers do call. The average arrival of passengers daily is about 600.

Sandusky is a emall city, with the prospect of growing "beautifully less," situated on the south shore of Lake Erie, about 60 miles west of Cleveland, at which a line of steamboats call semi- vecusionally on their way from Cleveland to Toledo. OBSERVER. MR. GRAY. -Our old friend, A.

P. Winslow, formerly of this place, has gone to Zanesville (via California), and opened the 'Eagle llotel," which is truly under his management and one of the best Hotels kept in Ohio. Clevelanders going that way will find it greatly to their advantage to make the "Eagle" their hom*o while 80. journing at Zanesville. Friend W.

will meet you with one of his blandest smiles and provide all that an epicure of the most luxurious taste could wish, and that, too, at a price that will make you feel that you get the worth of your money. WHO HAS BEEN 1 THERE." Nourer to Euglaud. The impatient reading public will be glad to learn tl: at the long talked of Newfoundland Magmetic Telegraph, will be commenced without delay. A line of wires is to be laid from Cape Race to Cape Ray. Off Cape Race a suitable Yacht will be constantly in readiness, in order to intercept the Atlantic steamers which almost variably come into sight off that headland.

10 is intended to lay down submarine lines between tho Capes, but until the merite of tho plan sholl hare been fully tested, in England, the news will be conveyed by carrier pigeons from Cape Race to Cape Breton Island, a distance of fortyeight miles. The proposed line of telegraph is about threo huudred and seventy- five miles long, and will probably cost $100,000. Three years will be required to complete it, as there are, at present, no roads near the track -the whole region is quite unexplored. When this line is completed, we may reasonably expect that English news will reach us about one day earlier than of yore. Great TUNKER MEETING.

-The general conference of tho 'Tunkers is now in eession near New Hope, Augusta Va. The Staunton Spectator says It is composed of preachers from every part of the States, where the sect prevails.We were at the meeting on Sunday. and are satisfied from personal observation, that it was the largest assemblage ot people ever drawn together iu this part of the country. Various estimates of the number were mado by persons familiar with large crowde, ranging from five to ten sand. Besides the people, there were ten or fifteen acres of horses.

in the woods. There seemed to be one or more horses tied to every tree, as far as tho eye could penetrate the dark forest contiguous to the church. General Conference is the highest Jacicatury to the Tunker Church, and is held once a year. We believe this is the first time it has been held in Virginia for inauy years. The Tunkers as a class, constitute a portion of our very best citizens.

They are industrious, thrifty, honest, frugal aud kind-hearted in the extreme." Pennsylvania Olio Railroad. Two Canal Boat loads ofrail for this road have already passed through this port for the line, and more is coming. The duties on the whole, paid at this port, will be forty thousand dollurs. Robt. Riley, is the Cleveland agent for this Road.

Cleveland wants a Custom House Building, to accommodate the increasing importation. The Cholera below. In and about llawsville, during the last week, there have been several fatal cases and several still in a dangerous condition. On the steamer J. M.

Niles, which reached Louisville 011 Thursday, there had been 13 deaths. among tha emigrante and hande, since leaving Now Orleans. When she left Louisville for Cincinnati, she had 13 more cases on board. The Flood. The entire rise iu the Mississippi river at St.

Louis, up to Monday noon last, above low waler mark, was 33 feet, some few inches. It still lacked five feet of being as high as the great flood in 1811. Abont 1000 persous, driven from their homes in Illinoistown, opposite, were less in S1. Louis, and lodging just as they could fall upon a place each night. Now Mall Route.

We are glad to learn that the Eastern mails are, for the future, to come over the Erie Rail Road. By this new arrangement we shall be able to procure news from New York twelve hours, at least, sooner than under the "ancient regime." Eucatre. Mr. CoLLINS made his first appearanco last night before a goodly audience, and was receivod throughout with marked approbation. His singing of Irish Songs is almost the finest that have ever heard, A Gritty Establishment.

A. CURRY has shipped since the opening of the Erie Canal, Fourteen Hundred Thousand Pouuds of Berea, and Four Hundred Thousand Pounds of Euclid and Independedce Grind Stones. We are indebted to Copt, MORTON, of the Express, for late Buffalo papers. NORTH The democrats of North Carolina, in Mr. Stanley's district, have nomina; ted Mr.

of Franklin for Congress. It is said that ton. Edward Stanley will be run again by the whigs, Mr. Washington having declined. DECLINE OF P'OPULATION IN PARIS, -The returns of the census recently taken in Paris and the departments of' the Saine show A reduction in the population of Paris from 1,053,797 in 1846 to loss than 900,000 in 1851.

CHOLERA ON THE PLAINS, -Passengers who came down on the Statesman from Weston, announce that reports bad reached that point, that there had boon considerable sicknoss O1 the sters belonging to various trains, had died of plains. It was ascertained that some 25 a teamcholera beyond Fort Leavenworth. -St. Louis Union. PITTSBURGH, June 17.

The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad will be completed to Brighton on the 4th of July. The rails are now la'd on the Central Road to Turtle Creek, ten miles east of Pi.tsburgh. Late Condeused News for tho Plain Dealer. Barnum has hunted up a new novelty--new at least in this country--the "Happy Family," belug a cage full of cats, mice, and all sorte of animals directly antagonistic to each other in tastes and inclinations. Go it B.

An abolition meeting in Philadelphia, on tho 15th was broken up by a mob. Hear 'em out say we. Mrs. Bremner intends soon to go to the World's Fair, and from thence to her loved Sweden. A large number of Prussian officers intend to emigrate to this country.

They inust beat up their swords into pruning hooks. These is to boa general Turkish demonstration in Now York in a few days. Gliddon, the mummy- and Keely, the magnetizer, are in Pittsburgh. Will the Shadrach rescue case never end? Yce, the Judge's charge was to have been ered on Monday. It was probably postponed.

The Cholera has broken out among the Indians and traders upon the prairies of the far West. The Mississippi river is slowly receding. Thackaray's Lectures ore highly spoken of by the London journals. The foreign English mails for the month were the heaviest ever known. The East India mail consisted of filly boxes more than had ever been previousiy despatched by one mail, Prof.

Dick, of Edinburgh, has pronounced the opinion that hydrophobia is purely a work of the imagination. Spirits, similar to Holland Gin, have been manufactured in Scotland from turnips. A man recently died in Now York from drinking three pints of brandy on a wager. 'The man who bet with him and the man who sold him the liquor are under arrest. It is said that the remains of Paul Jones are to be found in the stranger's burying ground at Crousiadt, Russia.

Let them be soarched out, brought home, and consecrated by "Inouumental marble." $1,200 have already been subecribed for the Grand National Fair at Washington, D. C. Our late exchanges contain accounts of several Dew inventions in Artillery. Let inventors turn their attention to patent churus. The war days are over.

Simon Souther, a wealthy citizen of Hanover county, was recently sentenced to three years in the Penitentiary for whipping a slave 10 death. Better have hung the internal scoundrel. There are but few men who would refuse to be his executioner. W. H.

C. Homer is lecturing in Oswego, New York. Barnum's palace of Iranistan is to be turned into Water Cure Establishment. Simpson, a cotton dealer of Now Orleans, has becu missing for some time. He left liabilities to the amount of $50,000.

LAKE RECORD. P'ort of Cleveland, Junc 13, 1851. ENTERED. S. B.

Empire State, Hazard, Butfalo. B. Fashion, Evans, do S. B. Queen City, litus, Dunkirk.

S. B. southerner, Pierce, Detroit. Schr. Cambria, Mann, Buswell, Schr.

Sandusky, Lloyd, Tonawanda. Schr. Helizolaud, Croger, Buttalo. CLEARED. S.

B. Empire State, Hazard, Butlalo. B. Fashion, Evans, Butfalo. B.

Gueen City, Titus, Buttalo. S. B. Southerner, Pierce, Detroit. Schr.

Somerset, Higgins, Oswego; 5,991 bu wheat. Schr. Freewan, Ramsdell, Tonawandas 1,435 bbis flour. Schr. William, Jones, Oswego; 8,600 bu wheat.

Schr. Jane Ann Marsh, Jones, Sarnia. Prop. Globe, Note, Burialo, 700 bbls flour, 5,000 bu corn le1 bales wool, 350 live hogs. COMMERCIAL.

PLAIN DEALER OFFICE. Cleveland, June 18, 1831. CANAL -Whca: 13,213 bu; corn oats 560; coal flour 965 bbls; whieky 64; woo! 17,197 lbs; butter nails 109.404; sheeps pelts 10,000. FLOUR-250 bbis at $3 30. WHEAT-4000 bu 724c.

CORN-6000 bu at 41c. FISH-20 bble and 26 halves lake Huron white at $7 and $3 bbls and 120 halves Detroit river at $7 23 and $3 E74: 13 bble lake Superior al 87 50; 15 bbl3 and 20 halves pickerel at $6 50 aud $3 50. New York Market--June 19, 1851. AsHEs-unchanged, steady and active. FLOUR- -more inquiry for westero nnd state, at low prices--sales domestic 4,500 at $3 50603 mixed choice Mich.

83 87; com. to straight state 83 9); round and flat hooped Ohio $3 12; pure Genessee 84 31; caliadian 83 in bond. WHEAT-quict and heavy Canadian in bond is offered at Doc but no sales. CORN-Sales 20,000 bush western inixad at roun yellow 5Ja60. PORK -New mess improving.

New mess $14 6a 15 75; old 814 25; new prime $13(043 23; old do $12. BEEF- Retails at 68 11 tor mess; $1 for prime, bnt limited demand. JARD-Prime moves slowly at provious ratea. at WHISKY- Sales 100 bbl: prison at and 50 hbds drudge at Buffalo Market- June 18. -Little inquiry to-day.

The scarcity of boats keeps shippers trow operaung. Sales of 1,000 bble at yesterday's rates. request. Sales 2 500 bush prime Sandusky 7tic. Mediterranean is quoted at 75c.

Very scarce and quiet, owing to large receipts and few Loats. Holders are firia at 43 Sales of 2,500 bush round yellow at 44c. Very firm. Sales 200 bbis at 21c. No change in rates.

Boats are scarce and prices tend upward. Theatre! HIELD FOREST, Proprietors. JOINT. Stago Manager Second night of the engagen ent of Mr. COLLINS, in which he will appear as and Callaghan," and sing 'The Liquor of Life, Widow McCruskcen Lawn; and dance the Fox Hunter's Jig.

This, (Wednesday) evening June 18th, be acted the Draiua of BORN TO GOOD LUCK! After which the Petit comedy ON DIS LAST LEGE. To conclude with the Farce of A NABOB FOR AN HOUR, -Drees Circic and Parquette, 50 cente. Upper Boxes 23 cents. A range of splendid Prirate Boxes has been arranged, the prices of wuich are 84 each. Doors open aus past 7.

Curtain will rise at 8 precisely. VOCAL CONCERT. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. will give ONE Vocal Concert in Cleveland, assisted by MRS. SEGUIN begs to announce that the MR.

F. MAYER, and MR. SEOUIN. The Programme will consist of selections from Favorite Operas. 'The Bobewian Girl.

T'ne Embassadress. La Somnambula. The Barber of Beiville. Cinderrilla, Also Ballads, Dueus. 'Trios and Glees.

IT Single Tickets 50 cents cach. Further particulars, as to Room, Night and Programme iu future advertisem*nt. jela-34 IT A Card. -A course or Instruction will be given in Drawing and Painting by Miss A. Bix, at the" Cleveland Commercial College," Herald Building, over the l'ost Office.

Terms 21 lessons $3. Applicrti can be made between the hours off and 11 A. at the rooins of the Commercial College. Wm. Slade, Rev.

Sam'l Newberry. Rev. 8. B. Canfield.

jel8-lw meeting of the Stockholders of the Cuyahoga Steam Furnace will be held at their. fice on Thursday the 19th at 10 A. M. Ohio City, June 13. E.

T. STERLING, Ag't. ADAMS' BILLIARD ROOMS, APOLLO HALL, CLEVELAND. 0 Four Splendid 'Fables, patent Cushions, and the most spacious Billiard Roots in the Wcst. je12 DAGUERREOTYPES.

The acknowledge NORTH, (in the Meldeon Building) to be the beet Daguirean Artist in this ty. Mr. North proposes making Cleveland his permanent residence. PAINTING. NO.

6. MILLERS BLOCK. HOUSE, BIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. subecriber haviug had long me experience in sign TE particular alteution will be paid to that branch of the business. GEO.

H. ADAMS. SEYMOUR, CROW AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubber and Gutta Percha Goods. Also special agents for the Goodyear Rubber Shoe Company. No.

107 Superior Strect, Sortwell Block, Cleveland. C. W. MOUR. N.


SHAW, AND GENERAL AGENT, Office in Masury, Sterliag Co's Store, No. 65 Superior street, oppos.te Bank street. 07 Applications for insuranee left in the Port Ofhce, or at my office as above, will be promoty attended to. Cleveland, June 13tb. MASURY, STERLING CO.

Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Shoez, Hoots, Leather Findings, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Kelley's New Block, No. 69 Cleveland. -ALSO Manufacturers and Jobbers, No. 7 Icichbour Block, Jos. MASURY, Boston.

BOSTON, Masa. HANDEL STERLING, Clereland WN. A DOLE, do. ap13 BLACKBURN YEMANS, AND IN LUMBER AND No. 79 Champiain street.

near the Baptist Church Cleveland, Ohio TO Plans and specifications furniched in every variety and siyle of Architecture. JOHN CARLISLE, PRODUCE, COM. FORWARDING MERCHANT CLEVELAND, UIIIO. Prompt attention given to the purchase, sale and shipment, of all goods and property intrusted to his care. 103 on Dock.

205 and 207 River-st. Cleveland, April 15, HUSSEY SINCLAIR. STORAGE, SHIPPING CON. MERCHANTS Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Glass, Fish, Salt, Plaster, No 70 on Dock, and 133 River street, Cleveland, Ohio. D' Cash advancce made on Consignments.

JO5. G. HUSSEY. GEO, SINCLAIR, References. Spang Co.

Cleveland, 0. Marshal, Hussey lisley, D. B. Scott Co. Bankers, Milwaukre.

Morgan Wick, Miles Wheeler, Buffalo, W. I. Stanly, C5'r G. Walbridge, Wm. A.

Otis Co," R. hnston, Broker, Phila T. M. Howe, Cashier and Merchants generally, Pix burgh, Pa. G.

D. HAYWARD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, In Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dycs, Window GlARe, Brushes Pure Wines and Liquors, l'erfumery, Groceries No. 64 Superior Street, opposite the Weddel House THOMAS H. BEST, WE WHOLESALL (SUCCESSOR TO AND JAMES MI. RETAIL KELLEY DRY GOODS.

78 Superior Empire Buildings, opposite apo CLEVELAND, OHIO. WICKS, OTIS BROWNELL'S STOCK, EXCHANGE BANKING HOUSE, Weddell Block, Bank street. opposite Post Office, Cleveland, Ohio. Exchange bought and s6id and deposits received on favorable terms. Particular attention given to collections and remittances.


A. C. BROWSELL. References. W.

Thayer, President Exchange Bank, Boston. Geo. S. CoP, Cashier. New York.

Isaac WV. Brownell, J. B. Trevier, Cashier. Philadelphia.

T. S. Goodman Bankers, Cincinnati. Palmier, Hanna Bankers. Pittsburgh.

Messrs. Wick Mc Candless. Pittsburgh. William Williams, Carbier, Buffalo. I.

H. Brown, Cashier, Detroit, may8 J. F. RICHARDSON. J.


Cincinnati. Are at all times prepared to supply purchasers with Hemp, Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco. REFERENCES. SHULTZ HADDEN. N.


do. S. Ripley. JNO. MCCORIMICK, do.


Louis. 11. WHITE, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDANT OF BUILDNGS, (Late of New York.) Designs, specifications and Working Drawings, prepared for every description of Buildings. Also, Ornamental Designs in Iron and Stone Work, and interior finishing of Stores, Saloons, Ofice, No. 10 Bank street, over Post Office.

JAMES A. RAYNOR, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCIANT, NO. 10 CENTRAL WHARF, BOFFALO. Will make liberal advances upon consignments to him for sale in Builalo. or in New York by L.

B. LITENFIELD Co. 38 and Pearl street. J. G.

PURPLE, Surgeon and Physician, Office in Miller's Block, ove Handerson Punderson's Drug Store, Superior street maj9-diy HENRY BOWEN, MANCFACTURER OF PATENT IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS. Constructed and put 011 scientific princirles. Address IIcnry Bowen, 113 Cleveland 9. References. Prof.

J. Lang Cassela, Med. Cleveland. St. John.

Hamilton 1. Smith, West. Homeopathic Col. A. L.

Andrews, Union School, Massillon. H. L. Whiting, Canton, Ohio. iny24 KASSON'S R.R.

Steamboat Merchandise Dispatch Office in the new building adjoining the C. C. C. R. Road Depot jut-tf O.

B. BUTTLES, Agent. Cleveland Daguerreotype Stock Depot. JOHNSON FELLOWS, DAGUERREAN ARTISTS Keep constanty on hand a full assortment of every variety of materials for USE, which they are scilling as low as can be bought in New York City. The attention of Artists is respectfully Invited to thei elegont and large assortmant of Cameras, Plates, Cases, Chemicals, all of which they icst before offering for sale, and currant genuine.

Having hnd long experience in the business they supply themselves with such stock, only, as Artists require. Inetructions in the art carefully given. Rooms on the corner of Bank and Superior- st opposite the Weddell flouse, Cleveland Ohio. CHIAS. E.

JOINSON, PARKER FELLOWS. FOR CHICAGO INTER. A Splendid MEDIATE Upper PORTS Cabin The Propellor new BUF- and (SUN tons burthen) Capt. L. B.

GOLDSMITH, will leave Cleveland as above. on W'ednesduy June 16th, at eight o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, with superior accommodations, apply to CHAMBERLAIN, CRAWFORD Or to N. LOCKE.

foot of Superior st. jel6th The members of Eagle Engine Co. No. I. are hereby notified to attend meeting at Engine House on Seneca strect on Wednesday evening June 18th.

By order of Foreman. je16 WM. KELLEY, Secretary. GOODS AT WHOLESALE.5 cases Low P'riced Print, Dents-Hampion, Oxford and Thorndike. 3 do bleached Shirtings, 4 bales Shirting, striped.

3 do Ticks. 10 do brown Sheetings 10 do Baus. Just rec'd by W. WARREN. jel? 45 Weddell House.

in the east for covering buggies, Most cushions. approved article BRATENAUL BROTHERS. But received from Rochestek -A fine by Er- lot perss at the Exchange, je1 MYRON COZZENS. ICE CREAMERY OPENED. -MOULD season.

SONg have opened their Ice Creamery for the ery variety of flavor kept constantly on hand. Parties Families and indiyiduals supplied on the shortest, noIce. my20-tf SPRING GOODS. FRENCH CO. NO.

91 SUPERIOR STREET, HAVE A LARGE AND DESIRABLE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Fecling confident thatonr facilities for purchasing our Goods are such that we can offer then at the lowest market prices, we would respectfully call the attention of all wishing to purchase. wy21 several young inen to whom an opportunity will be given of making froin 81 to £3 per day, to canvass the city and vicinity for new and popular publications those experienced be preferred -reference required: for particulars enquire at 40 W'aipr-Ri. upar the Mansion House. between 7 and A.

or 12 and 12 P. M. C. D. WHITE.

Ag't for E. Edwards Co. Cine This morning, a pocket book. together containing with a L' note given by Charles Pelle for wood: some other papers, and 844 in money. 1 think there were some four $3 bills; some three or four 83 bills, and the rest tn small bills.

Supposed to have been dropped in Superior street. Whoever finds the same and will return it to this office. or to the abbscriter will be well rewarded. A. A.

JEWETT. -A Ladies Collar and Breast-pin Tho on finder Superior will street below Dunham House. please leave it at this office, or at the Dunham Honse. June loth-dif Journeymen l'ainters, at Painter's Association over S. Allen's Brass Foundary on Vineyard- st.

je17 1w WANTED 30 situation vear-ofa*ge: as one Gardner, who by a understands singlo his business in all its various branches, would have no objection to taking care of a horse or making himself generally useful. Can have a strong recommendation from the place he has just left. Please apply to W. A. of this Ottice jel7-diw HURRAH FOR THE BARBICUE.

Up With the ND out with the Thunder! The Grand Jubilee of A our National Independence will be celebrated by the citizens of Cleveland and vicinity as in the good old days of yore. I. A. ISAACS is prepared for the glorious Occasi.a Ile has now on hand 10,000 Linen Coats of all qualtiies and descriptions. 5,000 pair of white Linen Pants, aud all other colors.

16,300 veals to suit every body.And at least 100,000 garments of every kind and variety, which will be sold for cash a little less than over. All those whose patriotism will allow them 10 purchase New Clothing, will get Great Bargains At ISAACA, ISAAC'S Cheap and Fashionable Clothing Establishment, No. 24 Superior Lane, 3d door from Union-st. Cleveland Ohio, June 15th-tith Iron Chest Burning at Philadelphia, AT 1851, trial four in a Safes Furnace were at placed intibe Philadelphia, Furnace, May bear- Ev- 8th. lug the following names viz: W'ilder's Salamander, ans Watson's.

Oliver Evans and L. Shaninger. A large quantity of charcoal, resin and pire wood was placed around each safe, and the four subjected to an intcure heat. At 3 P. the other Safes were removed, leaving the Wilder's Salamander inside.

The furnace was then replenished with fresh fuel, and at 5 the cmhers were removeu, and the safe allowed 10 cool. At? the sales were opened and the coutents of the three were reduced to charcoal. Bco*ks and papers had been placed in each, and on opening the Wilder's Patent the contents were found in good order: in fact there VAS not the least appearance of the action of fire, except that fome of the papers were slightly slained by steam. See certificates of Messrs, Sanford, Perot Godley, du possesion of the agents. A large assortment of Patent Salamandhr Chesis, manutactured by Roff, Sieains succersorg 10 U.

Rich Co. For saie by jet MORLEY REYNOLDS. CON and 2 o'clock P. Between the on the hours 30th of day of June, 1851, at the l1 mile lock in the towpship of Indedendence, I shall public vendue the foliowing property, to wit: The eanal boat and furniture, taken on a warrant of seizure 10 satisfy an execution against said boat in favor of Abraham Ulyatt. WM.

GREENE, Gonstable. Independence, June 12, 1651-jc14 GIFT CONCERT. THE Subeeriber would respectfully inform the citizel8 of Cleveland and the adjoining towns, that he will give a A GRAND GIFT CONCERT. ou which occasion, there will be distributed to the audience Fifty Magnificent and Costly Presents Among which arc FIVE SPLENDID PIANO- -FORTES, varying in price from $273 to 150 each. 'There instrumento are from the best manufacturers in the country, and are all warranted.

Also, a number of valuable Guitars, Violins, Flutes, and a variety of other valuable Aud costly articles. 17 The Concert will take place at an early date, full particulars of which will I hit reafter announced. The best available talent wlil be rugaged, and every eflort wil be made to bare it the most auractive performance of the season. Tickets entitling the purchaser to admission to the Concert, and chance of receiving one of the above splendid presents, 83 cuch. Any person remitting $3 to the subscriber will receive their tickets by return of mail.

(my 30) J. STACEY, 35 Superior st. JUST RECEIVED Hyson Tea; 10 do Imperial Tea: 10 do Gunpowder Tea: 20 Catttes green and black Tea; 10 half Chests superior black Tea; 10 bids New Orleans Sugar; 5 bbls Porlo Rico do, 10 ('rushed 10 Powdered do 10 Cottec do 20 tags Prime Rio. Coffee; 10 Java do; 10 Laguira do 20 boxes pulverized Saleratus; 10 bbls. Winter Strained Lard Oil; 20 boxes Swearnine Candles; all of which we offer at wholesale or retail.

WV. BEAUMONT niy16 37 Ontario street, opposite the Market. J. F. BORGES, just received a full and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which have been SPlected with great care, and to which he would call the attention of his friends and public generally.

In Ready made Clothing and Gentlemens Furnishing, I have always A full as-orument. Thankful for past palronage, I bope by giving my entire attention to the wants of my customers to receive the continued support of the city and its vicinity. Don't forget the old well known stand at the cor DAT of Superior Lane and River street. myl1 LATLE MOUNFAIN HOUSE. THE Subscriber would again call the nitention of his friends and patrons to the Littdlo Mountain Housee.

He will be glad to see and entertain viritors either permauent or transient. To those who have never been there he would, "come and see the wildest and inost ro mantic spot in Ohio." day and Saturday at 8 A. commencing the 24th A carriage will leave the Weddell House every Tuesreturning Monday and Friday, and cliener and earlier it required. l'eraons, by leaving their names and residenccs. will be called for.

JOHN REYNOLD3. Lirtle Mountain House, June New Wholesale Book -Store. ESSRS. M. F.

TOOKER open on Monday Juve 23. al their new Store, 102 Stock of BOOKS cmbracing the leading Books in Literature generally. Also a complete assorument of STATIONARY. This Stock was purchased in the Eastern Cites direct from the Manufacturers and Importers for CASI, and will be offered for sale at New York prices for CASIT.The Senior Partner having been engaged for a number of years with Wholesale Dealers and l'ublishers, and after an experience of seven yeare, feels that be will give entire satisfaction in goods and prices. A call is solicited.

jc17-5t entire satisfaction in goods and prices. A call is solicited. jc17-5t CHICKERING'S PIANO FORTES. A 64 NOTHER octave, carved ARRIVAL of mouldings, those received Splendid this Instruments morning at BRAINARI'S. jc17 No.

17 Superior-st. Celebrated Guitare," A just at Tech few of "Martin's ic1? BRAINARD'S. deon, the geuuine article, new just supply of received Prince's by MeloS. BRAINARD, Sole Agent, Jel7 17 Superior-st. R' ish ICH and FANCY Bridal Fans, Shell and Buffalo Glasses, Combs, Span- from 81 to $15; China Vases, Port Mormaies, and a large assortment beautiful goods at (jel7) BRAINARD'S.

jal7 Under the Post Office. $20,000 PLANK GARRETT ROAD TO STOCK. I BRIGGS, For sale by DRENCH LETTER AND NOTE PAPER.Envelopes variety Fancy Sta ionary at wholesale and Retail, at jel7 BRAINARD'S. GENE American Lady, Or for the sale Ilistory of a Portrait, by all jel? M. C.

YOUNGLOVE, CO. THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. -Together the Exhibition Supplement of May 24th, received this morning by jel7 M. C. YOUNGLOVE CO.

charge SACKS. waking and the lev Bagging thousand, at cost. good -No je17 T.H. BEST. cases just rec'd, T.

cheap I. at BEST'S. SPIKING STYLE OF HATS. G. MACK has just received the New Spring Style Sof Hats for 51.

Friends and customers please call and see them Cleveland, March 24, 1851. COLUMBUS AND XENIA RAIL ROAD. A SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 1851. after June 4, until further notice, passenger EXPRESS taaius will TRAIN run AR Leaves Columbus daily (Sundays and follows: arrive at Xencia 7 40 P. M.

Recepted) at 5 30 P.M., Xenia al 6 33 A. arrive at Columbus turning, leaves This is the through Express Train beal tween 10 40 A. Cincinnati and Cleveland on which passengers will meet with ACCOMMODATION no delay TRAIN- any point. Columbus daily 5 (NE 10 A.M.. arrivea at Xenia at 7 33 A.M.

(connectat the Little Miami which aring river with a train Cincinnati on at 11 20 A.M.) Returning' leaves 111 of the Train from Cincinnati at 6 5 M. reach Coiumbus at 8 30 P. M. Xenia on the arrival by this Train going either to the Cleveland next mor- or Cincinnau, Passengers sleep at Columbus aud resume ning. Coaches leave Columnhus daily for Lancaster.

Chilicoand Wheeling on the arrival of the. Newark, Zanesville, Care. Pierce's Line of Stages run between Xenia and Dayton in connection with both trains of cars, Tickets may be had at the office of the Ohio Stage in Columbus. IT The company will not be responsible for Baggage exceeding $50 worth unless by special MEOBUKY, agreement. Sup't.

jel3-tr S. LAKE ONTARIO LINE. 1851. 579 Ontario and St. Lawrence Sicambout Co.

EXPRESS MAIL LINES OF STEAMERS, And Raii Roads from Bufalo to Montreal and Boston, via Luke Ontario and River St. Lawrence and Northern Rail Roade, and from Bufalo to Albany, Troy and New York via Niagara Falls, Oswego and Syracurc. EXPKEM8 LINK, DIRECT. CATARACT. Capt.

Chapman, NIAGARA, Capt Kilby. From Buffalo and Niagara Falls to Montreal and ton. 'This line leaver Lewiston (Sundays excepted) at 12 o'clock at noon. direet for Montreal and Hoslou. Passengers leaving Buffalo at 0 A.

or the Falls at A.M., reach Ogdensburgh at 6 o'clock next mor -Montreal at 3. P. same day, and Bortou next day at noon. CNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NORTIENER, Capt.

Chilu: ONTARIO, Capt. Throop STATE, Cap. l.edvard: leaves Lewiston daily, (Sundays excepted) at 4 P. M. touching at Rochester.

Oswego, Sackett's Harbor, Kingston, Ogdeneburgh and Montreal. This Line connects with the Railroad at Oswego for Syracusc. Albany, Troy, New York, Builalo, Niagara Falls and Lewiston Railroads. I l'assengerss by this line can at 24 leave P. M.

Buffalo and at 9 A. connect and 124 and Niagara Folls with the Boats. will arrive at Albauy the next afternoon in time for the Icaring Niagara Falls in the afurnoon boats for New York and the eastern care for Boston. P'assengers will also arrive at Montreal in time for the Sicamners for (luebec. 1 Passengers taking either of the above lines reach Montreal 24 bours ahead of thore going round by Toronto and the Canada Line starting at the sale time, cud pose the Thousand Islands and all the Rapids in the St.

Lawrence by daylight. D. H. HAWES, Receiver. Am No.

3 Western Hotel Block, Buifalo. NEW YORK ERIE RAIL ROAD. NO N' the Erie ROUTE Rail TE to A Road. New York connecting City, via: with Dunkirk firet clara and steamers on lake Erie; Michigan; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati; Cleveland Pittsburgh: and Sandusky Rail Roads, and steamers on the Ohio and Mi-oissippi Rivers, and the Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania Ca nals. first Express Passenger Train Icaves Dunkirk at 6 o'clock A.

M. 'The second (Mail) 'Train leaves at 9 o'clock A.M. The third Express Passenger, Train leaves Dunkirk at 60'clock P. M. Trains leave New York at the same time.

The Express Freight and Cattle Train leaves Dunkirk at 4 o'clock A. M. daily; a parsenger car is attached 10 this Train to accommodate Way Passengers and Droverg. Fare from Dunkirk to New York $8. Secondclass prices will be given in a few days, They are prepared to transport live-stock and freight to and from New York.

Partiular attention given to Stock, the gauge being 0 feet wide, gives this route great advantages the narrow ganged Rail Roads in the transportation of Stock. Additional Trains will be put in commission in 8 very short time. Freight Taritis will he distributed, giving full particulars in regard to the prices of freight, as soon as they can prepared. CHAS. MINOT, Sup't.

NOTTINGHAN, Ag't Dunkirk. my26tf long and short French Lace Mute, a fret rate a at B. L. SPANGLER, jc11 47 Weddell Ilouse. LA pretty patterns of mourning at 47 Weddell louse.

jel4 B. L. SPANGLER. MA MANUFACTURER OF BOYLE. ALCOHOL, Pure Spirits, Domestic Liquors.

and Corper Distiled Whisky; between Broadway and Sycamore, Cincinnati. Having adopted the most approved methods of Distill. ing and Manufacturing LiquorE, ag practiced by the best Castern Distillers, I can safely recommend them as equal to any in the United States. Orders filled promptly and on reasonable terios. je5-dly NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE.

94 Main street. B. dive DUNN, GROCERY lately from and the East. PROVISION has opened Sire, an 01 exten- Main street, where may be found at all times a general assortment of all Family Luxuries or neee-sarice in the Provision Line. He is prepared to pay CASH for all kinds of grain at the highest market price.

jell NEW Receired L. this SPANGLER. day. jell No. 47 Weddell House.

good ESEITF assortinent. SILKS--And B. L. black SPANGLER. lace edgings, a jell 47 Weddell House.

Three Gentlemen can be dated with board and pleasant rooms, also 4 or 5 day boarders. Apply to 47 next door to the Mansion House. my'20 SARDINES. --6 cases (ju5) Sardines, in C. A.

whole A 'and HAYES. half ENGLISH MUSTAILD--IN cans GLASS. of 1, 3. 6 and 10 ib6. each.

(ju3) C. A. HAYES. UCKNOW -A A delicious article for flavoring Soup. (jus) C.

A. HAYLS. 5 CASES anchovies in cach Olive,) 3 just cases rec'd Olives, and for (capers sale and by jui C. A. HAYES.

10 0 doz. 1 gall. Pickles, in glass jars. 10 Rec'd and for sale by (ju5) C. A.

HAYES. and about these days. TESTING. --100 pieces to be jelG T. H.

BEST. BLACK few pieces just rec'd at No. 78 je10 T. H. BEST.

ATE at Another (jo16) lot of those NO. cheapand 18. AND WOOL -Chice, fine. light and heavy, a new article at jc16 T. H.

BEST. BELAGE DE' (je16) case selling NO. at half DURKED'S BAKING POW DERO An article to Soda and Cream Tartar, or any thing else, for baking: Durkee's Baking Powder, For easily making Bread, Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Pastry, better, whiter, lighter and much quicker, than can possibly be mace by any other procesu. For sale by all the principal Grocers in the city. GEO.

W. WYLIE. General Agent, Where the article can be had by the gross, dozen or singic package. ap10 Sharis at W. Warren's, 45 WEDDELL HOUSE.

B' crape scarlet, shawls. white, black, corn and rose colored Blue. Green, scarlet, drab and black Thibet shanls. black and colored silk shawls. Small figured carhmere shawls (palm leaf figure.) Bracha long and square shawls.

Black and colored sewing silk shawls. Black and colored de Inine shawia. Embroidered Thibet Scarlet, blue and drab cheap summer shawls--a good assortment je3 Ladies' Dress Goods at W. Warren's. BERAGE DE brown, LAINE, green and Mouseline narrow de plai.

Laines, black, silk, dark brown and pink, checked china silk; watered poplins, plain black silks, rich lustre. handsome ginghams and Freuch print, Jaws, muslins and French jaconete. dark brown figured muslins, sinall check de laines, bright colors for children. je3 JOHN H. P'ALMER.

LAND HOUSE AND GENERAL COMMIESION AGENT Hanco*ck Block, corner Superior and Sene9 strects. J. I. Palmer begs to inform the citizens of Cleveland and the surrounding country, that he has opened the above office, where he will devote his entire attention to buying and selling lands: buying selling renting houser, negotiating loane, collecting rents and debts, and exccuting puhlic writings of every description -and in connectiou with the above, he proposes keeping a registry for employers and employees for clerke, mechanics, domestic day laborers, All business envusted to his care, will be promptly attended to; the strictest confidence in private matter maintained, and reference to character given when 1c- quired. (my'26) JOHN H.

PALMER. GO as to be SPECTACLES haroly visable, -Some at FO light and jel3 COWLES NEW BOOKSTORE. SMITH, KNIGHT BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS. N. 59 Superior street, Cleveland.


B. BOUTON, Associate Editor. WEDNESDAY, JUNT: 18, 1851. This papor has tho largest Daily, Wcekly and Tri- Weekly circulation of any paper published in this City or in Northorn Ohio. Reception of Engine Company No.

6, of Buifalo. ORDER OF THE DAY. Thursday June 19th. in sight the bells will ring a fire When the boat heaves when the Firemen will assemble at their respecalarm, and proceed from theuce to be tive Engine landing, the direction ofthe Chief Engineer lonecs the Buffalo Co. When the boat and Assisiante, 10 receive nears the barbor a salute of 13 gune will be tired by boat the Light Artillery from tbe bank of the Lake.

reception the procession will move up Front-st. After up Water to Lake, up Luke to Ontario, up to Water, 10 Engine House No. 0, to deposite the Engine of Co. No. of Buffalo.

From thence 10 and Ontario down Superior -st. to the New England Hotel, the head quarters of the Company. At three in the afternoon, the Firemen will assemble on the Public Equate for drill. pression in the evneing at 8 Procession will form at New England Hotel, march up Clair Superior 10 -st. Water, to up Wood, Water to Centre, and from thence down Wood to St.

Clair, down to the Theatre. Constitutional Election- Triumph o1 11:0 Cleveland Iledeemed -Tho Herald in the spunk of the people. NotWe glory withstanding the whig papers throughout the State, from the Ohio State Journal down to the Cleveland Herald, have been braying against the New Constitution and warning the people against its adoption, as a ruinous innovation upon estab. lished laws and customs; notwithstanding the Whig S.ate Central Committee issued a manifeato to all good Fillmore Whigs, calling upon them to rally iu their several Townships, Wards, on the 17th day of June, vote against the New Constitution, and at the same time appoint a train of Delegates to the great Balloon Convention, at Columbus, on the 4th of July; notwithstanding all this extraordinary effort to get out the people and vote down the Constitution, it has carried most triumphantly, and for the people, most gloriously. This city, alone, has given it near SEVEN HUNDRED majority! leaving the Herald and Fillmore Guard, or those who voted against it, trov hundred and eighty strong.

We should advise the Administration at ouce to withdraw its forces from the field, if this is the best stand it can make agaiust the Progressives. JOHN TYLER and his little Guard numbered in this city, more and better fighting men. The Democracy of this city do not claim all the glory of this victory. The Free Soil Party, all except the bogus portion, marched up in solid phalanx and vindicated their claims a8 "progressives," by voting for the New Coustitation. We are happy to learn that this was the case in Ohio City, where they out-number either of the old parties, and have given 8 thumping majority for the new order of thinge.

Throughout the State we hear but one response. The people have resolved to resume the power which has been elealing away from them little by little for the last fifty years, and will now excuse poJitical demagogues, licensed monopolists and charter mongers, generally, from any further care in governing men or guiding the State. Let every true hearted Republican rejoice at this eveut. A political millenium is at hand -the days of the "privileged orders" are numbered, and incorporated wealth shall no longer lord it over labor and say, is in accordance with our charter." Let the Democracy, the real lovers of Equal Rights. in whatever party they may be found, take courage.

There is one step more to secure the full fruition of this triumph; and that elect under the New Constitution such State of. Scers as are known to be in favor of its progressive principles, and secure such a Legislature as will give it a right and strict construction, and who will put the new government in motion in accordance with the dictates of the people. This is what is wanted now, and let every friend of the New Constitution be up and doing. Our Telegraph column leaves no doubt of the triumphant adoption of the Coustitution and the No Licenso clause. Glory enough for one-half century! Voto in Cleveland on the Now Constitution.

FIRST WARD. Constitution, Yes.273 License, do No. 75 do ..103 .....198 .....115 SECOND Constitution, Yes.272 License, do No. 99 151 ..173 65 THIRD WARD, Constitution, Yes.245 Lic. nee.

do No. 56 do Maj. ...189 Maj. Fourth WARD. Constitation, Yes.157 License, 134 do do 65 94 Maj.

G9 Total majority for Constitution in city, 654. RETURNS FROM THE COUNTY. Strongsville-Maj. for 36; No License, 20 ddlebury-Maj. for Constitution, 45.

Parma- Maj. for Constitution, 40. Rock port- Maj. for Constitution, 80. Independence--Maajority for Constitution 57; against license 34.

Brooklyn Township (including Ohio City,) for the Constituti 333; against it 83: inajority for it 250. No License 314; for do 126; against license 288. Zanesville majority against the New Constitution, in the city, 220. Mt. Vernon Township, majority againet the Coustitution, 105.

Granville majority against Constitution, 60. Belleville majority for Constitution, 192. Manefield majority for Conetitution 34. Liverpool, Medina 260, or about every voter for the New Constitution. Northfield, Summit Co, 40 majority for it.

A Fizzle. Yestorday was the day appointed by the Fillmore whig party to delegates to the Bal. loon State Convention. 'The farc3 was carried out in one of the Wards of this city. Thus, Two Fillmore Whigs, all that could be found on the spot at any one time, resolved themselves into a meeting -one was Chairman, the other Secretary.

On motion of the Secretary, the Chairman appointed two delegates to the State Convention, and their names and particulars of the meeting will soon appoar in the Herald, as large as life. For particulars, see small Bill. Ohio Teacher. We have just received the last No. of the Ohio Teacher.

-The editor is as spicy and ener. gatic as evor. The journal will be issued twice every month at the advanco rate of $1 7 year. existing between under the AMITH. of E.

G. KNIGHT The Copartnerahip heretofore A. MORRISON, name SMITH, KNIGHT is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. I.

SMITH. Dated Cleveland, March 1, 1351. ALEX. MORRISON. KNIGHT.

Notice of Copartnorship-ARORA BUTTLES, having purchased KNIGHT the interest of Alex. Morrison, in the firm of SMITH, business, will t.e carried In the Bookselling and Stationery under- on as heretofore at the old stand and of KNIGHT Co. HI. L. J.

KNIGHT, A. BUTTLES. Dated Cleveland. March 1, 1F51. ap12 ROOKS FOR THE CARPET Charles Driondack, Lamb's by Playful Headley Letters: Romance Dust, Hawthorne's by Mayo; of Seven Gables and Reverics: Twice Told Dana's Tales: Voyage up the louse Nile; Bachelor's Works: Willis' Stories: Second Love: Wide Wide World; Allen Locke: Maunal of Fine Arta: Tupper's Prose and Poetical Works; De Quincy's Writings; Rejected Ad.

drearss; and a great munber of other Books that will make good companions at home or abroad. For sale by je? SMITH, KNIGHT CO. WOULD IS FULL OF POETRY.Poemns, Saxe's Mrs. Browning Mias Could'a Motherwell Holines', 8. Sprague's, Bryant's, Sigourney's, Halleck'.

(by Bai ley.) besides all the British Poets from Shakepeare dow -indefinitcly. For sale by je2 SMITH. KNIGHT CO. TREASUREED, collected and arrangad From faby Caroline May; for sale by (my31) SMITH, KNIGHT CO. ROUND THE principal events of the varralive of the U.

S. Exploring Expedition; in one volume. illustrated by 174 engravings on wood. Charles Wilkes, U. B.

deceived and for sale by. my'31 AMITI, KNIGHT CO. TiEs Sketches of Traditional the Ojibway History Nation. and By J. Copway For sale by (my31) SMITH, KNIGUT (O.

TRAVELS IN Portry of Pope. Two lectures delivered to Leeds Mechanic's Instituionend Literary Society, Dec. 5th and Gth. by the Right Honorable the Farl of Carlisle, at my31 SMITH, KNIGHT CO. in and other -Ger: poems Idine.

by Martin F. Tup- A per. D. C. L.

For sale by my31 SMITH, KNIGHT A Probabilities. Anthor's By M. F. Tupper. Miscellaneous by Ferays, iny31 SMITH.

KNIGHT CO. HISTORY of destruction of GREECE-From Corinth. B. C. the 116, carliest mainof David'e Leonhard Echmitz, F.

R. S. F. For ly based upon manor Connoss Thirlwall. D.

Bishon sale by (my 27) SMITH, KNIGHT CO. THE live GOLD the author WORSHIPPERS, of White Friars: Or fust the days rec'd and for sale at (my27) SMITH, KNIGHT CO. DHILOSOPHY OF from the ('ours l'hilosophie, positive of Auguste Cornte, by U. Gillespie. For sale by my27 SMITH, KNIGHT CO.

N. Y. Erie Rail Road Guide Book, for sale by (my27) SMITh. KNIGHT CO. OF STEEL.Containing the practice and principles of working and making Steel.

A hand book for Blacksmiins, and workers iu Steel and Iron, by Frederick Overman For sale by SMITH, KNIGHT CO. EMS, by Barry SONGS, AND OTHER and SMALL enlarged PO. edition, for sale at (my27) SMITH, KNIGHT Co. RUGBY'S HUSBAND -and other tales of Alabama, by the author of Adventures of Simon Suggs," with original designs. For sale my 27 SMITH, KNIGHT Co.

OFTHE TELEGRAPH. -For sale at SMITH, KNIGHT THE S'. LITARY OF JUAN FERNANI or the Real Robinson Crusoe, by the author of Picciola. Translated from the french by Anne 'T Wilbur. For sale by my27 SMITH.

KNIGHT Co. DE Or Papal Rome, WITH her Priests and THEINQUISITION. her Jesuites.with important disclosures by the Rev. Guiacinto Achille D. for sale at SMITH, KNIGHT CO.

SHE WIND'S SISTER -Or the Forbidden Marriage. A novel Mrs. by SMITH, KNIGHT Co. new supply rea'd by SMITII, KNIGHT CO. WHIP AND -In Madeira.

Lisbon and the Meditterrancan. By Rev. Walter Colton, state of the U. S. Navy' for sale at wyN SMITH.

KNIGHT CO. Seminary for Young LadicS. No. St. CLAIR STREET.

Ladies of Cleveland and neighborhood that tireir and Miss DICKINSON in announcing to the will Seminary connnue for the open board during and the education at of the young same ladies time return their most eincere thanks to their numerous friends who have intere-ted themselves in their behalf. also to those who have entrusted their chiidren to their care-They infer from the liberal patronage they have received that their anxious have been appreciated. and assure them that everytbing iu their power shall be done 10 give satisfaction. jei Stacey's Ice-Creamry. THE undersigned takes great pleasure 10 announcing to him friends and the public generatly that he has Aued up fo- the accommodation of LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the rear of his store, a MAGNIFICENT ICECREAMRY.

The room is elegantly furnished and not surpassed by auy room west of New York tor beauty and comfort. Every kind of flavored cream kept constantly on hand or made to order for partics or individuals This room is especially adapted for the convenience of ladies while shopping to rest a few minutes. The room will be open from 8A. M. to 11 P.

persons visiting concertsor any evening cutertianment, who wish for ice Cream, will be sure to fud us open and prepared to wait upon them. STRAWBERRIES AND CEEAM will be furnished during the scason every evening. Entrance through STACEY'S Fancy Store, 35 Superior-st. jP18 Red Lead. Venetian Red, Fr'ch Yellow.

Chrome Yellow. Chroine Green. light and dark, Vandyke a Brown, Umbre, Paris Gine, China Blur, Ultra Marean Blue. Paris Green, Verdigris, pure. Tyra D'Scene, Spanish White, Fire proof paint, Dross Laque, Linseed Oil, Varnich, Glass and putty, just rec'u and for sale by STREATOR THRALL.

je13 105 Superior ettcet. and sold very low by DOCKET A good assortment je13 M. YOUNGLOVE CO. THE Scriptural HARMONY Illustrations of OF the Apocalypse, by Rev. Alexander Keith, at jel3 M.

C. YOUNGLOVE CO'S. A daries MAD counties OF and townships, Showing ail the boun- Railroads both completed and in progress. jel3 M. C.

YOUNGLOVE CO. BEAUTIFUL can WATCHES- show same Received finest this Swiss day. workmanship ever brought to th's markat; repeating ancres, fine evamelded atches for ladies, and another lot of low priced gold watches. jel3 COWLES ALBERTSON. GUFF PINS.

-Somejet, and an of gold ones-uew patterns and new prices. just opened by je13 COWLES ALBERTSON. Coat, VAst And Panty makers; noDe but the best need apply. GRISWOLD CO. jel? 62 Superior street.

2,000 Sheep kins: by green called Spanish; je12 BRNTENAHL BROTHERS. our counter a roll of Bank Notes which theowner can have by paying for advertising. jel2 MURFEY LATUAM. kinds at je6 B. L.

SPANGLER. AIRY SALT. (jell) 3,000 sacks in good R. T. order orgale Saleratus in barrels and haif barrels for sale COMMISSION.

jel0 R. T. LYON. 30 order BELS. for abpping, FRESH for sale by -packed in good je10 R.

T. LYON. FOR SALE --50 feet front ou the Caval and River just above the Stone Dill of Mcesrs Hutchinson, Apply to jet A. SANFORD. JEW AND new style of don Shades, just come out, can be found al 45 American House, Also some marble slabs and table tops.

(je13) D. JONES. TWINE. --10 bales just received by my31 E. W.

PALMER. BELS. SAUSAGE -A nice arti10 cle for sale by (jel2) J. J. ROSS.

This is to warn all persons not to trust harbor my wife Mary King an she has left my bed and board without any just caureor provocation, and will not pay any debts of ber contracting after this date June 13: MICHAEL KING. large quantity--Green and Sale by (je2) STREATOR THRALL. -Green, at (je2) STREATUR THRALL. Rio, Laguaqua, Java -old Java SEALS, Rings, Chains. Chattelaina, ALBERTSON.

Ear-rings, (Je16) COWLES.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.