The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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LEE NORTH ADAMS will open here THOMPSONVILLE DALTON IXDIAN ORCHARD MONTEREY WEST BROOKIELD CHEER UP WITH CHELMSORD word coming lowed by requiem high mass at St The New CEERYSLER SIX 0 actory and Up 1 '1 SUIELD MR COMMERCIAL TRAVELER 1 LENOX of Chic 4 WWW A chairman of committee also Lee of assisted in alr 21 by VVurren 1 Underwood Charles Itondatrand rank lrtlon chapel Holyoki Burial will be in cemetery this city LILLIAN LARUSSA WEDS EDWARD AMBROSINL JR Dalton Sept 1 A marker erected at the Grace place in the Renfrew district bears this inscription: "Oldest house in Dalton In this house when the residence of Capt Alijah Barks the Congregational society of Dalton was formed eby 16 The local public schools will open for the fall term tomorrow morning i PIONEER MOTORMANM BRADLEY DIES 7 COUPLE OUNDIN WOODS ACCUSED LEWDNESS DR BROWN SPEAKS AT VERMONT PROGRAM with an organ prelude at Marion Smith of the church will officiate will be in Easton Pa ilv 15 years ago was a sister of Rev Stanislaus ederkiewicz celebrated nuptial high mass The bride was attended by Carmela and the best was Michael Leone The bride MRS CHESTER BLISS DIES IN CALIORNIA SW5 VACATIONISTS RETURN IN DROVES ON HOLIDAYX HOLIDAY WEEK END BUSINESS ONLY AIR avenue Besides the daughter Airs brothers Wilhelm in Germany a former resident of this city was made manager of the patent depart ment of the Westinghouse company at East Pittsburg about a year ago The funeral will be held At the Dickinson Streeter parlors tomorrow at 2 preceded by an organ prelude at 130 Burial arrangements will be announced later Local Notices for rntf $1 week Call opee RALPH BALDWIN MARRIED VERMONT congressional county and senatorial district conventions the Republican town will be elected The public schools on Tuesday the Sth HR PIERSON HARDWARE COMPANY HEAD EXPIRES HURLBUT MILL TO REOPEN NEXT WEEK OTTO A ESCHOLZ 69 ORMER BAKER DEAD Otto Andreas Escholz 69 of 93 Park street died at his home yesterday morning after a lingering illness He was born at Hecklingen Ger coming to this country in 1885 He engaged in the bakery business at South Had ley for some time locating in Spring field about 1900 Tie operated his own bakery on Worthington street for many years retiring from active lr several years ago cholz was an active member of the Turnverein and other German uneral Directors Personal Service Harold Lamont son of Mr and hire James Lamont is spending his vacation in Georgia xand other places iri the South' Thomas Arcadapane and Charles iore were arrested last night after an altercation on "Pleasant street Both were covered with blood and two of Arcadapane' figners were badly bitten In the fight a large plate glass window was broken in a store on Pleasant street Both were held under bonds of $100 for trial in town court tomorrow morning A ord car by Clarence ische of Rockville stolen from in front of the ranklin theater last night was recovered this morning at Indian Orchard The first game in the playoff senes between the winners of the three rounds in the Bigelow Sanford indus trial baseball league will be played to morrow evening on the North Main street groufids between the Axmlnster and Jacquard teams The winner will play the Shipping department team riday evening Nine innings will be played in the playoffs Daury retz at Notre Dame Miss Doris Daury daughter of Mr and Mrs rank Daury of 99 Eagle street was married to Paul A rfz son of Mr and Mrs Andrew retz of 9t Brombach street at Notre Dame churclr this morning at 9 Rev Levi Achim officiated and Mr and Mrs Albert A Daury were the attendants Renovatioji of Plant Nearly inished About 60 Men to Be Employed Lee Sept The HurfBut Paper company mill at South Lee may open on regular schedule by next week it has been stated authoritatively by an official of the company Constructive work and renovation are nearly com plete selection of the prospective per sonnel has been made and the com pany officials are highly pleased with progress to date A high grade of writing paper will be the product of the mill now in charge of the reorganized Hurlbut company formed in March Previously the mill had been Idle for 10 years The two macnines of the mill have been rebuilt And installed in a new machine room Office quarters are in the same location as before on the second floor but have been rearranged ahd improved' General repairs and 'renovations have been conducted Elec tric power will augment the direct water power and besides a motor generator power will be furnished by the Western Massachusetts companies High tension wiring on steel poles extending through South Lee over the old high tension route has been com pleted and the wires after through the control depot just outside the mill enter the building by way of an underground cable The elec trical installation was made by tfce Collins Electrical company of Spring field A filter plant is being constructed of brick on a site on the opposite side of railroad tracks from the mill The Phillips Construction company of Westfield is in charge of the work This building will be needed ex cept in the spring and fall of the year and the fact that it is not nearing completion will not hold up the early opening of the mill Employes of the New York New Haven Hartford railroad are this assisting in placing the filter pipes beneath the rails About 60 men will be employed when the mill opens Most of them have been selected In active charge as elected at the reorganization meeting in March will be rank? Juckett the president who is also president of the Old Colony Envelope company of Westfield With him will be his son Walter Juckett Joslyn for merly production manager of the Old Colony Envelope company will be treasurer There will be no superin tendent in the new organization The master mechanic is Harry A Vorn formerly of Westfield Many of the THE Ralph MacKernan of Danc'ng frts and Casey Howard School of Tapology ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 1930 31 SEASON MON SEPT Classes in All Type of Dancing Registration September 2nd to 8th from 12 Noon to 5 274 Worthington St Tel 6 9067 societies He also was a member of Hampden lodge of Masons He leaves besides his widow Agus ta Louise Wollman a daughter Airs Adrian Rotter of this city: one son Otto Herman Escholz of Pittsburg Ta and grandchildren also two Herman or warworn ana His son Otto Carnival Plans Suffield Sept 1 The annual volun teer firemen's carnival will be held this wfek and promises to bA a gala event Plans have been made on a much larger scale than previously The event will again bt held at the park at the center On Thursday eve ning the opening night 'a street parade has been arranged and visit ing fire companies With apparatus have been invited to attend The parade will be held at 630 and fol lowing it the official opening of the carnival will be held On each of the three nights entertainments various' kinds will: be furnished There will be band concerts music for dancing and a large number of booth attractions The firemen will again give away this year an auto mobile Republican caucus will be held in the town hall Thursday evening 730 to elect delegates to the state Besides the daughter Mrs Coogan Mr Peirson leaves two grandchildren one sister Airs William oote of Buel street three brothers Joseph and rank of this city and Wil liam Peirson of Poughkeepsie Alonterey Sept 1 Air Airs Isaac Harmon and daughter Marjorie of Pittsfield have been spending a two vacation at Harmons Air and Mrs Charles Titus and some friends of Newburg spent the week end and Labor day with the Misses Emma and Elizabeth Everett at Laurel lodge Work on the new library Is now fairly under way Richard Bidwell has the contract The village school opens the fall term on Wednesday instead of Tues day The observance of old home day is stft for ridA the 12tb Orlando Thomson of Maplewood has recently been in Monterey He was on his way home from attend ance at the annual reunion of the Bosworth family in Ohio orty five guests sat dowrtothe reunion dinner Mr mother was a Bos worth He and an old friend and roommate at South Berkshire insti tute made a trip to the Lyman Bos worth place at West Otis where Mr Thomson secured several snapshots After a dinner at the Tryon tea room they over New Marlboro to take a last look at No 6 and the fa mous old buildingwhlch is slowly be ing razed The Monterey Sunday school and Its friends held a most enjoyable picnic at Gibson's grove last Thursday Aliss man wore a gown of white satin with full length tulle veil' caught with orange blos soms and With Aladonna style cap She carried a shower of gardenia and Illy of the valley The bridemaid wore orchid with hat to match and carried pink roses The reception and breakfast were held at Recreation hall and were at tended by nearly 30 guests The fes tivities were' continued this evening with dancing the Crescent Melodians playing The couple received many gifts The gift to her maid was a pearl rosary and the groom present ed white gold cuff links to hia best man The couple left at 10 tonight on their wedding trip to Atlantic City They will live on Church street The groom is a Main street busi ness man and the bride Is a graduate of the local schools Guests were present from' Boston Hartford New York Waterbury New Britain and Pittsfield When the day is hotter than hot City Councilman Discusses at Town Anniversary North Adams Sept 1 Dr Brown1 member of the city gave one of the principal addresses today at Whitingham "Vt where several hundred persons gathered to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the organization held on the common at the town center Choosing as his topic Dr Brown a native of that section dwelt on the natural beauties of the location and urged inhabitants to encourage conservation of woodlands and make the most of the com history The program started this morning with a concert by the Shelburne alls band followed by a flag raising cere mony conducted by the American Le gion Paul A Chase of Ludlow and Brattleboro Vt gave the morning address at the dedication and unveil ing of a marker James Taylor of Rutland Vt secretary of the Ver mont Chamber of Commerce also spoke This program included short speeches by former residents and a historical address by Prof Edgar Brown of St Johnsbury Vt An old fashioned dance at North River hal) Jacksonville Vt closed the program PITTSIELD Poor Day City Resumes Normal State Today Holyoke Sept 1 Home again! Long lifie of automobiles from the north and the South streamed over the amtpon highway all day today and into the night freighted with lug gage rom all directions too? per sons returning from mountain' lake and seashore came back to their Hol yoke homes It was a bad time for and the few that tried it had poor luck Tomorrow schools open the water is again In the canals the city and other offices open and the stores throw open their doors Vacation is over the begins again The rail roads through Holyoke carried extra cars today? Even the moribund trolly systems in and about the city were busy last night and tonight with re turning vacationists Widow of ormer President of Chapin National Bank Was Prominent in Social Life Here for Years Mrs Chester Bliss for many years prominent in the social life of this city died yesterday noon at Santa Barbara Cal with shocking suddenness to her host of friends in this section Her death followed about five years after that of her husband at one time president of the Chapin National bank and long a member of its board of directors Airs Bliss was Miss Isadore Leech of Erie Pa the daughter of Addi son and Mary Reynolds Leech Shj married Mr Bliss on June 9 1883 ollowing in the footsteps of his father William Bliss and his grand father Chester Chapin pioneer railroad man Mr Bliss had determined on railroading as his life work and was employed by theRoston Albany railroad rising to executive posts rom these he retired to enter bank ing The social prominence of the Bliss family and the ready hospitality it extended made the home on Mul berry street a center of social ac tivity Here Airs Bliss performed her duties as hostess with a grace that won to her a constantly widening cir cle of friends It was with the deep est regret that saw her leave about 15 years ago to live nt Boston A summer home was maintained at New London Ct It was but a short time ago that she bought her new residence at Santa Barbara Mrs Bliss leaves two daughters Airs Malcomb Thomas of Santa Barbara and Airs Amory Carhart of Tuxedo Park and four grandchildren Ceremony at St Adalberts ollowed by Reception At tended by 300 Thompsonville Ct Sept 1 Miss Birtha Siiansky daughter of Air and Mrs William Siiansky and Anthony Passalacqua son of Air and Mrs Paul Passlacqua were married this morn ing at St church at 9 in the presence of several hundred friends and relatives The marriage was performed by Rev Staislaus Nal awajk pastor during the illness of Rev Stanislaus ederkiewicz who Arrested After Spending Nightm Rain in Grove Neal Railroad Tracks IJttsfield Sept 1 The Outdoor life so appealed to a young couple police charge that for a week they have been living in a grove of hemlocks near the arch bridge of the New YjOrk New Haven Hartford railroad south of the Clapp playground Tonight they are at" police headquarters charged with lewd cohabitation They wefe unable to secure bail The man described himself to the police as Robert Dunn 26 single ofs75 Wil liam street East Orange a cook by trade jobless and the woman who was wearing a pair of trousers and a green sweater as Mrs Anna Kestrevic alias Baker 23 divorcee of 1304 Mayflower street Harrisbujg Pa According to information gathered by Daniel McColgan head of the police detective bureau and his asso ciates John AIcNaughfon aijd Ben jamin Horton the pair came to Pitts field three weeks ago from Chicago by the "thumb They had a room for two weeks in a Woodlelgh avenue rooming house police say but left a week ago for the hemlock grove where rent was cheaper The had one blanket and a spitcase which they used for a pillow Dunn told tla detectives that he had picked up a little moey working in gardens and on lawns in the fourth and fifth wards They han crucfe cooking uten sils which they had bought at 5 and 10 cent stores and little food mostly canned stuff After being out all last night in the rain the detectives found them this morning munching crackers' and cheese in a nearby freight car The police said they were a bedraggled couple WEST SIDE GIRL WEDS PITTSIELD RESIDENT Miss Hazel Graham daughter of Mr and Airs George GraLexm of 37 Worcester street West Springfieldbecame the bride yesterday of Elmer Roberts of East street PittsfieA son of Mr and Mrs Charles Roberts of Stockbridge The ceremony took place at the irst Baptist churth at West Springfield and was performed by Rev Lombard AIlss Erla Solland played the wedding marth Miss Mildred Graham sister of the bride was the of honor and Aliss Mary Hanna of Amsterdam cousin of the bride was the bride nlaid Willard Roberts of Stockbridge attended his brother as best man Air and Airs Roberts have gone on an Unannounced wedding trip They will be at home to their friends on October 1 at Pittsfield where Mr Rob erts Is employed by Whitney Co DENTIST HELD ATER CRASH THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 J930 Nine Bridernaids at Service at St Pat All Day Reception ollows Thompsonville Ct Sept Aliss Lillian La Russa daughter of Mr and Mirs Anthony La Russa 28 North street and Edward Ambrosinl Jr son of Mr and Mrs Edward Ambrosinl of 68 Alden avenue were married at St Patrick's church this morning at 9 The wedding was one of the most elaborate in recent years the varied coloring of the gowns worn by the nine bridernaids producing a beautiful picture as the procession marebed through the center isle of the church while the wedding march was played by Miss Dorilda Castohfeuay The groom was attended by Joseph Buddy La Russa a brother of the bride The bride and groom entered the sanctuary where the ceremony was performed by Rev Daniel O'Connor pastor The bride jvore white satin with full length tulle veil caught with pearl and rhinestone and cap with lily of the valley trimming She carried a shower bouquet of roses lily of the valley and gardenia The bridemaids Aliss Josephine Jackmore AIJss rances De Alaria Miss Lillian Manlscalchi Aliss Rose Seminara Miss Alary Alula Aliss Carrie Emanuel Miss Carmela Tall ano and the Misses Marja and Kath eirne La Vecchio wore satin gowns of green flesh color orangey ivory blue and salmon pink and carried arm bouquets of roses and lily of the val ley ollowing the marriage service a nuptial high mass was celebrated by Rev Edwin Gaffney during which Aliss Alice Liberty sang Guests were present from New York Buffalo New Jersey Naugatuck and Springfield The reception following the church services was held in the Polish hall on Churc hstreet and was continued throughout the day In the evening there was dancing with music by the Rainbow orchestra about 250 guests eblrtg present The couple received many gifts which were on display at the home bf the bride During the evening the bride and groom left on a weddinf! trip to Can ada Thfey will return by way of Buf falo Niagara alls and New York city ahd on their return two weeks hence will make their home for the present with the family on North street The groom is employed tn1 barber shop of William La mont on Asnuntiick street BERTHA SIIANSKY WEDS ANTHONY PASSALACQUA Town Meeting Tonight Lenox Sept 1 A special town meeting will be held at 730 tomorrow evening at the Lenox town hall and the voters will be asked to appro priate the sutn of $10000 to continue the permanent road building on West street and to vote the $5000 now in the town treasury for use on the roads of the town to hear and act on the report of the committee and to see if the town will vote to wreck the lint property so called Jn the rear of the town hall and owned bys the town and to ap Welcome to Springfield Call at 18 ort St (P Main and ort) for route lists and information rejrardinc the Western Massachusetts market SPRINGIELD NEWSPAPERS DAIIA UNIONMerchandising Service Department ffient of numerous sporting programs at clubs The weather partly cleared around noon and the country club tennis finals played onthe Berk shire Hunt and Country dub courts at Lenox A company of 130 had luncheon at the club This was one of the Important days of the year at the Pittsfield Anchor club with a dance tonight uneral Chapel (24 71 our Service) ST HO wan ST 3 S17S Invalid Ambulance held for drunkenness and resisting' an officer was attended by a physician after Patrolman Hathaway had been forced to use a club over his head The prisoner is said to have attacked Hathaway as he was being taken from his home The home showed signs of a battle dishes being strewn about the floor These the prisoner police had been thrown at him bjj his wife' A second offender also held for zdfunkennfess is alleged to have assaulted his wife at his home In the tannery yards Police were also looking tonight for Grace Emery of Connecticut who was driving over the Mohawk trail and become separaed from her compan ions who were in another machine The car was on the way to Schuyler ville and up to a late hour tonight authorities had been unable to locate the missing party IVhltaker Almqulst IVeddlng Today A wedding of Interest Is scheduled to take place here tomorrow afternoon at 4 when Aliss Lois Anianda Whit aker daughter of former Alayor Erza Whitaker of this city will become the bride it rederick Ashley Alm quist The ceremony will be performed at the Whitaker home 40 Quincy street I Bullets lYemovM rom Woman Physicians today removed the two bullets which wounded Airs Nettie Perham 40 of East Pownal Vt and sent her to the North Adams hospital a few days ago The bullets were from a gun in thO hand of her brother in law Alarshall Perham 55 who ended his life by sending a bullet through his own brain The shoot ing occurred at the Perham home and today it was conceded that Mrs Per ham has a chance for recovery Son to Mr and Airs Brown A son was born this morning at the North Adams hospital to Air and Mrs Brown of 336 Ashland street The child Is a grandson of Mr and Mrs Brown of 67 East Quincy street and Mr and Mrs Price of Bowling Green The in fant was born on the 52d birthday of its paternal grandmother The sister Lueille rances was born on her paternal 60th birth day Rain this morning made traveling fiisagreeable and somewhat danger ous through north Berkshire today when thousands of automobiles passed through Williamstown Adams and North Adams All the highways were crowded RANK HADLEY WEAVER SUCCUMBS TO ILLNESS rank Hadley Weaver 59 of 52 Orlando street At the Chapin Memorial hospital yesterday after a brief illness He was born at Hope the son of and Alary Hadley Weaver He had made his home in Springfield for the past 20 years and was welt known as a representative of the Washburn Crosby emopany Mr Weaver was an active member of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church as well aS of its club and official board He was also a member of the Royal Arcanum the Pennsylvania club and the Protective association Besides his widow Ida Af Weaver Mr Weaver leaves a daughter Afiidred and a brother JWeaver both of Easton Pa and a brother R4v William Weaver of Wichita Kan The funeral will be held at the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company tomorrow after noon at 4 330 Rev Trinity and burial Thursday The funeral of Airs Lucy AIc Intyre was held at funer al chapel yesterday afternoon at 230 Rev Joseph Carven officiating Burial was In Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of Luke Dunne was held yesterday morning at 830 at the home 50 Everett street Solemn high macs of requiem followed at 9 at thi Church of the Sacred Heart The cele brant was Rev John Al Griffin dea con Rev Howard K3ub deaicon Rev Janies AlcCarron ather read the committal service at thfe £rave at St The pall bearers were Luke Dunne Charles Connors John? Dunne Charles Wright Arthur Duffy and John Dunne The funeral of Mrs Theodore ie botte will be held at the home of her daughter Airs Paul Desautel of 403 Main street this morning at 815 fol church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The tufieral of Airs Martin Shel don of 22 Lincoln street Chicopee alls will be held at the home this afternoon at 2 Rev Andrew Jones officiating Burial will be in airview cemetery Chicopee The funeral of Mrs rederick Heeley of 195 Osborne terrace will be held at the home this morning at 815 followed by solemri requiem high mass at St church at 9 Burial will be in St ceme tery The funeral of Onorato Consolini of 52 Pendleton avenue will be Aid at the home tomorrow morning at 815 followed by requiem high mass at Mount Carmel church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of Aliss Elizabeth Eno of formerly of Springfield wlll be held tomorrow morning with requiem high ip'J at St chapel Holyoki Burial will be in St men now employed at the mill are rooming in South Lee As the result of the promised open ing of the paper mill preparations for vis the opening of the South Lee pas senger depot are being made Special Dispatch to The Republican Rutland VtA Sept Miss Evelyn Kelley Landers daughter of Mrs Mary Ixinders of this city and Howard Hos ford Baldwin son of Ralph Bald win of Hartford pt formerly of Northampton Mass were married at the rectory of Christ the King church here this afternoon at 2 by Rev Ber nard Kelly pastor They were attend ed by Miss Mary Bak of Northampton and Robert Balwwln of Hartford The latter the brother One hundred persons attended a reception at the of the mother The bride wore white satin trimmed with mull and her gown was of Alice blue chiffon trimmed with mull The couple went to Quebec on their honeymoon Mr and Mrs Bald win hwe been employed in the offices of the Norwood Engineering company Hartford Out of town guests at the wedding were Ralph Baldwin Alias Marion Baldwin Alls Betty Baldwin Mr and Mrs ThomasMcCray Mrs Alix A Jackson and Harold Jackson of Hartford Ct Chester Smith of Had ley Alass Air and Airs Howard Hos ford of Northampton Ralph Hosford of Amherst Mass Mr and Mrs rank Cragm and Alfred Densmore Clarertiont Hotels Well Able to Take Care of Influx of Late Sea son Visitors XX Pittsfield Sept 1 The week end and holiday business at most of the Berkshire hotels was only fair With possibly one exception Heaton Hall at Stockbridge there was no waiting list In ordinary years the Berkshire Auto mobile cluj cares for stragglers who are unable to get hotel accommoda tions Locally the taverns were able to care for all who came both Saturday and last night when tourist traffic was supposed to be at its hlght Thous ands of tourists returned to New York today and southbound traffic was very heavy Rain early today caused postpone Hinsdale Sept Miss Alma Hay dock entertained at bridge this aft ernoon in honor of her guest Airs Howard Sayre High scores werd made by Mrs Sayre and Mrs Cora Lovell Air and Mrs Sayte leave tomorrow mornir for their home at Brooklyn Ale and Airs Richard Kent of St Albans I have rented the Mur ray house on Longview avenue Charles Murray Sr left today for Sprlngfjeld and will make his home with his daughter Airs Alc Donald Air and Mrs Charles Mur ray Jr have rented an apartment In the Prague block on Goodrich street Air and Mrs Osmond Cahen and daughter Helen Aliases Sylvia Blum and Alaxlne riedman who have been the guests for the summer of Mr and Mrs John O'Brien of Goodrich street left today for their homes at New York city They motored home with Boyd Kessler who was here for the week end Mrs Walter Alderson who has been the guest of Dr and Mrs David Staebler for the month of August re turned today to Hackensack On Saturday her daughter Miss Edith and Miss annie Carlough here and Mrs Alderson re turned with them Air and Airs Sandford anl niece Aliss Ruth Edge returned yes terday to Newark They have rented their summer cottage for the next two weeks to Mr and Mrs JTonn Wagner of Irvington ATr and Airs George Smith and daughter Joan Marie left yesterday for Bogota Mrs Smith ana daughter have spent the summer with her mother Airs Catherine Ca hill of Curtis street The board of registrars will be In session from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 on Wednesday at the Hinsdale town hall At Peru they will be in session on Wednesday from noon to 10 at tjte home of rank Baumann of Peru road EVELYN LEDGER BRIDE WORCESTER MAN West Brooltfield Sept 1 Aliss Eve lyn Ledger a daughter of Mr and Mrs red Ledger of ront street and Louis Paquette of Worcester were maarried at Sacred Heart church this morning at 9 Rev James Dunphy celebrated the nuptial high mass The single ring service was used The gown was white satin backed crepe trimmed with lace She wore a lace bridal veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses She was attended by a sister Aliss Delmar Ledger who wore peach sat'a backed crepe and carried pink rocas Little Doris Woods of was flower carried the veil The groom was at tended by a brother Roland Paquette of West Brookfield The attendants received gold pieces as gifts The 100 guests gathered at the Ledger home following the ceremony Dinner was served The guests were from Worcester Ware Spencer East Brooflfield and West Brookfield Alany gifts of silver china and linen were displayed The couple left for their wedding journey to unannounced destinations Traveling the bride wore brown chif fon and velvet with hat to match On their return they will be at home at 308 Hamilton street Worcester after October 1 Mr Paquette Is employed as a mason by Ward company contractors at Worcester Miss Ledger was employed by the Lester Gavitt company of Brookfield DIED Tn this city 1st Michael Bradley 84 at the home 52 Huntington street uneral services at the home Thurs day time to be announced in charge ot Xx ijriindrii co LzOci uion BROWN In this city 30th Thomas Brown uneral from the late residence Seventh street Tuesday at 830 followed requiem services at Sacred Heart church to riends invited In this city the 28th Ono ra Consolini at his home 52 Pendleton avenue uneral from his late residence Tuesday morning at 815 followed by requiem high mass at Mount Carmel church at 8 riends invited Burial St cemetery A Byron funeral director DERY In Aldenviile (Chicopee) 30th ult Hormlsdas Dery uneral will be held Tuesday morning from the home 42 Sul livan street Aldenviile at 830 with high mass of requiem in St Rose de Lima church at 9 Burial in St cemetery In this city tir 1st Otto Andreas Eschholz 69 of 93 Park street neral at the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company 305 307 State street Wednesday at 3 with an organ prelude at 130 At Holyoke 31st ultXEllzabeth Eno formerly of Springfield uneral at John funeral parlors morning at 830 followed by requiem high mass at St chape! at 9 Burial in cemetery Springfield In this city 29th ult Solomon Hawes Hanford 79 son of the late John Eiiphalet and Maria (Wright) Hanford neral service private Kindly omit flowers At Bridgeport Ct 30th ult Lucy (Gaines) McIntyre 76 widow or Charles McIntyre formerly df Springfield uneral at funeral chapel Mon day at 230 Burial in Oak Grove ceme tery In this city 31st ult Mary RayOber vti uf 3S8 Union Streep uneral iprivate Luriai in Wrejutham Mass SHELDON At Chicopee alls 30th Mar tha 3 Sheldqp 71 of 22 Lincoln street uneraI at the home Tuesday at 2 jBurial in airview cemetery At Holyoke 31st ult Mrs Alice uuu tNuiiipg omnn wire or red A Smith of Wyckoff park uneral at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 Burial In orestdale cemetery WEAVER In this city the 1st Iank Weaver S9 of 52 Orlando street uneral at i the parlors fthe Dickinson Streeter com pany totate street Wednesday at 4 4 Av je A 'iiiu cr PICIUUQ Cfcb vwU glib Burial In Easton a Local Notices Bess Chesmln Thayer teacher of piano harmony and music appreciation pupil ot John Bishop of Springfield will reopen her residence studio 146 Myrtle St Wednes day Sept 3 Tel 8034 Instalation of officers took place at the last regular meeting of the Com panions of the orest held in the hall with Airs Minnie Dowd Installed as chief companion tot the coming year Other were: Chaplain Airs John Bowers ot Pitts field junior past chief companion Mrs Louise AIcDarby sub chief com panion Aliss Dorothy Butler left guide Aliss Margaret Boyne right guide Mrs Alinnie Plue financial sec rotary Mrs Alary innegan treasurer Mrs Adeline Aldrich recording sec retary Aliss Mae ord outside guard Boyne inside guard Mrs Ella Vecchia The installing officers were Deputy Airs Louise Setner of Pittsfield who was assisted by Mrs Anna Levine Of Pittsfield as marshal The next regular meeting will take place the 25th Students of the Ascension arm school in South Lee who will enter the Lee High school on the opening day Wednesday as freshmen are Lester Jordan Richard Davis and George Decker Aforales Davis will enter liia junior dnd rancis Clair will become a member of the freshman class A special meeting of Scott Bradley post Relief corps will be held tomorrow evening to rehearse for the annual inspection of the post by department officers which will take place Tuesday evening tne zaa The funeral of Izaak Vreeland wAs held this afternoon at 2 at the East Lee chapel Rev John Harris rec tor of St George enuren Relating St choir tn the service Burial was mount cemetery JOHN SHEA Services Available tn All Parts of the City Colonial uneral Home fit LIBERTY ST TH 8 7C76 Period of ailing i Health Ends in Death at Bronxville Pittsfield Sept Henry Read elrson 76 president of the Hardware company of 41 North street died this morning at the home of his son in law and daughter Air and Mrs Owen Coogan of Bronxville He left this city in 1926 to live with Air and Airs Coogan but retained a num ber of his business and banking in erests' here where he was born and nvhere he spent most of his lite He had been in falling health for two The body will be brought to Pitts field and the funeral will be held at South Congregational church at4 Wednesday afternoon Rev Robert Armstrong officiating Burial will 4e io Pittsfield cemetery Air Peirson was born July 111854 son of Mr and Mrs Henry Al Peir son He attended Pittsfield High school 1870 entered the hardware business which his father had estab lished in 1853 He has been president of the corporation since 1903 He was a director of the Pittsfield Third Na tional Bank Trust company and a director of the Berkshire Hampshire Alutual ire Insurance companies ot which he also was president for many years until he resigned In 1928 He was one of the organizers and was a director at the time of his death of y'lthe Pittsfield Cooperative bank which he also had served as president Mr Pel rs services wereolten sought in large business and financial affairs or years Mr Peirsfin wa greiftly interested in South Congregational 1 church of which he had held the oV fice of moderator He was one of the charter members of the old Pittsfield Business club later Park club of which he was electedan hn orary member at the last annual meet ing or seveflJ years he served the city as an assessor He was chair man of the invitation committee at the 150th anniversary of Pittsfield In politics he was a Republican Trout fishing was one of his ivor ite diversion and when in good health he rarely missed a few weeks during the summer at Haynes Landing Rangeley Lakes Me During a large part of his active business life Air Peirson lived at 23 Clinton avenue Later he moved to the corner of South street and Clinton avenue This house has been closed since he moved to Bronxville April 12 1877 Mr Peirson wasmar ried to Aliss Ella Daniels daugh ter of Stephen Van Rensselaer Dan is ieis member of an old Pittsfield fam Alrs peirson wno aiea aoout of Mrs Ralph Bardyell of 82 Wendell Cambridge Man urnishes Ball on Dangerous Driving Charge Sept 1 Dr David Tiirpin a dentist of Cambridge was arrested tetfay bn a charts of oper ating to endanger after an automobile accident at the corner of South street and Bay State road He was going south wnen his machine crashed into a truck operated by rank Al Pike of Egremont avenue who was making a left Tiand turn into South street Mrs Julia Baldwin of Boston a pas senger in the car was taken to St Luke's hospital with a cut over the right eye Others in the machine according to the pollee record were Miss Susan Jones of Boston who suf fered an Injured knee Mrs Wright sfiid Mrs Virgil Stevenson of Roxbury Dr Turpin toii the police he was going about 20 miles an hour and sounded his horn at the coraer He furnished $200 bail A1UBKAY UNERAL TOMORROW ormer Resident Who Died at Brock ton to Be Burled at Cheshire Pittsfield Sept 1 The body of Patrick Murray former Pittsfield resident who died suddenly Saturday at Brockton at the age of 50 will be brought to Pittsfield tomorrow and the funeral will be at St church Wednesday morning at 9 with burial at Cheshire where he was born Mr Murray was a shoemaker by trate He leaves a widow one son rancis of Dalton a sister Mrs John Connor of Rochester and two brothers Alurray of Chi cago and Waltej of Pittsfield PITTSIELD PERSONALS Pittsfield Sept 1 John Enright has returned to New York after a visit with relatives Mrs Jay Burns of 3 Oatman ter race is at New York city attending the weeding of her brother Carl Navin and Miss Mary Collins which took place this morning Norman Hollister is the guest of his parents Mr and Airs Joseph Hollister of 81 Commonwealth ave nue for a 'ew days before returning to his duties with the Dictaphone company at the New York office Miss Mary Lewis superintendent of the Visiting association has resumed her duties after com piling a slx course of study I Columbia university ATr and Mr Kenneth Adams of Engie wand were week end guests Tf Air and Airs Pres ton 124 East Housatonic street Mr and Mrs A Benson have re turned to Boston after a visit with Mr and AIrs Wemett ot 26 i Elm strett WHEN you are hard hit by the heat cheer up with Chelmsford Take a long slow sip Crisp! Delightful! Refreshing! You feel like yourself again! Chelmsford gets its keen ginger tang from the choicest Grade A gingers its bubbling sparkle from careful carbonation and its mellow sweetness from sugar that meets precise purity standards Order family size bottles today At grocery drug confectionery and delicatessen stores CHELMSORD GINGER ALE A Product ot Canadc On Gini Al Inc Chelmsfbrd beverages have been New iavorites for more than 29 years Chelmsford Pale Dry and Golden Ginger Ale Sasafarilla Orange Ale Lemon and Lime Birch Beer ormer Street Railway Em ploye Drove irst Electric Car Over Lines Here Michael Bradley 64 a resident of this city for the past 44 years one of the first employes of the Springfield Street Railway company and a spe cial police officer for 15 years died yesterday morning at his home 52 Huntington street after a long illness Air Bradley was born in Hines burg Vt Upon coming to Spring field he was first employed by the Street Railway company and had the distinction of driving the first electric car over the company's lines Ten years later he took 'up the machin trade which he followed for 22 years During two years of the pe riod that he served the city on part time as a special officer he was on duty at Poli's theater on Worthing ton street Mr Bradley was a member of the Blessed Sacrament church He leaves one daughter Airs Helefi Nunn four sons John Howard Raymond Al and Hubert and four grand children all of this city three sis ters Miss Alary Bradley of this city Mrs Hannah of Rutland Vt and Airs Katherine Hart of Alont pelier Vt The funeral will be held at the home Thursday morning fol lowed by services at the Blessed Sacrament church at a time to be announced arrangements In charge of the Graham corporation NO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS MAR HOLIDAY IN CITY North Adams Sept Despite the heavy traffic and rain there were no serious accidents reported today Only one arrest of a motorist was made which police say may result in Aimer Smith of 153 Cliff street being brought before the district court on a drunkendriving charge He was driving an automobile which crashed Into the rear end of another machine on Miner street around 230 this this afternoon The police were kept busy tonight however and by 10 had rounded up five A River street man OBITUARY propriate money to carry out any vote taken with reference to the lint property Air and Mrs rancis Hughes and Roland Wingate of Bostons are with Air and Mrs Hughes Harold Godwin of Rosclyn 14 I has joined his daughters at Brush wood farm villa Air and Mrs Edward Capps and son have returned from visits at James town Aliss Teresa Smith and Miss Afary Smith who have been guests of Aliss Nellie Mae Smith returned to Brook lyn today HINSDALE 4 I' i is IBB iSK'v 1 i I 'fe 3 'fs I Ba i I 1 A a vliS A fS'MwII A A tt Tr 1 1 1 MMMI.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.