The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

The Asheville (N. Times, March 9, Deaths, Funerals Mrs. Holbrook, funeral yesterday, today. Joe B. Hensley, Burnsville; died Monday, funeral today.

Warfield Turpin, Sylva; died Monday, funeral today, Miss Addie Heriot, Saluda; died yesterday, funeral to be conducted in Charleston, S. C. Robert Porter, died yesterday, funeral arrangements incomplete. Mrs. Maggie Jenkins, Rutherfordton; died yesterday, funeral today.

Raleigh Trull, Marble; died Sunday, funeral tomorrow. J. S. Conabeer John Sherwill Conabeer of 12 Sheridan for many years an automobile dealer here, died of al heart attack early this morning in his home. He was 66.

Mr. Conabeer was born in New York City on Oct. 17, 1893, a son of John S. and Lizzie Baker Conabeer. Surviving are the widow, the former Miss Ruth Stafford of Asheville, and a sister, Mrs.

Thomas E. Coulton of Sag Harbor, N.Y. For a number of years, Mr. Conabeer was head of his own motor sales company here, In 1940, he went with Newt Pearson, Inc. as vice president.

He retired from active business in 1955. Arrangements are under direction of Morris- -Black Fuperal Home. John W. White Services for John W. White.

65. of Buck Shoals road, who died Monday in a Buncombe County veterans hospital, will be conducted at 1 a. m. tomorrow in the chapel of Morris-HendonBlack Funeral Home. The Rev.

Mark Jenkins, rector of Calvady Episcopal Church, will officiate. The body will be taken to Salisbury for burial Friday in the National Cemetery there. W. Fred Bugg Final rites for W. Fred Bugg, 49, of Candler RFD 1, who died yesterday in an Asheville hospital, will be conducted at 11 a.m.

tomorrow in the chapel of Groce Funeral Home. The Revs. F. T. Pressley, M.

L. Kirstein and B. R. Watts will officiate and burial will be in Pisgah View Memorial Park. bearers will be Shuford Rathbone, James Wheeler, Clyde Walkup, Paul Mann, Fred Davis and Hugh Watts.

Mr. Bugg was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Pacific. He was a member of Faith Tabernacle. -Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Dora Hunter Bugg; a daughter, Fredrice of the home; the parents, Mr.

and Mrs. T. R. -Bugg of Candler, and a brother, Ellis Bugg of -4 Everett, Washington. Riley W.

King Riley W. King, 81, of Candler RFD 3, died yesterday afternoon in an Asheville hospital after long illness. Mr. King was a lifelong resident of Buncombe County, a son 0t. James and Luthenia Black.

King. He was a former postmaster at Candler, having served 12 years in this post. He was a merchant and salesman in the Candler community and had been employed in the maintenance department of the American Enka Corp. plant at Enka during World War II. He was a member of Hominy Masonic Lodge No.

491. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. R. F. Morgan, Mrs.

Raymond Conner and Mrs. Fred Stockton, all of Candler; two sons, Lane King of Enka and Paul King of Candler; a brother, Ray King of National City, a sister, Mrs. Nonnie Woody, of Asheville, 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Arrangements are under direction of Groce Funeral Home. H.

C. Anderson Final rites for Herman Clingman Anderson, 66, of 43 Lanvale which were originally scheduled for 11 a. m. today in Groce Funeral Home Chapel, have been postponed until 2 p. m.

tomorrow in the chapel. J. H. Whitehead J. H.

Whitehead, 52, of Athens, brother-in-law of Comer and Norman Stephens of the Weaverville highway, died in an Atlanta hospital early this morning. Mr. Whitehead was a frequent visitor in the Weaverville area. FLORIST AVERY FT.D. SEND FLOWERS by Wire Delivery and Quality Guaranteed by the world's most responsible florists Look in Yellow Pages TELEGRAPH DELIVERY Jury Chosen For Trial Of Rep.

Powell NEW YORK (AP) An white jury of nine women and three men was chosen today in the federal income tax evasion trial of Rep. Adam Clayton. Powell Jr. (D-NY), a Harlem Negro. The lone Negro venireman to be called for questioning was challenged peremptorily by the prosecution.

Harry A. Erter, an insurance, broker, was named jury foreman. Five nine women jurors are housewives. Four alternate jurors were yet to be selected. The congressman, who also is a Baptist minister, was indicted in 1958.

The trial began yesterday after frequent postponements. Powell is charged with preparfraudulent returns for his wife, Hazel Scott, a pianist, in 1951, and with attempting. to evade taxes in a joint wife return for: 1952. His wife is not a defendant. If convicted, Powell would face possible maximum penalty of 15 years in prison and a fine of $30,000.

Coroner's Jury Holds Man In Woman's Death William Graves, 68-year-old gro of 18 Clingman was ordered held for grand jury investigation following a coroner's inquest. today into the death of a Negro woman Sunday. Graves was arrested in connection with the death of Mrs. Albert Isbell Parks, 50. Mrs.

Parks was found unconscious in Graves' room early Sunday. Dr. John C. Young, coroner, said she died of a brain concussion. The coroner ordered Graves held without bond in the county jail pending the grand jury's report.

Jet Collides. With Mast; Pilot Missing NORFOLK, Va. (AP) The Navy continued its search today for a jet pilot missing since his plane collided with the mast of a sunken target ship and crashed in Pamlico Sound, N.C., yesterday. Four helicopters, two airplanes and Navy frogmen were at) the scene trying to find a trace of the wreckage of the A4D Skyhawk Midget jet bomber and the pilot. He was identified as Lt.

(JG) Jay G. Stoker, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Stroker, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Political And Economic Security Israel's Needs WALTHAM, Mass, (AP) -Israel, still struggling for existence, faces the great needs of political and economic security, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion said today. "Our independence is still in danger." he said. "We are still beleaguered; we still face vital problems in regard to immigrant absorption; our deserts still await Only "a spiritual dedication" can overcome the obstacles to developing a free and independent nation, he said in a prepared speech alt Brandeis University. Ben-Gurion came to Brandeis to receive an honorary doctor of laws degree. His visit to this country was tries.

Arab students in Boston protested in Washington by top diplomats from the Arab" a councolleges picketed his hotel last night. Be n-Gurion, however, didn't mention the Arab- situation as such in his prepared speech. And he made no reference 1 to plans to visit President Eisenhower or Secretary of State Christian Herter while in this country. He spoke primarily of the faith of the Jewish people. "The renascense of Israel in our day has not been merely political and material in char.

acter," he said. "Israel cannot endure without strength and power, but we still hold fast to the faith that has accompanied our people for thousands of years, faith in the supremacy of the spirit." MORRIS HENDON-BLACK 6 FUNERAL HOME FINEST FACILITIES MODERATE COST AMBULANCE SERVICE .140 Merrimon Ave. Dial AL-2-1821 J. N. Bowlin Funeral services for J.

N. Bowlin, 67, of the Dix Creek community, who died unexpectedly early yesterday morning in his home, have been indefinitely postponed, Arrangements are under direction of Groce Funeral Home. Mrs. Hoggard Services for Mrs. Mildred lin Hoggard of East Orange, N.

former Asheville resident and teacher in Buncombe County schools, who died in East Orange Monday night, will be conducted at 2 p. m. tomorrow in the chapel of Morris-Hendon-Black Funeral Home. The Rev. Joe L.

Auten, pastor of Kenilworth Presbyterian. Church, will officiate and burial will be in Riverside Cemetery. New Arrivals A son to Mr. and Mrs. W.

Riddle of 293 Hazel Mill Rd. St. Joseph's Hospital today. daughter to Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Foister of 19 Herron Ave. in St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday, A son to Mr.

and Mrs. B. V. Seagroves of Mars Hill RFD 3 in St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday, A daughter to Mr.

and Mrs. James D. Grooms- of Candler RFD 3 in Memorial Mission Hos- pital today, A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lee Beachboard of 391 Haywood St.

in Memorial Mis. sion today. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R.

White of Barnardsville RFD 1 in Memorial Mission Hospital yesterday. Thieves Loot Cash Register Of $40 In Cash A cash, register at Waters Cafe 74 N. Lexington Ave. was looted last night of $40 in cash by a thief who smashed the glass in the front door, police reported today. Thomas Justice, owner, discovered.

the break-in when he opened for business this morning. A glass cutter was used to cut an eight-by-ten-inch piece of glass from the display window of Friedman's Jewelry Store at 19 Haywood St. early yesterday, R. P. MacKendree, manager, reported.

MacKendree told police nothing taken and that the thief apparently did not get inside the store. He fixed damages at about $80. AN Funeral Home ARSE CHAPEL AMBULANCE 158 CHARLOTTE ST. AL 2-1536 MacARTHUR-KRAUSE FLORIST "SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE" 24 N. MARKET ST.

PHONE AL 2-4495 Williams Wants A Probe Of Charge About Powell WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. J. Williams (R-Del) wants a investigation of published charges that Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY) got $50,000 to $100,000 for switching his political support. He says the study should extend also to charges that efforts were made to fix an income tax case against Powell.

Williams told the Senate Tuesday he was not expressing any opinion on whether the charges in Drew Pearson's columns are true. "I am merely pointing out that these charges have been made and that in view of their serious nature they cannot be ignored," he said. Williams did not directly name the congressman, but put into the congressional record copies of Pearson's columns pertaining to Powell. Pearson wrote in recent olumns that Powell took money from Republiuans in 1956, when he came out for President Eisenhower, and from Tammany Democrate in 1958 when he supported Democratic Gov. Averell Harri- man in his unsuccessful bid for re-election.

The Negro congressman was indieted in 1958 for alleged evasion of income taxes in 1952. His trial in N. Y. started Tuesday. Powell has said "no man can buy Adam Powell." He declined immediate comment on Pearson's charges, but in 1956 he said it was a "complete lie" that his support of Eisenhower had anything to do with his tax case.

Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Christmas Shoplifter Will Get 'New Suit' PITTSBURGH (AP) Harry Lewis, 29, was sentenced to one to three years in prison Tuesday for shoplifting two suits from a department store. Lewis told the judge: "I just wanted to dress up for. Christmas and I was out of a job." Ilinois, Senate Republican leader, said the Senate usuallly does not investigate House members, but added that such charges.

"become something of a reflection on the entire body (of Congress) when they are not rebutted." Williams said the Peanson charges if proven would "present a new low in ANNOUNCEMENTS Notices (2) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Write Post Office Box 1845 or Phone AL 3-0771. INCOME tax returns. Notary Public, Justice of the Peace. William John Purdue.

AL 2-4720, AL 2-2874. TAX RETURNS. Individual, business. Bookkeeping documents duplicated. James C.

Liles Service, 590 Haywood Road. AL: 4-3591. Lost and Found -Hunting dog, male, medium size Plott, black with gray around mouth, brindle along forelegs, marked on right ear. Straved February 24. Reward.

Call Roy Wilson, MU 4-6257 RED MALE Dachshund, Sweeten Creek Road. Skyland Dairy. Reward. MU 4-6677. Wanted (5) WANTED: Cash paid for good used furniture.

Rice and White Furniture Company, 18 Biltmore. AL 2-4290. SCRAP GOLD and SILVER, highest cash prices paid. FINKELSTEIN'S INC. 7 Southwest Pack Square.


LEXINGTON DIAL AL 4-2932 RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. WILL buy good used doors, windows, plumbing, pipes, etc. George Greenwood, 305 Haywood Street. AL 3-7327. EMPLOYMENT Female Help Wanted (9) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY FOR INDUSTRIAL plant.

Top wages, fringe benefits. Apply in person. 36 Grove Street. State Employment Office. 'AVON CALLING WOMEN who want to be successful and earn good money In their spare time.

Money-back guarantee makes Avon Cosmetics very much in demand and easy to sell. For interview call AL 3-8592. RUTHERFORDTON COUNTY WE HAVE an opening for one salesman in Rutherfordton, North Carolina. We are looking for a man with ambition and the know what I want out of life, with the initiative to get it when given the opportunity. The man we select will have entire County to work in.

If you can sell and give good references, we will outline specific steps that will earn you $100 to $125 per week. There will be an interviewing representative at the Isothermal Motel in Rutherfordton, North Carolina on Wednesday, March 9, between eleven a. m. and eight p.m. for the purpose of hiring this salesmanask at office for Mr.

Clay. CALL THE EXPERTS Classified Business Directory BUSINESS SERVICES Professional Services (16) TAX RETURNS Maude Bennett, (refired Revenue Agent) AL 4-3692. Home MO 7-2037. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED AL 3-9604-AL 3-1479 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Dial AL 2-9863 INCOME TAX RETURNS- Anytime includina nights and holidays, Experienced AL: 3-7912 Miscellaneous Services (17) FOR skilled LAWN MOWER repairing call ARVIN BLACK SHOP, AL 4-1745. FILL DIRT, top soil, cinders, stone.

AL 3-3759. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, installed and ditching service. DIAL AL 3-1961 or NO 9-7063. SEPTIC tank- Sewer, water line. AL 3-3941.

Meehan Septic Tank Company. SEPTIC Tanks- Cleaned, sanitary equipment. Specializina tank cleaning. Canton, MI 8-3274. Beauticians, Barbers (18) BALDWIN'S DIAL 29-BROADWAY AL 2-3864 REGULAR $10.00 WAVE $7.50 SPECIAL COLD WAVE $5 and up MACHINE WAVES TV, Radio Service (20) Professional Workmanship ROBERTS RADIO- TV SALES-SERVICE.

MO 7-1100 Appliance Service (21) LUTHER-MORGAN CO. APPLIANCE PARTS HEADQUARTERS SALES AND SERVICE Blanket Repairs--All Makes 97 Patton Avenue Dial AL 3-6784 FARMERS FEDERATION APPLIANCES Westinghouse Sales Service APPLIANCES AND TELEVISIONS 52 Broadway AL 2-7639 CALL SEARS SERVICE FOR expert repair on Kenmore, spot. Silvertone, Homart and Craftsman products. Buncombe County's largest service organization ready to serve you Sears, Roebuck and Co. REPAIRS on all makes of household electrical appliances--Irons, Toasters, Ranges, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, etc.

Quick, efficient service reasonably priced. HENRY WESTALL CO. 101 Coxe Avenue Dial AL 3-0781 WASHING machine repairs all makes, prompt service, reasonable rates. See MORTON DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Cloves Street. AL 3-6551.

Carpet, Rug Service (24-B) FOR the finest carpet and upholstery cleaning call CARPET SERVICES COMPANY. authorized KARPET-KARE cleaners AL 2-5267. Floor Sanding (25) FISHER: FLOORING COMPANY FLOOR covering, wall file, floor ALL work quaranteed. AL 3-6200. Heating, Plumbing (26) FREE ESTIMATES On All Furnaces-36 Months To Pay CALL THE BEST FOR LESS R.

L. co*ker AL 2-1608 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Thatcher Furnaces AND conversion burners. Free estimates. No down payment. First payment in JUNE.

co*kER Heating and Air Conditioning AL 3-6471 MI 8-3343-CANTON Rooting, Siding, Guttering (27) ROOFING SIDING GUTTERING "ALL WORK GUARANTEED" Full insurance protection for vou: Jack: Bowen; AL 4-4948 Painting, Paperhanging, (28) Reasonable price Dial AL 13-4000 EMPLOYMENT Salesmen, Salesladies (12) $16,500 for the Take right short man auto trips to in the Asheville area. customers. Write L. L. Swallow, president, Southwestern Worth Petroleum 1.

Texas. Company. Box 789, Fort MAN wanted. In South East Buncombe CounUnexpected change causes ty vacancy and Asheville. Splendid opportunity for year round income.

For NCC-110- details write. Rawleigh's, Department 4, Richmond, Virginia. $23 supplied WEEKLY to you by us. Just show Fashfor wearing lovely dresses Ion Frocks to friends. No investment, Fashion canvassing Frocks, or experience Department D-5847, necessary.

Cincinnati, Ohio. Positions Wanted COLORED woman desires day Friday, work. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, AL 3-8283. DO ironing in my home. Also keep one infant.

AL 4-3362. MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous For Sale (39) GOOD selection of Restaurant Refrigerators. 81 foot stainless steel liquid carbonic soda dairy 12-foot two deck self service Tyler ONE six-foot Warren self contained meat case, Moore's Refrigeration 70 CHARLOTTE STREET AL 3-9431 PRIVATE party wishes to dispose of near new man's wardrobe, size 38 and 39 Iona suits, sport coats, slacks, size 29. AL 31, 4-2705. sport shirts and miscellaneOUS NOBODY PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR: SCRAP IRON, copper, brass, sheet Iron, batteries, rags, old cars, trucks.

Shulimson Brothers Co. 1-16 Craven Street Dial AL 3-2771 NOTICE BIG SAVINGS on 1960 General Electric TVs BALLARD'S FURNITURE AND CABINET SHOP 138 Hendersonville Road AL 2-0246 USED typewriters, $10 Jo $25, One commercial type dishwasher, good condition. IBM time racks and cards. Dial AL 3-1134. NEW eight millimeter, Bell and Howell prolector.


STORES PRESCRIPTIONS FREE PICKUP DELIVERY Bennett's Drug Store 472 HAYWOOD ROAD DIAL AL 3-0414 ATTENTION CUSTOMERS WE AGREE to meet or beat highest prices for scrap stel, cast tin, old cars and non-ferrous metals. WE AGREE to meet or beat the prices channels, on used reenforcina steel, angles, -beams, pipe, underground drains, barrels, basem*nt columns, clothes line posts and many other items. 1948 BARBER Green bucket loader in A-1 condition, will sacrifice for quick sale. Biltmore Iron and Metal Co. Dial AL 3-9317 785 Rear Biltmore Ave.

Jewelry, Diamonds (39-D) QUICK CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, ANTIQUE JEWELRY, WATCHES, GOLD COINS. DENTAL GOLD AND SILVER CAROLINA. JEWELERS. 33 PATTON. Household Goods (40) LARGE selection of good reconditioned used furniture.

Convenient Sluder Furniture Co. 25 Broadway Dial AL 2-0321 WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES WE GUARANTEE to save you money. We have our own factory trained service men. LUKE ATKINSON FURNITURE COMPANY 726-28 Haywood Road AL 2-7168 SAVE 50 PER CENT. Furniture Factory Outlet, corner Broadway and Magnolia.

AL 2-7895. TRADE- -Yes we trade. Appliances are our business. QUALITY and SERVICE for 33 years. The best trade in applitrances PLUS Service and Guarantee.

REUSING'S, 42 Battery Park Avenue. Dial AL 3-8431. RECONDITIONED electric ranges. Sev eral extra clean ranges fully quaranteed. $49.50 up.

Easy terms. Dunham's Music House 67 Patton Avenue Dial AL 3-3393 NECCHI-ELNA Sales and Service 65 Woodrow 2-0728. SEWING MACHINE SHOP: UNIVERSAL electric range, $35. AL EIGHT rooms of furniture. linen, china.

ruas. AL 4-4501. GOOD selection of used tubs, toilets, lavJatories, sinks, closets, pipe, furnaces, stokers, oil burners. ROGER'S PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY, 205 College Street. Dial AL 2-2781.

TRADE where people are trading at TYSON'S FURNITURE STORE in Black Mountain. NO 9-4381. EVEDY DAY FINA FOAM will pay its way with clean and spotless carpets. Bon Marche Store For Homes. COFFEE table, two small braided rugs, hospital, bed.

AL 2-8109, PFAFF SALES Expert repair on all make sewing machines. AL 2-8421 nine a.m. to twelve noon. FOR CLEAN furniture at reasonable price, visit our used department, 56 Haywood Street, AL 2-5694, Peariman's, for USED furniture, bought, sold. Everything the home.

PENLAND'S. 602 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Musical Instruments (43) FOR Piano tuning and repairs call JAMES GILBERT. AL 3-5015. ELECTRONIC Organ.

Good condition. Dial AL 3-9686. 2 Slingerland Worley Trap drum set. Complete. Place, West Asheville.

Save Hundreds on New or Used Pianos L. J. WARD PIANO COMPANY Your exclusive dealer for Story and Clark Also we carry the LOWREY ORGAN Call Canton Mission 8-2081 or Mission 8-6012 TV. Radio. Sales (44) allowance for TV on new SERVICE, Philco big -SALES and ice and at Motorola Dependable TV serv: TVs.

reasonable price: TVs from $40 up. Antenna instalaltion by' trained personnel, AL 2-4123. FOR THE BEST BUYS IN USED WASHING TELEVISIONS, MACHINES SEE US FIRST EASY TERMS DEMOS HOME and AUTO 701 Haywood Road AL 2-3301 Sealy MATTRESS HOME FURNITURE STORE 797 Haywood Road, Dial AL 3-1491 NOTICE 3 COMPLETE ROOMS OF FURNITURE Mrs. Evans wishes to contact reliable party who would like to take over $3.50 weekly payments on three rooms of "Account number consists of two piece sofa bed, three tables, two lamps. Three piece bedroom Including spring and mattress, two pillows.

Five piece dinette and odd dishes. Originally $375 new, NOW $295 $3.50 per week. COME IN. PHONE IN OR WRITE TO MRS. EVANS, ASSISTANT CREDIT MANAGER ARTMORE FURNITURE CO.

15 Broadway AL -4457 Asheville, N. C. MERCHANDISE Motors, Sports (45) Classified Rates For The Two Carolinas Count FIVE words to each line. Triple line rate for 10 point body type. double line rate for 10 type -across column.

triple line rate for 14 point type. 18 point type requires 4 lines. Minimum two lines accepted. Lines Day Days Days $1.00 1.60 2.52 1,20 2.40 3.78 1.80 7.56 2.90 8.00 11.90 3.64 10.00 15.68 Deduct 10 per cent from above amounts for payment in advance. PHONE SUNDAY ADS EMPLOYMENT Female Help Wanted CASHIER wanted, Immediate employment.

Apply in person--Strand Theatre. WANTED immediately-Two experienced clerktypists, between 19 and 25 years. Above average earnings, 40 hour week, excellent future. Phone AL 4-4377 for interview. WAITRESS wanted experience not necessary.

Apply in person, Stanley's Grill, Skyland, STENOGRAPHER Receptionist for local manufacturing Company. Five and half day week, Write Box R-929 care Citizen-Times. WHITE girls, woman, light housework, care for two children, live in, five dav week. AL 3-3218. WANTED-Young lady to do general office work in Canton.

Experience not necessary but helpful. Salary $40 week. Call MI 3-9797 for further information. YOUNG lady for general office work with at least two years experience. Typing and shorthand essential.

Write Box S-930 care Citizen- Times. SEE FOR YOURSELF WOMEN are earning $2.00 or more an hour representing AVON COSMETICS. Write Mrs. Ruth Blake, Post Office Box 1336, Hendersonville, North Carolina. Phone OX 2-3739.

LADIES As -Is little extra money, needed hours in a your day will bring you an excellent earning opportunity. Pleasant. NO experience needed. Phone AL 2-6088 or AL 3-7965. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, days, ten 10 six, four-five.

References and health card required. $25. 160 Stratford Road, MAIDS, NEW YORK JOBS EARN CASH WEEKLY TO $50 FREE room, board, uniforms, TV. Guaranteed jobs in heart of New York City, Tickets sent at once. Dix Agency, 249 West 34th Street, New York.

Male Help Wanted (10) SALES AGENT EXCELLENT organization. Write opportunity Box with G-920 national Citizen-Times giving brief summary of experience. LABORATORY desirable. TECHNICIAN: Tissue experience Registry not required, 75 bed modern hospital, Northern Georgia. Contact Pathologist, Hamilton Memorial Hospital, Dalton, Georgia.

WANTED Television Technician. Apply in person Free Service Tire and Appliance Company, 62 Broadway. MAN to sell Nationally Advertised Wat kins Products in West Buncombe Countv. Above average income. Must have good character and own car.

If interest. ed, Write Post Office Box 1092, Goldsboro. North Carolina, TRAINEES--For industrial plant who have had high school or shop training in woodworking. Age 19-35, Apply in person only, Employment Security Commission Office, 36 Grove Street, Asheville, North Carolina. CAREER OPPORTUNITY LP- -Gas Delivery and Service Man STARTING pay $52.30 for five day week.

with automatic raises during three year training period, and no lay offs. Good fringe benefits, Applicants must between 21-35 with high school education. necessary. If you are permanently employed you may call 3-6391 between nine a.m. and twelve noon.

File your application at SUBURBAN RULANE GAS COMPANY, 701 Biltmore Avenue. -FULLY EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS STEADY -11 BELVEDERE ROAD LARGE panding coffee and tea -company exterritory, need two men 10 work with manager, top prefer magazines, men experienced in selling brushes, etc. Call AL 3-7712 for eight appointment, Tuesday, to a.m. to nine a.m. Evenings eignt Wednescay, nine p.m.

WANTED Experienced Tire Buffer, tra benefits. good pay, exCarolina fringe Apply Tire and Retreading, 168 College Street, no phone calls. Places To Go Eat Places To Go (7) ROYAL PINES CASINO (OPEN) ROYAL PINES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY NIGHTS HIGHWAY. 25-A Places To Eat (8) BRUCE'S $1.00. SWEETEN One-half CREEK chicken DRIVE-IN.

Special French golden brown. fries or potato salad. Hot rolls. butter. MRS.

COGGINS DINING ROOM. Serving every day until nine evenings. Lunches 50 cents up. Six days weekly. Sunday $1.50 up.

Highway 70. AL 4-1005. BRUCE'S SWEETEN CREEK DRIVE-IN. Special $1:00. French One-half chicken' golden brown.

fries or potato salad. Hot rolls, butter. SATELLITE 90 Merrimon Avenue SANDRAN HOME FURNITURE STORE 797 Haywood Road. Dial AL 3-1491 ONE used outboard motor in good condition. Firestone Stores, AL 1-1871.

FOURTEEN-foot Elgin boat with ten horsepower motor and trailer. $300. NO 9-7196. CHRISCRAFT Kit boat, 14 foot and 16 horsepower motor with controls, $395, Will pay cash for late model 35 horsepower motor and. fibregias Runabout.

MU 4-4083. Photography (45-A) OLD cameras accepted as trade-ins on Polaroid and other fine cameras, BALL PHOTO, EIGHT WALL STREET Building Supplies (46) Storm Windows Doors SAVE YOU MONEY! Comfort to Your Home LAGUA Give You An Estimate HOME INSULATION CO. New Leicester Highway AL 4-2351 USED lumber, doors, windows, plumbing, pipe, brick, etc. Greenwood Salvage, 305 Haywood Street. AL 3-7326.

USED WINDOWS, doors, bricks, granite blocks, rocks, concrete blocks, plumbing fixtures, lumber. Southside Building SupAL ply 3-7251. Company, 299 Southside Avenue. FOR General Shale brick and blocks, AL 3-3032 193 Pennsylvania Avenue. FOR aluminum storm doors and window's call Sellers, Cabinet Shop, 417 Haywood Road.

AL 3-9512. Alcoa Reynolds Kaiser ALUMINUM COMPLETE, line to of contractors Aluminum and Products retail at wholesale outlets Doors, windows, siding, roofIna, screens, autter, thresholds. paint and many others. ALL ALUMINUM CO. 119 Riverside Drive AL 4-5434 Fruits, Vegetables (49-A.) STARK'S Delicious APPLES for sale.

Call MU 4-5411. Seeds, Plants (50) FANCY LAWN SEED, Lawn Food. Carolina Garden Supplies, 23 North ton. AL 4-1055. Produce, Feeds, Fertilizer (51) LIDINA Clover and Orchard grass hay, Call after seven p.m.

to eight a.m. AL 4-5235. SIXTY bales grass hay. Dial MO 7-3673. PULVERIZED cow manure, mulch roses.

flower beds, gardens now AL 41037 Poultry, Eggs, Supplies (52) SPECIAL BABY CHICKS ten cents each. Rhode Island Reds, Hubbard New Hampshires, Farmers Federation Hatchery. AL 4-3493. And all service stores. Livestock, Horses, Mules (53) ARTIFICIALLY sired Holstein helferFresh February.

MI 5-6047. BUNCOMBE County Co-op. Artificial breeding association, Dial AL 2-8644 before 11 a.m. for service same dav. Sunday's and nights, Joe Wells, MU 3-2572.

W. Burnis Buckner, Weave erville, Mi 5-6103. ARTIFICIAL Holstein. heifer, due freshen March 11. MO 7-2503.

Dogs, Cats, Birds, Pets (545 PEKINGESE, Terriers, Collies, AL' Mynah Bird. Pet Shop, 23 Wall. 3-3295. PUREBRED German Shepherd. Eight weeks old.

$35. AL 2-0202. BOXER puppies, $10 and $12. NO 9-7393. PUGS ALDEN KENNELS AL 3-9087 PUREBRED Collie pups.

Wormed. Males $25. Females $15 See at 72 Hibriten Drive Machinery (35) 1954 JOHN DEERE 40 utility with side mower. 1954 Ferguson 30, 10 Ford tractors. Good selection of used plows, harrows, spreaders, etc.

BILL REEVES, Canton Highway, opposite Enka Plant. MO 7-3281, PATTON EQUIPMENT AVENUE COMPANY Used Tractors And Equipment 18. Tractors, seven hay balers, four. 4-H harvesters. Equipment to go with the BUSINESS SERVICES Painting, Paperhanging (28) PAINTING FLOOR Sanding Carpentry repairs and roofing.

R. R. Gillis. AL 2-8741. PAINTING INSIDE, outside.

Quality. painting every way paper fobs. V. M. LYLE AL 3-9211 PAINTING Paper hangina: tion quaranteed.


GLENN SELF Dial AL 3-9641 OR AL 3-7147 SERVICE PAINTS CO. CALL US for your needs of paints. Special on outside paints. $4.80 gallon. Our estimates are free.

Biffmore Avenue. Dial AL 2-4771. Construction Services (29) BEFORE SPRING RUSH ROOFING, siding, painting, repairs, remodeling from basem*nt floor to chimney top, no money down, free estimates. BURGIN MARLOWE, AL 2-0361, CARPENTRY WORK -New construction, remodelina, repair, Cement work, walks, driveways, foundations, etc. Free estimates, MU 4-6231.

NO MONEY DOWN 36 -MONTHS to pay, Carpentry work, new and repair, Cement walks, Driveways, basem*nts, Grading. Brick and block work. AL 2-0781 anytime. SEPTIC. Tank special, $215.

Call Miller AL 2-6453, or MO 7-1372. WATER WELLS DRILLED BY GREENE BROS. WELL DRILLING FHA Phone FINANCING, FULLY INSULATED Mission -8-3170 or Mission 8-2050 Canton, North Carolina FOR all type repairing and construction work call AL 4-3862. CUSTOM built cabinets and store tixtures Merrills Cabinet Shop AL. 4-3903 Housewrecking Services (29-A) OSCAR BOLTON AL 3-7251 NIGHTS AL 4-2170 Office Machine Service (32) ING TYPEWRITER AND BUCKNER MACHINE COMPANY Sales-Servlice- Repairs MO 7-3739 Cleaning, Dyeing, Laundry (33) SOUND OPEN HORN FOR CURB SERVICE AT SEVEN CLOSE AT SIX ONE-DAY SERVICE MINICO BROADWAY AL 3-3636 Movers, Storage (36) BARKER'S TRANSFER, You can but you can't buy befter service pay more anywhere, AL 3-1473.

NORTH AMERICAN Van Lines, 230-34 Approved" moving, packing, storage, Clingman. Call Howard Frazier, AL 4-4684. Things For Rent INVALID SUPPLIES" SALE OR RENT SALLEY'S AL 2-8281 HOSPITAL AND ROLL-AWAY BEDS BABY BEDS, FLOOR POLISHERS FOR SALE or rent, Hodgens Furniture Company, 21 Broadway, Dial AL 3-3411. WHEEL hospital CHAIRS Walkers, bed trays, beds, for sale or rent. W.

McELDUFF Company, 186 Coxe AL 3-9301 Landscaping, Tree Service (38) TREES removed, topped, trimmed. Also shrubbery trimmed Free estimates AL SKYLAND Tree Service. Custom free and shrubbery service Dial MU 4-6105 AMAZING, BUT TRUE! WESTERN only tree service company with Office and Storeroom facHities. Complete- insurance protection, thorough knowledge of our business and reasonable rates makes ASHEVILLE TREE SERVICE 'the best of Its kind. Located on Sweeten Creek Rond in Billmore Come hv in call 4 1.4001 above.

4 FARM MACHINERY -AUCTION SALE Friday, March 11th 10 A.M. 200 Farm Tractors 600 Farm Implements GODLEY TWINE SUPPLY COMPANYMt. Holly Road. Phone EX 9-9756 Charoltte, North Carolina, BLUE RIDGE TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY 520 Haywood Road AL 2-7574 USED Holland 600 Forage HarvestNew 1959 New Holland Forage Harvesters. Big discount.

Used All makes and sizes. Cheap prices. He said it was this faith that sustained the pioneers who carved out the young nation. He said it was a vision "they had preserved in their hearts from the moment they went into exile, over 2,500 years ago. Had it not been for that spirit they would not have clung to their Jewishness, they would never have returned to Israel." That return, he said "is without parallel in He said the problems that face the young nation are uniquely difficult in the "internal and external hindrances it faces.

He added that "our constructive work will fail unless we know how to mobilize all the achievements of science to the aid of our "'The road ahead is long and hard. And while engaged in our national regeneration we must always remember the messianic vision of redemption that preserved us for thousands of years," he said, "That vision foresaw not only the complete redemption of the Jewish people, but of all humanity. For there can be no whole and lasting redemption of one people without the redemption of all nations." ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will, be received by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners until 11:00 A. M. EST on April 7, 1960 at which time said bids will be opened publicly House in the Council Asheville, Chamber C.

of Court at N. for the procurement of radio communications equipment and accessories and an emergency power unit and accessories. A complete description of and specifications for said equipment may be obtained at the Buncombe Connty United Civil Defense, Room 419-Buncombe County Court House, durina regular office hours. All bids must be accompanied by bid guarantee in the amount of five per cent of the bid price in the form of a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or bid bond executed by a bonding company authorized to do business in North The Board of County. Commissioners reserves the richt to reiect any and bids.

This the 7th day of March 1960, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By Harry P. Mitchell, Purchasing Agent (4289) March 9, 1960 (3775) March 9, 1960 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Buncombe County Board of County Commissioners at until 11:00 A. M. EST on April 8, 1960, which time said bids will be opened publicly in the Council Chamber of the Court House, Asheville, N. for the procurement of three sets of Standard Light Duty Rescue Tools and Equipment.

A complete description of and specifi. cations for said, equipment may be obthe Buncombe County. United. Civil Defense, Room. 419-Buncombe County Court House, during regular office hours.

The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to refect any and alt bids. Thin the 7th day of March 1960. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By Harry P. Mitchell, Purchasing Agent March 9, 1960 (3776) March 9, 1960 RENTALS Room and Board (56) CLOSE IN -Single, double rooms, serve Ina three meals, AL 3-4460. ROOMS for men.

BREAKFAST AND DINNER. AL. 3-2053. SINGLE-double, semi and private baths. Bus.

399 Lakeshore. AL 2-7071. GROVE PARK -Room and bath, limited number quests. Reasonable. AL 2-3472.

Rooms For Rent (57) ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, kitchen privileges. Jefferson Apartments, first floor. AL 3-1438. GROVE -Single room, maid serve ice, kitchen privileges. AL 3-4201.

WARM rooms, private and semi baths. Gentlemen, 177 Cumberland Avenue. AL 2-3766. TWO -nice warm rooms, private home. AL 2-6163.

WARM room, home atmosphere, convene tent, reasonable, 40 Watauga. AL 2-1966. WALKING distance, men, $4.50 up. 34 and 54. Oak Street.

PINE heat, LODGE -Rooms, ladies only, oit $6 Up. AL 3-1186. WEST ASHEVILLE, private home. Loveroom. Heat, hot water, bus, gentlemen, AL 3-2422.

YMCA corner Woodtin, Broadway, Clean Daily, rooms, modern furnishinas, television. weekly rates, AL 2-4726. YMCA corner Woodfin, Broadway, Clean Daily, rooms. modern furnishinas, television. weekly rates.

AL 2-4726. 37 RAVENSCROFT. Newly decorated warm bedroom. Elderly lady or gentleman. Unfurnished Apartments (58) EFFICIENCY Electric kitchen, private bath, wall bed, heat, water furnished.

LOWE APARTMENTS. 137 East Chestnut Street. AL 4-2436. FOR Hot COLORED room apartment. water, close redecorated.

Nice hood, in. Apply 7 Patton. NORTH SECTION First. floor, three rooms, bath, sun porch, steam heat and hot water furnished, private entrance. 116 Murdock or dial AL 3-0146.

LARGE one-bedroom apartment, excel. lent condition, in brick apartment building. Water, heat, kifchen furnished. $70. AL 3-4462.

FIVE room apartment. Heat, hotQuiet neighborhood. AL 2-0080 evenings. water. VERMONT APARTMENTS, modern gerage apartment.

Newly decorated. Utilities AL 3-7263 after five. 226 COURTLAND PLACE. Four rooms, heat, water, furaished. Bullt-in tub with shower.

Fair condition. AL 3-0625. FIVE large rooms, two baths. second only. floor.

$100 duplex in Grove Park. Adults bera, per month. Call Sven CarlBOOTH-BARFIELD, Inc. AL 2-4765. THREE rooms, bath, heat, lights, water.

68 Flint Street, $50 monthly. AL 3-7251. GROVE PARK-Four large rooms and bath, kitchen and. dinette furnished. Setfled adults.


Heat, water, stove, refrigerator furnished. Adults. $55. AL. 2-4213.

DUNBAR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY MODERN ONE bedroom, $67.50. Two bedrooms, $77.50. Three bedrooms, $87,50, INCLUDING electric stove, refrigerator, Venetian blinds, heat, water, playground. Free parking space. Mrs.

Helen Pozner, Resident Manager Apartment 17-A AL 2-8794 Furnished Apartments (59) TWO nice -room apartments: well until lime 2-1901..

The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.