Port Clinton Herald and Republican from Port Clinton, Ohio (2024)

IZZY SEZ NEXT THURSDAY, June 30 mark the sixth anniversary of commissioning of Port Clinton's airport Mrs. Russell Linton, wife of the former Methodist church minister here, served as a delegate to the North Central Jurisdiction Woman's Society of Christian Service School of Missions and Christian Service, held in Lake Forest, last. week. She now resides in Medina John C. Roberts, who 1 has been employed to take the census of business in Ottawa county, is the same John C.

Roberts who coaches Genoa high school athletic teams Add the name of Cooper's Winery at Put in Bay, as the latest eatery where good steaks are served PUT-IN-BAY came in for a piece of real national advertising in the June 18 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. You can find it on pages 108 and 109 Things can't be too bad. Recently a local fire did some smoke damage to a large quantity of flour. The damage was slight. But not a single welfare agency would accept the flour as a gift Along about the end of August announcement will be made of another big political appointment in Ottawa county, It concerns a position not too far west of Port Clinton ALL THE space being given on sports pages to the recent shooting of Eddie Waitkus, star first baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies, is being read carefully by Mr.

and Mrs. John Cerbus. The popular couple, who a operate Johnie's Market, were in the same hotel in Chicago, the night Waitkus was shot. They were not oh the same floor, however gold-printed invitation, signed by Melvin and Martie Arft, announces staging of the Okoboji Indian shoot at Cedar Point June 23 and 26 Jim Fastzkie, former Port Clinton and Oak Harbor high speed merchant, who plans to be married soon, got an early wedding gift on Sunday. He was awarded the vision set given away by Downtown Coaches baseball team TWO WEEKS AGO this column participated in the Ohio Newspaper Women's Association nar at Wittenberg college in Springfield.

Now we learn through Mildred Mason, vice president of the association that we've been voted in as a full-fledged member of the "auxiliary" Clarence Quisno is getting reacquainted with the west end of the city. As a mail carrier, he's taken over that route this week. Weather means little to Lloyd Rahm. In Monday morning's heat he went out and caught himself six big turtles LOOKING FOR a cottage. in which to live rent free? Well, M.

J. Arft, 429 West Bancroft street, Toledo, has one. Marty, in a note to this column says he's looking for a nice couple to reside in it. In return he expects them to keep up the property and to do such work as is customary around a duck and trapping marsh. Not only will they have free rent, but half of the trapping revenue.

All Marty wants in return is acess to one bedroom, the bath- and a Shelf in the refrigerator for his beer. Anyone interested may contact him at the above address or by phoning him at Garfield 7102, Toledo, or calling Melvin Arft in Port Clinton or Carl Biro, Jr. STATE HIGHWAY Patrol was out Sunday checking traffic on the road leading from Route 163 to East Harbor Park. And while they were doing that, property owners along the road were suffering from the white dust which had been put along the edge of the narrow road, in an effort to make it look wider While there may have been a lot of gripes because that carnival was allowed to show on downtown streets last week (there's an ordinance which forbids it), the fact remains that the outfit paid a total of $76.68 into the city treasury in amusem*nt taxes Regarding the recent visit of A. C.

"Jack" Girard to visit former friends here, we've just found out that he runs the San Pedro, stables where, if you're ever out that way, you can rent saddle horses YOU WOULDN'T believe it unless he told you so himself. That's why we're reporting that Harry (Clinton Theatre) Callahan celebrated his 50th birthday last Thursday. He took his wife fishing and she caught a five and a quarter pound pickerel. The PORT CLINTON HERALD AND REPUBLICAN Ottawa County's Leading Newspaper Published Every Friday By KRUPP PRINTING COMPANY 111 W. Second Port Clinton, O.

William A. Krupp Publisher Emeritus Walter A. Krupp, Editor Richard Krupp, Publisher Entered in the Port Clinton, Ohio, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter, according to an Act of Congress Subscription Rates, Single Copy 5c, $2.50 per year in advance in Ottawa County. Outelde Ottawa County, $3.00 per year in advance. Advertising rates furnished upon application at our office.

By The Way By JUEL REED COVER In all the hasty rush to get the new Clemons ice-cream place open in time for convention week, difficulty about a door developed. But undaunted, Paul and Lynn operated for several days without 8 door. Every night they would nail the aperture tightly shut, and then they would leave by climbing out a high window. We never though to inquire how they got in the next morning. aversion to cotton? Did you ever hear that a piece of cotton your screen will keep flies away from the door? Ran across this wrinkle out at Laura Roush's the other night, and they tell us it really works.

Flies just don't roost on a screen where a piece of cotton is fastened. There is nothing on the cotton either. Will somebody please explain what the reason is for flies' There are four important weddings scheduled for Saturday (plus, according to the grapevine, a surprise one not yet announced). And there are four pretty brides who are showing varying degrees of pre-nuptial jitters. Nervous? Well, here's a One the four let's call her Ermintrude by way of disguise called us Monday night.

"Ermintrude," she said, "this is And the groom-to-be sat in the other room laughing his head off at her mix-up. He'd better not be SO smug, though. They tell us at one recent wedding the groom was so nervous he forgot to shave, and had to be sent back home before the could go on to the church. Thisa and Thata: The Bob Holzhauers are getting ready to move into their newly purchased home, the former Pete Roberts house. It isn't definite, but Dorothy Mc-1 Daniels may return as kindergarten teacher next year, despite her Duff definitely won't be back from previous resignation Agnes Bakersfield, and Dorothy (who was an excellent teacher and mighty popular with the youngturn Rotarians and Rotarysters) may yield to pleas to Anns attending the convention in New York last week had a wonderful time, they report The weather was ideal, not too hot and nary a drop of the rain which visited Port Clinton daily all week It's good to see Mrs.

John Lay up in a wheelchair now in Magruder hospital where she was seriously ill for so many weeks When is that well known Cast Sixth street resident going to announce her marriage to an equally popular East End man? Household Dept: They tell us that if you put lard on June bug spots, before you launder the clothes, they come out without a stain Stork Quotations: and Mrs. Jack Mizener will call their new son James Paul. While the Justin Buchmans (she was pretty Dorothy Ganther) have selected Jeffrey as the name for their new offspring Albert Franklin Burke, that nine poundtwo ounce son born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burke of East Third street, has all the aspects of becoming a football player Judging from his hands and shoulders now Mira.

Burke is the former Veneda that Roberts, and the reason Mrs. Lena Hensen of Harrison street is beaming so widely these days is that she is now a greatgrandmother for the first time The Boyd Wilkins (she was Joanne Petersen) have selected John William as the name of their first born Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keaton, to whom twin sons were born Saturday, now have seven boys A 15-month old son died last month. The boys and girls of the Bryan must be a pretty fine bunch band of people.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, 512 Jefferson street, were away from home last Wednesday. When they returned, the front porch window was broken. But fastened beside it was a note, explaining that the Bryan band had taken refuge from the rain on their porch, and were responsible for the broken window.

A name and address was left, asking, that the bill for replacement be sent to them. And then, as a second mice gesture about the accident, the Wrights received a call from local firemen saying they had heard of the mishap and offering to take care of expenses. That's the kind of convention visitors- and convention sponsors that a town really likes, isn't it? Two mighty disappointed young women are hastily revamping their summer plans. Mary Kinney and Suzanne Ganther, who had planned to conduct an eight-weeks school at Erie Gardens, have had to give up the project, because of too small enrollment. It's a shame, too, because the girls had worked hard on arranging an excellent summer program for the pre-schoolers.

And they went to a lot of effort to take out a property bond and insurance Port Clinton Herald and Republican, Friday, June 24, 1949. Page Three Admitted Jame 16: Herman Miller, Gypsum, surgical; Robert Dress, Marblehead, surgical; Walter Myers, Adams, surgical. June 17: Larry Kokinda, 321 East Seventh, surgical; Mrs. James Krummel, 626 Jackson, medical; Meredith Claus, Gerald Blatt, Held, all Oak Harbor, tonsillectomies. June 18: Corporal Roy Kellison, Ravenna, medical; Jack Wertenbach, Put in Bay, medical; May Rosendahl, Put in Bay, medical.

June 19: Nancy Jean Nielsen, Route 2, medical; Mrs. Andrew Parker, Harbor View, medical; Mrs. Keneth Black, Port Clinton, surgical. June 20: Theodore Pieplow, Port Clinton, surgical; Mrs. William Moon, medical; Mrs.

Charles Schmitt, surgical; Gustave Daum, surgical; Blossom Coe, Lakeside, surgical; Mrs. Henry Hansen, medical. June 21: Lionel Mayhew, Port Clinton, medical; Mrs. Florence Garlick, medical; Charles Benore, surgical. June 22: Stephen Hulley, Lakeside, surgical; Michael Stahl, Oak Harbor, surgical; Kathryn Reau, Discharges Theo.

Popoff, Mrs. Anna Ruth Duncan, Mrs. Lowanna Damckes, Mrs. Edith Mizener and baby, Mrs. Thelma Deitzel, George Clemons, Peter Boytim, Mrs.

Elsie Ohm and baby, Mrs. Martha Bliss and baby, Eugene Story, Mrs. Edell Geller and baby, Mrs. Vonda Sherrill, Mrs. Helen Coffman and baby, Lawrence Twarek, Wm.

Pinson, Mrs. Maxene Smith and baby, Mrs. Evelyn Nielsen, Mrs. Dorothy Buchman and baby, Mrs. Verneda Burke and baby, Hans Larson, Charlotte Seufert, Keith Rambo, David Simon, Lula Dischinger.

Eric Hollie, Richard Boysen, Clifton Carnicom, Mrs. Emma Carder, Robert Dress, Mrs. Lois Held. Gerald Blatt, Meredith Claus, Mrs. Alta Krummel, Mrs.

Ruth Foster, Larry Kokinda, Roy Kellison, Mrs. Reva Valentic and baby, Theodore Pieplow, Lionel Wynn, Mrs. Joanne Wilkins, CARS CRASH HEAD-ON WEDNESDAY EVENING HOSPITAL NEWS Three people were hospitalized, one of them with serious injuries, as the result of a head-on collision between two cars at the north approach to Portage river bridge here at 9:20 p.m. Wednesday. In Magruder hospita! were Mrs.

Anna M. Schell, 51, RFD 1, Elmore with multiple bruises; Mrs. Nellie Dodd, 58, Oak Harbor, compound fracture of the left ankle; and Mrs. W. W.

Laughlin, 60, Oak Harbor, extensive bruises and cuts. The three women, along with Frank A. Schell, 55, RFD 1, Elmore, husband of the one injured party, were in the car which was proceeding north and west across the bridge. Police who investigated the accident said they were informed that a car operated by Charles F. Scherer, 33, of 404 Stone street, Fremont, which was going east and south, nearly struck a machine operated by George Hemminger, 851 Main street, Toledo.

After missing this car, police said they were told, the Scherer car struck the Schell machine head-on, then glanced off and struck the northeast corner of the bridge. Police said Scherer was over the center line of the street. Scherer, a son of a former Port Clinton marshall, was taken into custody and later released on bond, pending a hearing. Officer William Robel who was called to the scene, administered first aid to the Dodd woman, until ambulances from the Gerner and Wolf company and Neidecker's arrived to take the injured to the hospital. On June 16, Vincent, J.

Menler, son of Mr. Mrs. Vito Menier of 651 Maple Lakeside, Ohio, received the degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was a former student of Lakeside High Schoel, graduating in 1945. After, spending parents in the Lakeside.

summer he will be recalled to active duty with the United States Air Forces. SOCIETY NEWS of A ELECTS New officers of Daughters of America were elected Wednesday night, with Miss Vivian Nielsen heading the group as Councilor. Others are: Associate councilor, Mrs. Harvey Hephner; vice councilor. Ruth Letterly; associate vice councilor, Mrs.

James Hephner; conductor, Mrs. Walter Warke; warden, Mrs. Delbert Wilson; inside sentinel, Mrs. Earl Schrader; outside sentinel, Mrs. Ruth Gillispie; trustee, Mrs.

Harvey Hephner; recording secretary, Mrs. Ralph Anderson; financial secretary, Mrs. Rose Silverwood; treasurer, Mrs. John Wright; junior past councilor, Marilyn Anderson; associate junior past councilor, Mrs. Ray Cover; representative, Mrs.

Roy O'Nan, who will represent the Council at the state meeting in August. Plans for Fun Night in Toledo, July 21, were discussed, and local members will practice for the event July 6 at the home of Mrs. G. Shively. Next meeting is July 13, when officers will be installed.

A picnic at City Park preceded the meeting Wednesday. GUEST NIGHT meeting. ATCH HAS MEET St. Charles Study Club enjoyed a guest night meeting Tuesday at Erie Gardens Community House. Flower arrangements were shown by Floyd Kliegbiel, and some of them were won by Mrs.

Ralph Schafer, Mrs. Fritz Johnson, Mrs. Michael Hrupcho, Mrs. Ursula Warner, Mrs. George Oleksa, Mrs.

Howard Florian and Mrs. Delbert Wilson. Mrs. Michael Hrupcho played piano selections. A family picnic is planned for the July Meeting Monday at the home of Shirley Noble, members of the ATCH 4-Hi club answered roll call by naming favorite foods.

Ruth Ewerson presided in absence of Lucille Paulsen. A new member, Joeva Burns, was elected vice president to succeed Juanita Wright. A party for the boys' and young girls' 4-H clubs was discussed. Games were played and lunch served. QUEEN OF HEARTS Menus for meetings and were discussed at a meeting of "Queen of Hearts 4-H club Tuesday at the home of Sally.

Minier. Alma Hineline, Sharon "Carstensen and Dorothy. Rofkar gave demonstrations on setting the table. Propect was pancakes. Lunch was served.

Next meeting is June 28 at the home of Roberta Shertzer. ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown spent the week-end in Grand Rapids, attending the high school commencement activities at which their granddaughter, Marilyn Lou Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Milford Brown, was graduated. Accompanying them were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker and Mrs. Nellie Steelsmith.

They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown and family. WED AT BAY Miss Marie Woischke and Robert Nose of Put-in-Bay, were married Saturday in the Mother of Sorrows Catholic church, with the Rev. Charles Haley officiating.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Wooischke, and was a member of the 1949 graduating class at Put-in-Bay. The groom is employed by the Lay Fisheries. The young couple will be guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Crowe until their apartment is in readiness at the Herbert Engel home. Mrs. Harold Wilhelm was matron of honor, and ushers were William Market and William Miller Jr. The best man was John Tuscian, Cleveland.

A reception was held at the Wischke home. SOCIAL EVENING After a seven o'clock dinner at the Log Cabi Inn, Bay Bridge, members of the Friendly Eight Birthday Club drove to the home of Mrs. Vernon Rider, the hostess, for a social evening. Enjoying the evening were Mrs. Fritz Johnson, Mrs.

Walter Miller, Mrs, Ray Hoffman, Mrs. Alex Meterko, Mrs. nia, Mrs. Larry the Julia Gresh, Miss Josephine, Frahostess. HAVE PICNIC Husbands were guests recently when Mother Round Table members had a picnic supper at East State Park.

An entertaining social evening was arranged by the committee. Mrs. Ray Denney, Mrs. Jerry Ames, Mrs. Don Burke, and Mrs.

Charles Stevenson. Mrs. Stevenson will be hostess at the next meeting, June 27, at her home on 432 Short street. SHOWER GIVEN Miss Clarice Dietrich, bride-elect of Saturday, was guest of honor at a surprise, shower given, Friday night by Mrs. Frank Huskey, Mrs.

Theodore Hollinger and Mrs. Cloyd Huskey at the Fred Dietrich home. Mrs. Emery Macko received the prize at bingo, Mrs. Mike Kolinko and Marjorie Lattimore won the pinochle awards, and Mrs.

John Minier was prize winner in a contest. Luncheon service concluded the evening and the bride-elect was showered with lovely gifts. Others present were Mrs. Fred Dietrich, Mrs. Frank Marino, Mrs.

Henry Ceccoli, Mrs. Earl Payne, Roger Bascoms are leaving Milford, and moving back to! 169 Lee Road in Berea Ohio. After July 8 they will Peace Clinton's most "popular pop" is Manuel Nossman. Sponsored by is. Sam's Store, the contest was a father's day project for young people here.

Dave Jeremy, last year's winner, was only 14 votes behind Nossman Dirnberg Heads DAV In County Franklin G. Dirnberg, Port Clinton, will serve as commander of Disabled American Veterans, of Perry Wargo chapter 29 for the years 1949 and 1950, following the election of officers this week. Others named at the same time were Arthur J. Grieger, Oak Harbor, adjutant and, treasurer; Ezra E. Hiss, Port Clinton, service ficer; Willis Rapparlie, Oak Harbor, vice commander; John D.

Minier, Port Clinton, junior vice commander; Arthur Knudson, chaplain; Clarence Freimark, Graytown, sergeant at arms; John Wozniak, Port Clinton, officer of the day, Meeting the third Monday of each month, the DAV is an organization of disabled American veterans, whose purpose is to aid disabled veterans and their families. 10 Take Part In Music Clinic More than 250 high school dents and teachers are on the Ohio University cmapus in Athens, 0., this week and next, attending the annual summer music clinic-workshop. Nine students and their teacher, David Stantonof Port Clinton high school, in attendance. The students are Delores Duffy, Carolyn Kirk, Gail Boss, Carolyn Brindley, Franklin Dubbert, Philip Dusini, Alice Kirk, Joyce Kirk and Jo Ann Swimmer. Majorettes Take Part in Parades Cochrane's Majorettes, 31 strong will take part in two more parades ent parts in each.

over the week end, having light Friday night at 0.00 pail. saving time) they will lead the parade for the Ohio Amvets, meeting in Sandusky. Sunday afternoon they will be in the parade for the district American Legion convention in Toledo. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Catawba Arthur Ayers to Ormand F. Cook, et al, lot 41 pt, sec.

3. Anniversaries BIRTHDAYS June 23: Vance Wright, Ella Louise Babco*ck, William Fell, Kent Wedekind, John Papcum, Mrs. James A. Hopfinger, Mrs. D.

Carroll. June 24: Helen Kreiger, Mrs. Conrad Zilch, Mrs. Earl O'Hara, Mrs. Theodore Weichman, John Meinke, Virginia Bascom, Mary Ellen Kelly, Charles Schultz.

June 25: Mrs. Peter Sutter, Marion Pettibone, Ervin Fick, Angela Darr, Louise Ann Debien, Barbara Brokate, Sharon Smith. June 26: Mrs. Wilhem Winnie, Royce Balduf, William Haydon, Osborne Haydon, Frank Menier, Jr. June 27: Phyllis Jean Ludwig, Coleen Hees, Mrs.

Leah Short, John Vincel, Theodore Cover, Kathleen Sullivan, Martha Below, Mrs. William Mrs. Don White. June 28: Betty Warnke, Mrs. William Goebel, Carol Darr, Geo.

Minderman, Sarah Raisner, Mrs. Mary McCord, John Keller, Mrs. Lorene Long, Joan Vargo, Mrs. Herman Hasselbrach, Susan Sabo, Joanne Shepherd, Charles Laird, Charles Ruddock, Nancy Lee Prowant. June 29: George Schade, Lucille Felder, Marjorie Koerner, George Valentic, Mrs.

Lois Madison, Gilbert Finken, Pearl Jopp, Mrs. Andrew Thompson, Lucille Darr, M1s. John Warren, Nick Jensen, Jessie Prowant. June 30: Mary Alice Streeter, Norma Deal, Grace Fulton, Kit Sullivan, Richard Krupp, Jr. WEDDIN ANNIVERSARIES.

June 23: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ludwig, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gulau, Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Robron, June 24: Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Wolley, Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Stein, Mr. and Mrs. O.

F. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bahnsen. June 25: Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Bredbeck. June 26: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore PieRev.

and Mrs. J. William Althaus, Mr. and Mrs. Cooley.

June 27: Mr. and Mrs. John Warren, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith.

June 28: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehne, Dr. and Mrs. R.

R. Roose, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krupp, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Long, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Menier. June 29: Mr. and Mrs.

John Subacz. June 30: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs.

Tony Arhutich. A field meeting of Owens-Illinois Glass company was held at Catawba Cliffs Beach Club Monday, June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kowalczyk, Gypsum, are parents of a son born Thursday morning, June 23, in Magruder hospital.

The baby weighed eight pounds and two ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keaton, Route 2, are the parents of twin sons, born Sunday, June 19, at Magruder hospital. The Father's Day arrivals, which now make seven boys in the Keaton family, weighed six pounds, eight ounces, and five younds, 14 ounces respectively.

A son weighing five pounds, ounces, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wilkins of Route 1, Oak Harbor, at Magruder: hospital, Saturday afternoon, June 18, at 2:22 p.m. The baby, will be named John William. Wilkins is the former Joanne Petersen.

Mr. and Mrs. William Mullens, of Gypsum, are parents of a son, born Saturday, June 18, at Magruder hospital. The baby weighed seven pounds, ounces, and arrived at 8:14 a.m. A son, weighing eight pounds, ounces, was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Ross Ward, of 703 street, Friday, June 17, at 1:10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bunni, Gyp-.

sum, are parents of a daughter, born at Magruder hospital on Thursday, June 16, at 6:42 p.m. The baby weighed six pounds and five ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Christiansen, 621 Jackson Drive, announce the birth of a daughter Monday morning, June 20, at 8:40 a.m.

in Magruder hospital. The baby weighed nine pounds, two and one-half ounces, and will be called Jeri -Lyn. A brother, Terry, welcomes the new arrival. Mr. and Mrs.

George Valentic, 86 West Loop, are parents of a son born Monday, June 20, at Magruder hospital. The baby weighed seven pounds and two ounces. A. son, weighing seven pounds and four ounces, was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Geldien, Rocky Ridge, at Magruder hospital on Tuesday, June The baby weighed seven pounds and four ounces. Mr. and Mrs. John Kratz, of 225 Washington street, are parents of a daughter born Wednesday, June 22. at.

Magruder hospital. The baby weighed seven pounds, four and one-half ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burke, 215 East Third street, are parents of a daughter, born Wednesday, June 15, at Magruder hospital.

The baby weighed nine pounds and two ounces. MARRIAGE LICENSES: Births Leo R. Bundschuh, 23, shoe repairman, Fremont and Miss Marian L. Baker, 20, factory worker, Port Clinton. Fr.

Leo Lemkuhl to officiate. Gordon Domeck, 22, Wauseon, and Miss Betty Jane Lange, 23, teacher, Port Clinton RFD. Rev. Hollis Hayward to officiate. Elden E.

Leow, 22, farmer, Oak Harbor and Miss Phyllis J. Parman, 20, time keeper, Oak Harbor. Rev. O. C.

Doenges to officiate. Lyle F. Riedmaier, 42, farmer, Port Clinton and Mrs. Carolyn B. Luebeke, 42, Lakeside.

Rev. Victor Roser to officiate. George A Atkinson, 25, Artillery Repurmen, Erie Ordnance Depot and Miss Betty Weis, 19, billing clerk, Port Clinton. Fr. Karl A.

Brand to officiate. LeRoy Fowler, 21, phone lineman, Genoa, and Miss Barbara A. Tipple, 19, bookkeeper. Victor Roser to officiate. Robert Grau, 24, car dropper, Toledo, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Greer, 24, inspector, Port Clinton.

Rev. H. M. Meyers to officiate. Kenneth L.

Layman, 22, drill press operator, Genoa, and Mrs. Emelia Lauer, 29, Genoa. Rev. James O'Toole to officiate. Eugene R.

Rice, 21, clerk Genoa, and Miss Jeanette A Haar, 22, beautician, Williston. Rev. Paul A. Davids to officiate. Richard L.

Welty, 26, student, Port Clinton and Miss Nancy J. Keller, 22, clerk, Port Clinton. Chaplain William C. Noce to officiate. Charles E.

Zelms, 19, Navy, Port Clinton and Miss Rosemary Juby, 19, bookkeeper, Port Clinton John E. Braun to officiate. Edward Kowolczk, 25, student, Gypsum and. Miss Clarice L. Dietrich, 24, secretary, Port Clinton RFD.

Fr. Karl Brand to officiate. FINED FOR SHOOTING FREMONT, June 23- -Zeldon Hill, Fremont, was fined $25 and costs by Mayor Harold J. Whitcomb for shooting a great blue heron. He wounded the bird Saturday and a deputy sheriff had to destroy the crane.

policy for the school, besides arranging for their supplies and for use of the Community House. They would have made superior teachers, both of them. They will both be seniors in the college of education at Bowling Green next year, and both Suzanne and Mary impress us as being most efficient and likeable. Only eight youngsters were enrolled, so they decided Friday night they'd have to cancel the idea. "Enemy" Repulsed At Camp Perry Nearly 200 reserve officers and enlisted men participated in the training at Camp Perry over the week end, which was under direction of Col.

John N. Joyce, camp commander and supervisor of the Toledo office of the Ohio Military district. Army and air force reserves guccessfully beat off a simulated attack on Camp Perry, Sunday at the contact camp held there. Enemy troops landed on the shores of Camp Perry but were annihilated before they could organize for a a a a a a a a a drive on Toledo. Jerry Brough Is Given BA Degree Jerry Brough, son of Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Brough of East Sixth street, received his bachelor of arts degree Sunday at commencement exercises at Baldwin-Wallace college, Berea. Jerry completed his studies at Baldwin-Wallace last September and shortly afterwards enrolled in dental college at Ohio State Universiy, where he is now in school.

His parents and Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schmidt attended the commencement exercises. Heads Of Lodge at Meeting Twelve former officials were honored Tuesday, evening, when they were awarded pins for their services as past grand knights of the Knights of Columbus council here. Jack Malloy, Findlay, state secretary of the organization, made' the presentation, assisted by District Deputy Cyril Cunningham, of Findlay.

Mr. Malloy spoke briefly, as did the Revs. Karl A. Brand and Paul Mueller. Among those receiving past grand knight pins was Charles Dunn of St.

Clair, first grand knight of the order here. MATCHES BLOW UP Dr. J. G. Yingling, local dentist, sustained severe burns to the palm of his left hand Tuesday night, when a package of paper matches blew up as he was attempting to light one.

SPORTS JUNIORS TAKE 9-2 WIN FROM BELLEVUE Junior Legion baseball club added another victory to its string Wednesday night by dumping the Bellevue Legion, 9 to 2, in a game played at True Lay field. Bellevue scored a run in the first of the sixth, but Port Clinton did not finishh its half because of darkness. The locals scored three runs in the first, five in the second and one in the third. Bellevue scored two in the third and one in the sixth, but the score reverted to the end of the fifth. Dick Miller, Lakeside's southpaw ace, was on the mound with Bill Riddle behind the plate.

Long and Adams did the hurling for Bellevue with Konst and Bickhardt receiving. Miller fanned 11 and walked ten in the game which ran two hours and 25 minutes. SOFTBALL STANDINGS Team Standards 3 0 Port Clinton Mfg. 2 0 Marblehead VFW 4 Port Clinton VFW 3 1. K.

of 2 2 Boysens .0.. 1 2 Whitehouse 3 Matthews 4 Camp Perry 0 4 Scores Marblehead 13, Camp Perry 2. K. of C. 12, Port Clinton VFW 10.

Whitehouse 15, Matthews 14. Port Clinton Mfg. Standards (rain) Standard 4, Marines 3. (Wednesday night. Coming Games Marblehead VFW vs.

Port Clinton Mfg. at Erie Gardens, June 23 K. of C. vs Boysens at Water Works, June 23. Port Clinton VFW vs Whitehouse at Erie Gardens, June 24.

Pollock's Cars In Race Money Dale Pollock has been racing his midget Offenhausers around the circuit at midget race tracks, and from all reports is well up in the money. Within the past two weeks against stiff competition, his cars have won a second, a third and a fourth place. SQUAWS TO PLAY Port Clinton Squaws girls softball team will 1 play its first home game of the season Friday night when they tangle with the Hub Cafe girls team of Sandusky at the Water Works diamond here. The game is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. Mrs.

Stanley Sivinski, Mrs. Floyd Klingbiel, Mrs. Chester Burr, Mrs. Ted Burmeister, Mrs. Frank Fitzthum, Mrs.

Ed Twynham, Mrs. John Minier, Mrs. Stanley Kowalczyk, Mrs. Chris Topel, Mrs. Ted McGee and Mrs.

Ed Huskey. Mrs. Carl. Johnson sent a gift but was unable to attend. ATTEND CLINIC Off to Ohio University at Athens for a two weeks stay are nine young local musicians and high school band director David Stanton.

Mr. Stanton is acting in supervisory capacity at the University's Band Clinic, which the nne local boys and girls will attend for two weeks Going down Sunday with him were Philip Dusini, rank Dubbert, Caroline, Alice and Joyce Kirk, Gaile Boss, JoAnn Swimmer, Caroline Bringley, and Dolores Duffey. HAVE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Branum, of Bay Shore Road at family gathering Sunday at their home. A potluck dinner and supper was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Basil Curliss and daughter Anita of Fort Pierce, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Marshall of Toledo, Charles Marshall and Neva Tress of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fastzkie, Dick, Bill and Bob of Oak Harbor, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Branum, Diane, Larry and Jimmy, Lott Buckley and Carol. The afternoon was spent in playing ball and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Curliss and daughter of Fort Pierce, spent the past week with the Branums and other relatives and friends.

Mr. Curliss is Mrs. Branum's brother and this is the first time they have seen each other in 16 years, Their parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. tSephen Curliss of Erie township.

INFANT OF PRAGUE Meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Harold Hopfinger, Infant of Prague Study Club members elected these officers: president, Herbert Witt; president, Mrs. Darrell Habilitzel: secretary, Mrs. Richard Niseen; corresponding secretary, Mrs Paul Krofft; treasurer, Mrs. E.

M. Ganther; historian, Mrs. J. Bernard. Mrs.

Hablitzel invited the group to have, breakfast with her following Community July 18, the first anniversary of the club. A potluck dinner for families was set for July 31. eRfreshhments were served. ATTEND WEDDING Miss Joan Reichert of Toledo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Reichert, who are well known here, is being married this Saturday evening to John. Kirtland, also Toledo. The wedding takes place at 8:30 p.m. in Ashland Baptist church. and the reception following is at the Tooledo Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie King will attend the wedding. SURPRISE PARTY Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Mrs. Phoebe Cover gathered last Friday night in surprise party honoring Mrs.

Cover as she celebrated her 65th birthday. The party was held at the home of Mrs Ruth Witt, Washington street, daughter of the honor guest. Refreshments and a social evening were enjoyed. VISIT IN PENNSYLVANIA Jim Fastzkie and Faye Schau of Gypsum, Dick Branum and Norma Lee Suhrbier of Oak Harbor spent the week end at Slippery Rock, with Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Kelly and family. Mrs. Kelly is an aunt of the boys. Returning Sunday night, Jim had the pleasant surprise of learning he had been awarded a television set given away by. the Downtown Coaches that afternoon at the ball game.

SURPRISE SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Robert were honored with a surprise party, in the form of a stork shower, at their Hickory Grove home Saturday night. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs.

Robert' Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hass, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fehnrich, Billy Bobb and Monnie Mrs.

Charles Bass, Mrs. Clayton: Ernsberger, Mr. and Mrs. Roger, Kinney, Mr. and Mrs.

Fra-klin Guskey and David, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens. Mr. and Mrs Geo.

Koenig and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Koenig of Toledo, Walter fuss, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Andrew, Dickie Waltz, and the honored guests, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Waltz. Sending gifts but unable to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klotz, Mr.

and Mrs. John Dubbert and Randall. The group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Andrews where the gifts were opened and games, were played.

A delicious lunch was served. Have you tried BEER.

Port Clinton Herald and Republican from Port Clinton, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.