Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (2025)

Table of Contents

  • Key Info Up Front
  • Overload Potion Overview
  • Creating Overloads
    • Extreme Attack Potion
    • Extreme Strength Potion
    • Extreme Defense Potion
    • Extreme Magic Potion
    • Extreme Ranged Potion
    • Torstol
  • Further Uses for Overloads
    • Aggroverload
    • Holy Aggroverload
    • Holy Overload Potion
    • Perfect Plus Potion
    • Searing Overload Potion
    • Supreme Overload Potion
  • FAQs
    • Question: Do Overloads counteract stat decay from using Saradomin Brews?
    • Question: What is the best Overload Potion inRunescape?
    • Question: Why are Overloads good inRunescape?
  • Conclusion

When tackling high-level combat content in Runescape players need to be well-prepared with potions if they want any chance of success. This sees players either training their Herblore skill to craft potions of their own or spending countless coins on stocking up. If you train up your Herblore, however, you’ll be able to craft your Overload potions to unclog your inventory and provide superior stat boosts to what usually is available otherwise.

Key Info Up Front

  • Members Only:Yes
  • Tradeable:No
  • Skill Requirements:Herblore Level 86

Overload Potion Overview

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (1)

High-level players covet overloads because of their numerous stat-boosting properties. Mechanically Overloads combine the benefits of five separate Extreme potions into one. This means that using an Overload just once provides players with a boost to their Attack, Defense, Magic, Strength, and Ranged skills. Each of those skills gets raised by a number of levels equal to 3 plus 15% of the player’s level in that skill. These boosts are also re-applied consistently during the potion’s six-minute duration, ensuring the boosts can be drained from exterior forces.

The way that combat skill boosts work inRunescape means that these increases impact a player’s damage output in two ways. First, the player’s base damage dealt is increased incrementally for each level of the associated combat skill that was raised. This increase equals what players would experience if they raised the skill the traditional way. The second way your damage is increased is an additional incremental increase applied for each level raised above your character’s usual skill. The differences between how the damage is raised won’t matter to most players but do matter if you’re trying to figure out your total damage when using Overloads with damage boosts like the ones gained from wearing Void Knight armor.

Creating Overloads

Creating a single Overload is lengthy unless you don’t mind spending coins to buy the five Extreme potions that are ingredients in a single Overload. However, this can make every Overload cost thousands of coins more than it otherwise would. So, if you’d instead make your Overloads to save money or level Herblore, the steps to do so are below.

Extreme Attack Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (2)

Before making an Extreme Attack Potion, you first have to brew a Super Attack Potion. These are made by mixing an Eye of Newt with some Clean Irit in a Vial of Water. Eye of Newts is best gotten by purchasing them from potion shops since they only cost three coins each and can be found in more than a dozen shops throughout Runescape.

To get your hands on Clean Irit, you first have to get Grimy Irit before cleaning it. There are a few different ways you can go about getting Grimy Irit. The most time-efficient way is to purchase it from the Grand Exchange, which has an average price of approximately 370 coins. Otherwise, you can grow your own farming plots if you have Farming Level 44 or higher.

Once you have your Super Attack Potion, you’ll need to combine it with Avantoe to make your Extreme Attack Potion. Similarly to Irit, you’ll need to get Grimy Avantoe before you clean it to be usable in potions. Grimy Avantoe goes for an average of 965 coins on the Grand Exchange or can be grown with Farming Level 50 in an Herb Patch.

Extreme Strength Potion

Extreme Strength Potions also require you first to make a Super Strength Potion use as its primary ingredient. Extreme Strength Potions are created using Clean Kwuarm as a primary ingredient and Limpwurt Root as the secondary with a Vial of Water. Limpwurt Root is harvested from Limpwurt Flowers that are grown with Farming Level 26. If you don’t have a high enough Farming skill to gather the Limpwurt Root, however, you can also buy it from the Grand Exchange with an average price floating around 356 coins.

Kwuarm is similar to the other herbs used for making potions in that it is obtained by cleaning Grimy Kwuarm. Grimy Kwuarm can be grown in Herb Patches in Falador, Catherby, Port Phasmatys, and a few other locations if the player has Farming Level 56. If you don’t have a high enough Farming skill to harvest it yourself, it is sold on the Grand Exchange for around 760 coins or can be dropped by a range of monsters like Crystal Shapeshifters, Chaos Druid Warriors, and Fever Spiders, as well as many others.

After brewing a Super Strength Potion, you’ll need to get some Clean Dwarf Weed to combine with it to make an Extreme Strength Potion. Dwarf Weed is a high-level herb that requires Farming Level 79 to grow your own. Otherwise, you can purchase it for an average of 6,517 coins on the Grand Exchange or try your luck getting it as a drop from enemies like Dark Beasts, Chaos Druids, and Drunken Men.

Extreme Defense Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (3)

You will again need to brew a Super Defense Potion before being able to make an Extreme Defense Potion. To make your own Super Defense Potion, you’ll need to combine cleaned Cadantine with White Berries and a Vial of Water. To get Grimy Cadantine, you can either buy it or grow your own in Herb Patches. Buying it from the Grand Exchange will cost you an average of 662 coins, while the Herb Patches are found in the usual locations in Falador, Port Phasmatys, and Catherby. You also can grind for it to drop from creatures like Feral Dinosaurs, Aquanites, and Abyssal Lords, but that is a much lengthier approach.

To get White Berries, you’ll need to grow them at Bush Patches. You can farm them yourself once you get to Farming Level 59, which is the cheapest way to get them. If you don’t want to spend the time farming, you can also buy them from the Grand Exchange, but they will run you an average of 4,778 coins for each one.

To upgrade your Super Defense Potion to an Extreme one, you’ll need to combine it with Lantadyme. If you want to farm your Lantadyme you’ll need Farming Level 73 at Herb Patches. You can also get it as a drop from enemies like Abyssal Lords, Brutish Dinosaurs, and Came Warriors, but it has the potential to take a lot of time if you don’t want to spend the time getting the herb in any of those ways you can also buy them from the Grand Exchange where they cost an average of 6,034.

Extreme Magic Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (4)

For your Extreme Magic Potion, you’ll first need to make a Super Magic Potion with Lantadyme and Potato Cactus. To get Lantadyme, reference the above paragraph under the Extreme Defense Potion heading. To get Potato Cactus, you can grow your own with Farming Level 86 at a Cactus Patch. Cactus Patches can be found in Het’s Oasis, Anachronia, Al Kharid, or Menaphos if you’ve completed the quest Jack of Spades. It also is dropped by a range of desert monsters like Camel Warriors, Fungal Mages, and Vinecrawlers, amongst others. Otherwise, it can be purchased from the Grand Exchange for an average of 524 coins.

To get your Extreme Magic Potion, you’ll also need Ground Mud Runes that you can combine with your Super Magic Potion. This is created using a Pestle and Mortar with a regular Mud Rune. To get a Mud Rune, you’ll have to either craft it with Runecrafting Level 13 or purchase it from the Grand Exchange for 740 coins. Of course, you can skip the process entirely and buy the ingredient straight from the Grand Exchange for an average of 890 coins if you prefer.

Extreme Ranged Potion

To make your Extreme Ranged Potion, you will need Dwarf Weed and Wine of Zamorak to make a Super Ranged Potion that you will then combine with five Grenwall Spikes. For information on how to best get Dwarf Weed, check the Extreme Strength Potion heading above. Wine of Zamorak, on the other hand, can be a bit more complicated. Players can make their own Wine of Zamorak if they wish by first growing Grapes of Zamorak, which can then be combined with a Jug of Water to create Unfermented Wine of Zamorak if you have Cooking Level 92 or higher. After this is done, the wine will ferment into the regular Wine of Zamorak in just a few seconds. However, you can also find a Wine of Zamorak for free in the Captured Temple by the Goblin Village or buy one from the Grand Exchange for around 1,097 coins.

After you’ve combined those two first ingredients and a Vial of Water to make your Super Ranged Potion, you’ll need to combine it with five Grenwall Spikes. Grenwall Spikes are gotten by hunting Grenwalls with Hunter Level 77. These are found in Isafdar and can be captured with a Box Trap when you use Pawya Meat as bait. However, with how high of a Hunter level is required, it may be more effective to purchase them from the Grand Exchange for an average of 1,415 coins each for a total average cost of 7,075 per Extreme Ranged Potion.


Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (5)

Once you’ve acquired the above Extreme Potions, you’ll need to combine all of them along with some Torstol to finally create your Overload. Torstol is one of the rarest herbs in Runescape with the most consistent way to get it is planting it with Farming Level 85. If you don’t have high enough Farming, you can instead get it as a drop from Ancient Mages by burning Vyre Corpses on pyres in the Columbarium or by opening the closed chest in Yanille’s Agility Dungeon. If you don’t have the patience to deal with its low drop rates, however, you can, of course buy it from the Grand Exchange for an average of 6,399 coins.

Further Uses for Overloads

Overloads are powerful potions in their own right, but they can also be used as the primary ingredient of even more powerful potions. If you have a high enough Herblore level, I recommend doing so because the better versions have more doses so that you get more out of it for the time you invested. The potions you can use Overloads in and the requirements to make them are below.


  • Herblore Level:96

Aggroverloads combine the effect of standard Overloads with an effect that makes nearby monsters aggressive toward the player for the duration. This can be very helpful for players trying to farm combat experience and requires you to get a Crystal Flask, Aggression Potion, and Clean Arbuck. Crystal Flasks are only craftable after completing the Plague’s End quest and with Crafting Level 89. Each one only requires one piece of Crystal Glass, or they can be bought from the Grand Exchange for an average of 3,000 coins.

To make an Aggression Potion, you’ll need to combine Bloodweed with Searing Ashes with at least Herblore Level 82. Bloodweed can be grown with Farming Level 57, but it can only be grown in the Herb Patch in the Wilderness. The patch is found to the north of the Wilderness Crater, but growing it there carries the threat of other players killing you. So, if you don’t want to risk it, you can buy Bloodweed instead from the Grand Exchange for 21,183. Searing Ashes are a guaranteed drop from Lava Strykewyrms, also found in the Wilderness by the maze.

The final ingredient necessary for Aggroverloads is the herb Arbuck. Arbuck is grown in Herb Patches with Farming Level 77, or it can be bought for around 16,161 coins on the Grand Exchange. Unfortunately, it is not dropped by any monsters, so your only two options are farming it yourself or purchasing it from other players.

Holy Aggroverload

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (6)
  • Herblore Level:98

A Holy Aggroverload potion is the same as a regular Aggroverload, although it includes the effect of a Prayer Renewal potion that restores the player’s prayer points. It also requires a Crystal Flask and Aggression potion such as the standard Aggroverload but also requires a Prayer Renewal and Spider Venom. Spider Venom can be harvested from spiders at farms owned by a player or can be bought for around 366 coins from the Grand Exchange.

To make a Prayer Renewal, however, you’ll need Fellstalk and Morchella Mushroom. Fellstalk is obtained by farming it in Herb Patches with Farming Level 91 or can be bought for 11,534 coins. It is also not dropped by any monsters, so you’ll need to grow or buy it. On the other hand, Morchella Mushrooms can be grown in Mushroom Patches with only Farming Level 74. They can also be dropped by Bulbous Crawlers, Lampenfloras, and Vinecrawlers or be bought from the Grand Exchange for 8,976.

Holy Overload Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (7)
  • Herblore Level:97

The Holy Overload Potion combines the standard benefits of an Overload Potion with the prayer point regeneration of Prayer Renewal. To create one, you must combine an Overload with a Crystal Flask and Prayer Renewal.

Overload Salve

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (8)
  • Herblore Level:97

Before you can make an Overload Salve, you first have to find the recipe to create it in a dungeon in Daemonheim. Once you take the recipe to Lady Meilyr and get it transcribed for 800,000 coins, you’ll have the recipe permanently unlocked. It includes the normal stat boosts of an Overload as well as restoring the player’s Prayer Points and protecting from Dragonfire, Poison damage, and Wyvern Breath. To create one, you need to add a Crystal Flask, Prayer Renewal, Prayer Potion, Super Antipoison, Antifier, and Super Antifier to a standard Overload.

To make a Prayer Potion, you’ll need to combine Ranarr and Snap Grass. Ranarr is farmed in Herb Patches with Farming Level 32 or can be purchased for 5,379 coins. Snape Grass can be grown with Farming Level 80 in any Allotment Patch. It can also be purchased from the Grand Exchange with an average price of only 311 coins. To make the Super Antipoison, you’ll need to combine Irit and Unicorn Horn Dust. You can see how to get Irit under the Extreme Attack Potion heading above. To get Unicorn Horn dust, you have to kill a Unicorn, like the one by Varrock’s southern mine, and use it in a Mortar and Pestle.

You’ll then need two Antifire Potions, one to combine on its own and another to create a Super Antifire. Antifires are made with Lantadyme and Dragon Scale Dust. You can find instructions on getting Lantadyme under the Extreme Defense Potion heading above. On the other hand, Dragon Scale Dust is gotten by grinding a Blue Dragon Scale with a Mortar and Pestle. Or, it can be purchased for only 759 coins from the Grand Exchange. To turn an Antifire into a Super Antifire, it must be combined with a Phoenix Feather. The easiest way to get Phoenix Feathers is by picking them off the Desert Phoenix by the River Elid.

Perfect Plus Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (9)
  • Herblore Level:99

Perfect Plus Potions can only be brewed after purchasing the recipe for it from Meilyr Clan’s Recipe Shop. It then gives players the effect of every Perfect JuJu Potion for four hours. To create one, you must combine an Overload, Crystal Flask, Harmony Moss, and Crystal Tree Blossom. To get the required Harmony Moss, you’ll need to plant seeds at the Harmony Pillar at the Meilyr Clan with Farming Level 75. Otherwise, you can purchase it for an average of 15,563 coins.

However, you will need Farming Level 94 to get a Crystal Tree Blossom. They are untradeable and can only be gotten by planting a Crystal Acorn in Prifdinnas at the Crystal Tree Patch. After you plant the tree, you’ll only be able to harvest one Crystal Tree Blossom from it each day, requiring you to return to it every day you play to harvest it if you want to make more than one Perfect Plus Potion.

Searing Overload Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (10)
  • Herblore Level:97

The Searing Overload Potion adds protection from Dragonfire to the effects of a standard Overload. To make one, you need to combine an Overload with a Crystal Flask and Super Antifire Potion. For information on how to make a Super Antifire Potion, check the Overload Salve heading above.

Supreme Overload Potion

Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (11)
  • Herblore Level:98

Supreme Overload Potions are slightly stronger versions of Overload Potions that increase their associated skills marginally higher. To create one, you have to add an Overload with a Crystal Flask and one of each of the Super Potions used in creating the Extreme Potions when creating an Overload. This makes it easy to create while making a batch of Overloads, so I recommend always doing the upgrade if you have a high enough Herblore level.


Question: Do Overloads counteract stat decay from using Saradomin Brews?

Answer: Yes, which makes the two potions work very well together as you can get great healing from Saradomin Brews without worrying about decreased skill levels.

Question: What is the best Overload Potion inRunescape?

Answer: For general use, I prefer using the Supreme Overload Potion because of its low creation cost and universal use. However, there may be situations where an Overload Salve or Perfect Plus Potion will be more advantageous for you.

Question: Why are Overloads good inRunescape?

Answer: Overloads are such a good potion because they significantly increase all of a player’s combat skills in a single use, making them universally useful and easier to use than drinking from multiple potions.


Obtaining and managing potions and other gear plays a massive role in high-level combat content inRunescape. Overload Potions are particularly interesting because they cannot be traded or sold on the Grand Exchange. The only way to get them is to craft them yourself, even if you purchase all of the ingredients rather than collecting them yourself. So, even if you are primarily interested in running the raid or dungeons, you’ll want to level up your Herblore skill along the way.

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Arron Kluz

Arron is a featured team writer and lifelong gamer. Ever since he started playing games on his old SNES, he has been hooked ever since. He has a particular love for games like Pillars of Eternity, Skyrim, a variety of beloved indie titles, and also a few online shooters to serve as a means of avoiding open-world fatigue. Outside of gaming, he enjoys watching arthouse movies, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and writing fiction.

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Overload RS3 Guide - Rune Fanatics (2025)


What is the best overload in rs3? ›

A dose of supreme overload potion is a slightly better version of normal overload; it boosts the six combat skills by 16% + 4 rather than 15% + 3. Assuming a player has level 99 in the relevant skills, the supreme overload potion boosts combat skills by +19, making it +2 levels better than a normal overload.

How to make overload potions? ›

They are created by combining 3-dose extreme attack, extreme strength, extreme defence, extreme ranging, extreme magic, and extreme necromancy potions with a clean torstol. The process grants 1,000 Herblore experience and requires level 96 Herblore, which can be boosted but not assisted.

What is overload potion? ›

Drinking an overload raises a player's Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic levels by 5-19 (5 + 15% of the player's level, rounded down) for five minutes, while causing them to take 50 hitpoints worth of damage over the course of several seconds.

How to make overload cox? ›

It can only be made in the Chambers of Xeric with 75 to 90 Herblore by using a noxifer with any variant of an elder, twisted, and kodai potion. This potion is the standard variant of the overload potions, and cannot be taken out of the Chambers of Xeric.

Who is the strongest god in rs3? ›

Guthix was the god of balance and the most powerful known ascendant god. He was also the discoverer of Gielinor after the Elder Gods created it.

What is the most difficult boss in rs3? ›

Telos is by far the hardest boss in the game. Before you have the chance to fight him, players must first collect four ancient sigils by killing the four God Wars Dungeon 2 bosses. Once you have them, put them together and place them on the door at the dungeon's center.

Does preserve work on overload potions? ›

It is especially useful due to its low Prayer point drain rate of only 3 points per minute. Preserve does not impact the duration of any divine potions. As overload potions automatically reapply their stat boosts every 15 seconds, Preserve's use in Nightmare Zone and Chambers of Xeric is limited.

How to make supreme overloads in RS3? ›

It is made by combining an overload (4) with super attack (4), super defence (4), super strength (4), super ranging potion (4) and super magic potion (4), in a crystal flask. This gives 600 experience.

How to make overload flasks in RS3? ›

Upon death, the effect of overload will also wear off entirely before the 6 minutes is up. The flask is made by blowing robust glass, requiring 89 Crafting and giving 100 experience. Red sandstone can be mined at Oo'glog and smelted using the robust glass machine also located at Oo'glog.

Does Holy Wrench work with super restores? ›

The holy wrench is a reward for completing the Rum Deal quest. If players have it in their inventory when they drink a prayer potion, prayer mix, super restore potion, or Sanfew serum, they will regain additional Prayer points, depending on their Prayer level.

What is overload stat boost rs3? ›

Overloads boost Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, and Magic + 15% of the stat level + 3 (a maximum of +17 at level 99) for 6 minutes. Overloads reapply the boosts every 15 seconds, resulting in minimal boost decay - however, once the overload wears off, the boosts are completely removed.

Does Vasa drop overload? ›

Vasa's healing has been adjusted - he will only heal if he fully siphons from the crystal, rather than healing over time. Reduced Vasa's ranged defence bonus by -20 to make the toxic blowpipe more consistent on the boss. Vasa now drops an Overload (+) on death.

Does vespula drop overload? ›

Vespula now guarantees an overload upon clearing the room.

How long does overload last in OSRs? ›

An overload (+) is a potion that boosts all the player's combat stats by 6 + 16%, while damaging them for 50 hitpoints. This damage is applied in hits of 10 over a few ticks. The stat boost is re-applied every 15 seconds for five minutes until the effects wear off, at which point the player is healed back 50 hitpoints.

What is the most powerful monster in rs3? ›

Telos, the Warden and the pure, volcanic, and Corrupt anima-golems are technically the strongest monsters in RuneScape when fought in an encounter of 1201% enrage or higher, this page refers to their default combat levels - Telos' base level is 2,000, while the golems start at 500.

What is the highest hit in rs3? ›

The maximum hit allowable is 32,000. Damage in RuneScape is stored as a short type integer, giving a maximum value of 32,767; however, round numbers are preferred, so the last 3 digits are always truncated. The acidic spider summoned by Araxxor is an example of a creature that can hit this limit.

What is the best level to siphon rs3? ›

At the cost of additional siphons, players can gain slightly faster experience by siphoning at level 9. Because it provides the maximum experience, siphoning at level 12 also provides the highest chance of obtaining the Malcolm pet. (For experience rates, see Calculator:Equipment experience by tier.)

What is the best profit for Runecrafting rs3? ›

Levels 77-90 Blood Runes: Blood runes are super profitable making you 5.2M per hour while training. You will also gain around 119K experience per hour using the demonic skull. Levels 90-99+ Soul Runes: Your profit with soul runes can't even compare to the bloods as it only makes you around 500K per hour.

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