Used Cart and Trucks EDWARDS the. FOR fur AtW and used trucks 17th WE BUY piekopa and trucks, sand or 1951 wrecked Greeley Auto Supply, 1105 Let Avenue NEW 59 IMPALA bardtop, 4 speed auto transmission. Radio, heater, whitewalls, very eltam. EL 2-4165, FOR 1151 FORD Victoria, 4200. Partly 1529 customized' dragsters Call alter EL 3-4469, or sue Donald Langley FOR at MeNUlta Hotors.
Ford, ENGINES cleaned, $9.95 and All types body and tender work. from paint Jobs Low $40. John Thomps0a Garage, Bib br 115 N. Btb Are. EL 2-1841 RADIATOR cleaning.
and repairing. Used radiators. All of auto and truck repatring. Jobs JOR Garage, 601 Bib 115 SIb EL 8-1844. FOR model 1957 DeSolo Sportaman 2-dr.
hardtop, fully equipped, two toss. new whitewall tires. 40.000 miles. Hunt see to appreciate. EL 9th basement FOR' SALE-ISED' Thunderbird, Gentine leather upholstery.
Electric' seats. 17,060 The 'last Thunderbird they nice with overdrive. transmis-i aion. 20 miles per zallon; Like brand! Used Cars dad Trucks 51 SALE 1953 Ford 4-door, 2408 Ave. after p.m.
AELAIR Cher, Good condition. 61b Are. EL used diece barks parta, rental. We del EL SALE 1950 4-door Rambler, American, like New, evenings, 16th Bireet. BALE to highest bidder.
1961 Good palat and mechanical condlila. EL 5-0241 or EL. 2-1070 1 to 10 p. m. BEETHAN BETTER'.
BUY! 1967 Chevrolet BelAlr 2-Docr Sedan. Power brakes, powerglide, V8. Just a nice. little car to do the Job, $1175. BEETHAM AUTO SALES, .1219 'Sth Avenue, EL 3-3437; TED.
Pb. EL: THESE Are YOUR Kind Of Used Cars! Sharp Clean Miles: COMPARE' THEM! 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DOOR HARDTOP' Radio, transmission. heater, big engine, automatic $2177 1958 IMPERIAL 4-DOOR HARDTOP All power equipment, refrigeration. real: beauty. A Price 1961 DODGE DART Company car, V8 engine, low powerflite trans.
radio, heater. Big Discount 1957 DODGE CORONET 4-DOOR Radio, heater, automatic transmission, Best buy in town. $1299 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Two- finish, one owner, automatic transmission. $1049 1956 FORD TUDOR HARDTOP Well A real steal. $899 1958 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR A Reautiful car.
Everything on it, $1299 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM All Makes All Models All Prices If You Can't Deal with Wells, You Just Can't Deal! WELLS 2 BIG LOTS 1108 8th Avenue 2100 West 9th' Street ATTENTION All General Motors Car Owners Have the Best Selection in Town at 711. 11th Street with radio, heater and hydraAn extra clean car. matic. Light green and white. $845 1956 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop 1957 Buick 1956 Pontiac Super 4-Door Hardtop.
1-Door Hardtop with rapower Radio, heater, steering, dynaflow, dio, heater, hydramatic, power Black and white. brakes. Yellow and bronze. You have to drive this to appreciate it, $745 $1345 1952 Pontiac 1958 Pontiac 1-Door, Straight 8, radio, Super Chief 4-Door with heater, hydramatic. Dark Dark radio, blue heater, and white.
hydramatic. green, A good second car. $195 $1345 1955 Cadillac ji-Door with radio; heater, 1954 Buick brakes power and air Super 4-Door. bydramatic, steerling, conditioning. Coral and neater, dynaflow, Light power Radio, white.
green. $1295 $495 YOU DEAL DOUBLY SURE at Garnsey and Wheeler Co. Your FORD Dealer 711 11th St. EL 2-9174 Classified Ads Continued to Page 16 Page 20 GREELEY TRIBUNE June 28, Classified Ads 1 Continued from Papa 191 Real Eilate GNE bedroom modern 10 Phone El. 7.6944 4130 b.
BY OWNER--3 bedroom, full bait. Inent $1.169 de 124b AYA F.L 2-4423 FOR SAL.E house in Gret. leT. Newly redecorated, 1owell Beach, Windsor LEAVING. with Ircome.
$12.500 Includes bedding and tocmess furniture. EL FOUR bedroom house. 6p and down. 2 bathe. Family row, Cam.
plete tiniated barez.ent 2245 12th 6t, Rd. EL. FOR toor COHO Louse wIth bath. One CAr FArigI D.rrel lota. F.L Showa by ment only FORt 104 25ck Arr.
Near new, 3 bedroom, room. land. fenced. Immediate possession. Call FL.
3.4197. NEW bedroom Brick home In wood. Deb washer, 414posaL, nich, hond and full $1.000 down bandia. Ph. EL FOR BALE OR LATER bedroom home plea family Haplewood Incation.
by Apr rolniment. Call Ft. 2-1219. FOR Peerless, Celuxe traller, 214 rears crat 110.002. take down, Call EL.
2-257. WANTED-10 1A 40 REFER. R.W. Coranty. Dry AT non farm wroutd with alter Rent or bur.
Arnold Arhhy, 1Lt. 1, Colo. FOR BALE by Owner. Betcliful. real 7 room house.
114 bath. Full basement, Lol torint. Close Lo Balawny store and schools. Call EL f-1496 after 8 p. m.
IMMEDIATE Speck bedroom briek. All -leettle kitchen. I 214 bathe, Finished 2 cAr BATAne. Landscaped, 2561 17th Ave. 1.1.
1-2058. BEING transferred. Must sell 11 month old Bedronm Full Altacked CATARC. In Tarrap close. Carpet and drarca, Contractor bulls house.
F.I, 2-1505. 610 36th Are. Ct. FOR -Brick Coloradan, flale2ed rec. rootn In hater 1074, drapes, carport with slate room.
fenced hack yard, 1216 Are, CI. F.1. 2-6821. TRANSFERRED Make offer pri bedroom home. Bepa arale Ainire.
basement. Many 1642 121h AvI. ElyI on nEt. LOVELY three bedroom brick hame. bathe.
Full tiniahel Filding doors 12 pallo. able down. Gl loan. 1539 2Cch 5L FI. 2-9122 BY OWNER.
ELL chaos spartinent near new reedical boldine on 11th Income 13. GD yEAr. T'rire 425,090, Write Dox F1-28, Telbune. 01C0 Bedroom SQ. FT.
house. hEAT alinite, T.tR FAr- pel, built-in range And osen, full base, Owner moving to Denver. 545 15th Ave. 3-4144 adder No tealtors. FOR Large home with bed.
rom base. apt, Main floor Lining rootn. dining room, kitchen, nock. two bedrooms and hath. Broand floor has fonT large bedcoomt, balb and klichen now rented so chia 1429 121h Ave, FL, 2-4024, Farm Equipment 501 Real Estate 18 HOUSE for -Excellent condition.
Priced ruche. Greeley p.m Lumter E1, 7-5171 before FOR SALE Three bedroom trick. 15gsement, lawn In, good Ican. 7427 12tb Ave. EL 2-3027.
FOR BALE by owner-3 bedroom brick Coloradan. Fintabed bare tent with 4th bedroom and bath. All electrie kitchen. Dubwas de. p.sal.
Fenced Lack yard. Carpal and drepes. low Conn payment. Take over GI loan. Paymenta 1115 per month.
2633 16tb Ave. Fla 2-0325. Derigation Systems 49 PLASTIO and aluminum pipe. elzes; plastie film: full line pumps and accessories. Irrigation and Power Faulpment 1 cilea south DE U.
6. 25. Ph. EL 2-0451. form Equipment 50 EDWARDS Chertolet headquarters for new and used trucks.
FOR SALE Weed burners. 8111 a Jel and others. New. card. EL 2-4454.
10 F001 Eree-Plow fertillres spread. ere. Now and alighily coed. Pricedi to nave you money. Simplet Goll Bullders, SIR 13th 61.
FOR BALE-One WD '63 Allie. Chat. mere tractor, l'apec corn cutter, Re possessiona. 714 6th St. Weld Federal Credit Union.
FARM MACHINERY Usod 12 Massoy Harris No. I 26 Combire, real goud condition. Used John Deero onc-row Spudi bigger, level bed, very Hood. Lined Now Holland Huper Inler with motor, Soveral Used MOROTE And Itakes. Come I In and seo our NEW A-C "Twin Wheel Drive" Mowers, front mounted, roar mounted, trail type.
Alan, tho NEW A-0 Side Dollyory Itakea, snap coupler hitch, 3-point hitch, trail type, Check and TRY our NEW A-C Tiny Conditioner, the finest on tho market. Look over And TRY our' 'NEW A-C No, G6-P Forago Harvester (Flail type with knives and shenr bar). NEW Gleanor Combine with A BIG Discount Cash Price, $5400.00. Sovorni NEW A-C No. 90 Combines now in stock.
Hammons Implement Co. 717 6th St. Phone EL 2-7688 CUT BALING COSTS With new INTERNATIONAL MODEL "46" TWINE TIE HAY BALER capacity. It's a devil for its size! Use it to prove it. Call us today.
MODEL "15" INTERNATIONAL PARALLEL BAR SIDERAKE high speed rake that handles your hay gently, saves the leaves for better hay. Makes an idenl windrow. NO. "100" McCORMICK MOWER is A wrial-action mower. Ins no pitman, isl vibration free, its amazing new balanced head design lets you mow at higher speeds cula up to 60 ncres per day.
This is the best on the market, bar nonel TRACTOR SALE WE MEAN IT. Save A3 much A5 $300, on the purchase of CERTAIN MODEL NEW INTERNATIONAL FARM TRACTORS. This offer is good for a period of 60 days, WE MEAN TIIIS. SEE US TODAY! Ask: For A Demonstration Ellis Capp Equipment Your International Harvester Dealer 508 8th Ave. Phone El.
2.9141 Used Cara and Trucks 51 Uned Con and Trucks 51 Quality Used Cars '59 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Sedan $1695 VS, radio, heater, rouertillde. '57 BUICK 4-Dr. Estate Wagon $1495 Jindia, heater, twin turbine dynatlow, 31.160 artual miles. '65 PONTIAC, 2-Dr.
Hardtop $795 Radio, bealer, sent covera, CAll tirca, tutono paint. '56 BUICK Convertible $1245, Whitewall 1rca, air conditioning, full power. '57 OLDSMOBILE 2-Dr. Hardtop. $1395 Hadler, heater.
power brakes and steering. rocket T-100 engine, Jet Away hydramatic, 815 11th St. 2 I.OTS 1002 8th Ave. Weld County Garage Farm Equipment 50j Used Cars and Truth: $11 FUR MALE -No. 92 14 (t.
CHRYSLER. Excellent condition. liarela welt propelied combine. PA. XL after 6130.
less then 400 Berta. Price' trasonably, Leon 116 Placeman, Ault, Colo. 1149 BUICh, tondition. Ph. Al.pine 7.4419, 1-4745 after 1153 STUDERAKEN, coupe.
Und Cars and Trucks 511 Va. new palat. 1021 214b B1. SPECIAL FORD DEMONSTRATOR SALE JUNE 27 THRU JUNE 30 ON THE FOLLOWING CARS: 1961 Ford Galaxie Fordor 220 horsepower V8, radio, heater, cruiseomatic, power aleering, tinted glass; 8.00x14 white sidewalls, four way manual tilt seats, padded dash and visors and wheel covers. Laurel green.
1961 Ford Galaxie Starliner 300 horsepower V8, radio, heater, crulseomatic, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, 8.00x14 white sidewalls, padded dash and visors, and wheel covers. Algiers bronze and Corinthian white. 1961 Galaxie Club Victoria 300 horsepower. V8, radio, heater, cruiseomatic, power steering, tinted glass, 8.00x14 white manual tilt seats, wheel covers, rocker panel sidewalls, padded dash and. visora, four way, molding and' many other extras, Raven black.
SAVE NOW TRADE NOW! YOU. DEAL DOUBLY SURE at Garnsey Wheeler Co. Your FORD Dealer 711 11th St. EL 2-9174 Today's Red Vest Special 1957 CHEVROLET 2 TON TRUCK Model 6403 Cab and- Chassis, 84 inches cab to axle for 18 foot box. 2-speed axle, new tires, new paint.
OK motor, new rear mud and snow. $1750 '47 CHEVROLET $395. Ton with grain bed. '40 CHEVROLET $195 Ton with beet box. These trucks Are botb in mechanical condition And will make an excellent overflow.
truck. '56 FORD $1095 2 Door Station Wagon. Automatic, radio, healer und DO E7 steering. Wall to wAll A beautiful 2 tone green. You can't to WrOng.
'56 FORD Fordor Stallon Wagon. Automatic heater, 38,000 Actual Look this one over. '56 FORD $995 Fordor Station Wagon, Vs, automatic transmission, radio. and beater, A 800d buy! YOUR CHOICE '54 MERCURY Hardtop, overdrive with power steering and brakes, '63 Super S8, 4 door. Automatic, power slearing, brakes, radio and healer.
The IOn, tow price of $395 See the Man Around Town in the Red Vest THESE ARE YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET SALESMEN: Jue Ruibal Bill Powers Earl Bartz Al Herr Vic Reid Bruce Tarrant Fred Miller Dean Bachenberg John Kreller Dean Read Now Car Manager Used Car Manager THE EASIEST PLACE IN TOWN TO DEAL Edwards Chevrolet Co. "For Over 21 Years A Safe Place To Buy" USED CAR LOT 1310 Eighth Avenue Phone EL 2-7715 -OK- Uned Can end Trucks FOR and Dodge synchromeSs d-apeed 1 ranamisions. Greeler Auto Supply. 1705 Lat Avenue. FOR SALE ton 1151 Cher, Avezaza condition.
$215, Pb, EL 1-1711. Used Cars and Trucks 1931 FORD 4 door for sale or Lake DYE? payments. EL or EL 1.4411, 1987 CXC ton dual wheel truck, 7 4 camping bed. 15,000 actual miles. Buck's Traller Cl.
Space 6. 1959 PREFECT 4-DOOR Radio and Heater. Only 13,000 miles. $1095 WHAT'S IT WORTH TO YOU? McMILLEN MOTOR CO. Lincolo-Mercury-Comet-English Ford 1413 8th A TeqUa Phone EL 3:5960.
Bank Terms to Suit the Buyer Make It A Care free Vacation With A NICKLAND Used Car CHEV. BelAir. V8, 4-Dr. Sed. PawerGlide, radio, white aldewall tires.
Beautiful, blue and. white finish: Top condition. '59 Heater, RENAULT radio, Dau. sidewall 4-Dr. tires.
.......1295 Local one owner. Beautiful all black fInish. Very clean. '59. FORD Fordomatic, Fairlane V8, Nice 4-Dr.
Sed. $1595 radio, beater, two tone blue finish. Top condition, '59 CHEV. Bel Air, V8, 4-Dr. Sed.
radio, heater, White aldewall tires, local 1 owner. Very clean. '58 FORD Fairlane V8, 2-Dr. $1195 Fordomatie, radio, beater. Beautiful red and white tinteb.
'57. PLY. Savoy V8, 4-Dr. Sed. $1095 Powerfilte, radio, heater, white sidewall tires.
Heautiful red and white finIsh. Local one owner. '57 BUICK Special 4-Dr. Hdtp. SAVES Full power, alr conditioning.
white sidewall tires. Beautiful two tone green finish, Local one owner, local mlleage. SEE THIS ONE! '57 OLDS Super 88 4-Dr. Sta. Wg.
$1495 Full whitewall tires, Top condition, beautiful all white and red finish OPEN EVENINGS After Hours. Call tbess Salesmen: Martin Harenauer, EL 2-8342 Ilugh Carter, EL 3.3892 James Mares, EL 2-4316 Tom Garza, EL WICKLAND'S Your Dealer Plymouth- Valiant USED CAR LOT 404 8th Ave. Tel. EL 2-4316 Your Opportunity To- Save HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS During Rambler's Famous Month-End Clearance Now Going On! PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, JULY 1st. Bank Rate Financing Cash or Trades '41 Chevrolet Ton Pickup Excellent: running condition.
$149 1950 Packard Sedan One of the slickest old-timers you can imagine. 1954 Hudson Hornet Sedan A one owner car, overdrive equipped. Famous in its day for performance and economy. Two 1954 Chevrolet 4-Door 6 3 Cyllnder Sedans. Both with straight sticks.
Excellent tranaportation. Your choice 1958 Chevrolet BelAir V-8 4-Dr. Hardtop will you find such a beauty and in such perfect condition. Locally owned. $1505 1959 Ford Galaxie Club Coupe 300 Horsepower V8 motor.
Stick and overdrive, radio: and heater. A-1 tires, Beautiful metallic brown and white two-tone. Only $1989 35 to Choose From OPEN EVENINGS TILL 3:00 AND ALL DAY SATURDAY. RAMBLER OF GREELEY Home of Rambler Select Used Cars and the Economy King Rambler 1321 8th Ave. EL 2-9038 JUST ACROSS FROM THE BUS DEPOT -P.