Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

a a a a a FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1940 ONIZED FAIR OPENING SET GAS CITY, July were being completed today. by committee from the Onlzed Club of. the Orens Illinois Glass Co.plant here, for the openof the 1040 Onlyed: street fair here Wednesday night. and his committee of 33 members Zan- Wood. commitee chairman, have been working to have the fair ready for the opening ceremonies at m.

Wednesday. More than 40 concessions and rides free shows and other fea-tures will be set up the fourday event near the Owens-Illinois corrugated building. parade, headed by Mayor Bobert. Ray T. A.

plant manager. and the Twin City band augmented by other units of the Grant county band, under the direction- of Fred Reiter, -will start RI Fourth and Main streets At p. Coiling will give, the opening address, and the concert. band will. Crowning present of a the "OnIzed Street Fair Bottle' Queen" will be An outstanding event of the first night.

The ceremony will start 1:30 p. 'm. At the band stand. Parker M. Bitner will act as maste: of ceremonies, Special entertainment features this rear include a free aerial act by th "Flyir.g Rockets" to be presented daily at 10 p.

water fight at 1:15 p. m. Friday. between the Gas City and Jonesboro fire departments. Van Buren.

and Mitree township of the Grant County Rural Young Adults will be hosts, to the county group at.a meeting Thursday night at the home. of Betty Sterens. Representatives of the host clubs in charge of the ar-1 rangements are -Miss Sterens and William The meeting will feature discussion "Women rs. Jobs." RURAL YOUNG ADULTS WILL HOLD MEETING THURSDAY: COURT MINUTES SUPERIOR COURT Marie Stewart vs. Paul Stewart, divorce.

Application for temporrestraining order without notice filed, submitted and ordered 88 set out in written 'order now filed. Application for suit and support money by' plaintiff filed. Hearing. set. for July 25, 1940, at 9 a.

m. Notice is ordered. Linen was first Flemish manufactured weavers in England by 1253. WOMEN HEED THIS. 5 Thousands of women go smiling times" with Lydia Pinkham' Vegetable Compound -famous for over 60 years in relieving female functional troubles.

Try it! F. Nomination Ballot "GRANT COUNTY TOMATO QUEEN CONTEST understand the rules of. this contest and am offering the name to 6 represent in the (town or township). fourth annual Grant County Tomato Queen contest. The.

nomination and has given her consent. (Your signature) Mail to Contest Editor, Chronicle-Tribune, Marion, Ind. WARREN REPORTS WARREN. July 23. Mr.

and! Mrs. Roy Eubank and children, Helen and Jerry, and Mr. and Mts. C. C.

Eubank spent the weekend in Mottsville, with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' Lantis. Mr. and Mrs.

C. C. Fubank remined spend a week at the Lantis, home. Dr. and R.

Leverton hove returned front a week's motor trip through eastern states. They were accompanied By Miss Bette. Schlagenhauf, Chester, who will their guest for' several! weeks. William Younce. Muncie, son of Mrs.

William Younce, Warren, and Dean Huffman, Muncie, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huffman, Warren, were injured when a car which Mr. Younce was driving overturned on a mountain highway near Franklin, Ky. The icar rolled down a steep embank-1 ment and was completely demolished.

The young men were taken to a hospital for treatment. They will recover. Mrs. Wilbur Felber WAS hostess to the Varier Club at her home recently. The guests spent the afternoon playing bridge with prizes going to Mrs.

Wright, Mrs. Lee Harrold. Mrs. Frances Heaton and Mrs. Randolph Fluhrer.

Refreshments were served to Mrs. Wilford Chopson, Mrs. Randolph Fluhrer, Mrs. Earle Williams. Mrs.

Pouless Wright, Mrs. Gilbert Lee, Mrs. Leo Harrold, Mrs. Frances Heston. Mrs.

Burton Guphart, Airs. Glen McDaniels and the hostess. As farewell tribute to Mrs. Ernest McCord who with her husband will go to Herrin, soon. to make.

her home with their son, Wood McCord and family, the choir of the Congregational Christian Church entertained with a cooperative dinner. at the church dining room Attending were the honor guests, Mr. Mrs. Wilford Chopson, and Mrs. Randolph Fluhrer, Mrs.

Blanche Ruse and daughter Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. Duncan, Mrs. Belle Debra. Mrs. Martha Sprowl, Mrs.

Mary Harrold, Mrs. Roger Good and daughter Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.

TrusMr. and Mrs. Ernest Holmes, Mrs. Robert Laymon and son Mau. rice.

As a farewell party for Mrs. Ernest McCord. who leave soon for residence at Herrin, members of the Congregational Christian Church choir and their families held a potluck supper at the parish house Friday night, Later program was. given which included songs, music and toasts to the honored guest. Attending were Mrs.

Ernest McCord. Rev. and Mrs. C. A.

Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Andrew, Mr. and Drs. Wilfred Chapson and daughter, Loanna, Mr.

and Mrs. Randolph Fluhrer, Mrs, Blanche Ruse and daughter, Julia Alice: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braden, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Lantis, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rudig, Mr. and Mre, Ora Lieurance, Mra. Belle Debra, Mrs.

Martha Sprawl, Mrs: Mary Harrold, Mrs. Roger Good. and daughter, Nancy. Mrs. Robert Laymon and son, -Maurice, Mr.

and Mrs. R. D. Truster and Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Holmes. Complimentary to Mrs. Ben Good, a recent bride, a post, nuptial shower was 'held at home of Mrs. Joseph Good Thursday, eve. ning.

committee charge was comprised of Mrs. E. A. Hoffman, Mrs. Edward Brown, Mrs.

Clifford Pribble and Mrs. Good. Entertainment consisted of games and contesta: Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ned Brown and Mrs. C.

S. Black, who presented them to the guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Johnson and MFs.

Fern McElhaney had as their guests Thursday, Miss Esther Hoffman and Miss Edith Littler, Dayton, Ohio: Miss Barbara TurI lex, dox, Overton, Indianapolis; Texas: Mrs. Mrs. L. P. Mad- 1.

Braner, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Fred Major and Miss Virgle Braner, 'all of Hartford City. Mrs. Lillie Click, near.

Mario spent the weekend Warren friends and attended funeral of Isaac Hart at the Methodist Church Saturday afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Bess, Marion, spent Friday and the remainder of the week with her -parents, Mr.

and Mra, Bert Jones and other. tives and friends. Luther Swain and Sol Johnson were in Muncie recently where they attended the Guernsey Field Day held at W. H. farm.

Sir. and Mrs. Lloyd Young and I children, Huntington, enjoyed 8 few days of their, vacation last L.werk at the Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Dan Clinger. SET FUNERAL SERVICES FOR DROWNING VICTIM HARTFORD CITY, July -The funeral of Charles Robert Carmichael, six, who drowned Sunday afternoon at Lake Placid, will be Wednesday at 10. a. m. from the Grave Methodist with Rev.

Jesse W. Fox in charge. Buriat will be in the I. 0. 0.


KITCHEN OF YESTERDAY starts cooking in less than half 1 minute on the modern ELECtric Ranges Today, an ELECtric Range is faster, 1, $15.00 for TRADE IN ALLOWANCE more. durable and more efficient No your old cook stove or, No soot No No flame 2. $15.00 NEW FREE HOME CREDIT BUILDERS. TO ALL And the 5-Star Purchase Plan together with our low rates, puts an ELECtric Range NANCE CHARGE. -3.

EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FIwithin the budget of Mr. and Mrs. Average 4. MODELS COSTING AS LITTLE Homemaker. AS 10c A.


UPLAND UPLAND, July 23. Mrs. Emma entertained, the Ladies -Auxiliary of the Center el: Methodist Church. and several guests. at all-day meeting at her home northweast of here.

Following the dinner, prayer was offered by Mrs. Bertha Hofferbert and Mrs. Ferguson, the president, conducted the devotions. A short business session was held and the dismissal prayer was offered by Mrs. Gertrude Reece, Those pres-ent were.

the following guests, Mrs. Lizzie Atkinson, Janice Lucas, Sally and Wilma Jane Pierce, Rosealee and Minerva Reece, Jean and Janet Fishtorn and Jimmie Clarke, and members, Mrs. Faye Ferguson, Mrs. Emmaline Pierce, Mrs. Gertrude Reece, Mrs.

Ella Rhoades, Mrs. Bertha Hofferbert, Mrs. Lulua Troutt, Bertha Harvey, Mrs. Blanche Clark, Mrs. Mabel Howard.

Mrs. Bernice Fishtorn, Mrs. Lulua -Lucas and Mrs. Emma: Ferguson. The next meeting will be held August 15 at the home of Mrs.

Gertrude Reece. The regular monthly meeting of the Phygo Ugho Pso Club will be held Thursday afternoon, August. 8, at the home of Mrs. Helen Brog-: neaux, instead of July 25 as was previously. announced.

Betty Jean Rae' Raymonde, Dorothy Fenstermacher, Martha Ladd, Gladys Smith, Billie Stanley, Junior Clouse, William Clarke, Mrs. Otto Oren, Mrs. Frank Denny, Dickie- Rev. Moche Fenstermacher, Charles Anderson, Dick Hochstedler, Wayne Lynch, Paul Cormican, Junior Fox and H. are spending this week at the Epworth League Institute at- Epworth -Lake Webster.

Rev. is teaching a class and Dick Hochu stedler is a member of the student council. The meeting of Sunshine Missionary Circle of the Union Chapel Methodist Church was, held Saturday afternoon at A Bible story related by Joe the home of Wayne, Shoemaker. I Clarke. and Mrs.

Etta Reece, the Councilor, gave the lesson on, "Jacob and The meeting was dismissed by Alice Clarke repeating the Lord's Prayer. Those attending were Carolyn Sue Reece, of Bluffton, Zova Wise, Alice, Joe and Jimmie Clarke, Barbara and Evelynn Phillips, Cleona Reece, Wayne Shoemaker, Mrs. Etta Reece and Mrs. Frank Stanley. The next meeting will be held at the home of Zora Wise, Saturday! afternoon, August -17.

Miss Wanda Springer, Hampshire, is the guest of Miss Katherine Viola. Bowena party Friday served afternoon, to Mrs. Refreshments were Arthur -Pittlekan-and son, Arthur, Chicago, Miss Mary Ballinger, Lagrange, Misses Jessie and Marie Ballinggr, Marion, Mrs. Orivlle Peele, Mrs. William Peele and Mrs.

Viola Bowen. Mrs. Fletcher. Oren. has returned from where she spent a few days as.

the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson. Mrs: Elsie. Brown spent the weekend at her home near Trail Mrs.

Lillie Hunt, Mishawaka, has returned spending. A week as the guest of Mrs. Tina Lacey. Jane Ritchie is visiting in ma, Washington, with relatives. She accompanied her grandmother, Mrs.

Mary Sutton; Yorktown. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duckwall and family have returned after spending a week at Houghton Lake, Michigan. Leon Blum, former French pre-: -mier, is extremely proud.

of his. Inawspaper work as dramatic, FUNERAL RITES SET Brethren church here with Rev. W. HARTFORD CITY, July 23 R. Montgomery in charge.

Burial -The funeral of Mrs. Elmeretta, will be in the I. 0. 0. F.

cemetery. Stallsmith, seventy-eight, Three sons, Charles, Albert and Sunday night, will held. Wednes- Alonzo Stallsmith, And one daughday at 10 m. from. the.

United ter, Mrs. Mabel Vallad, survive. A Papaya melon mingles its magic goodness with secret, exciting flavors to create the most delicious drink you ever tasted. Taste its tropical flavor CONTAINS A NATURAL DIGESTIVE AID AND NATURAL VITAMIN A Vanti I this BIG WANT VACATION -SELL- 2 Furniture- Need money for your vacation? Why not do as many people in Marion Radios and vicinity o--sell something you are no longer using, with a Chron-: Musical Instruments: icle-Tribune Want Ad. They cost little, get big results! Below appear Baby Buggies some recent stories which to their amazing pulling power.

Try. Nursery Equipment Fishing Equipment one for Cash Action! Automobiles 7 Guns. Live Stock Seeds, Hay, Fodder Farm Machinery Building Material Fence, Pipe Machinery and Tools Plants, Trees, Shrubs Office Furniture Store Equipment Dogs, Cats, Canaries Baby Chicks, Poultry Clothing, Shoes Washing Machines Electrical Appliances Bicycles Motorcycles Farms Houses and Auto Parts And hundreds of other things for CASH. 7 Sold Kitchen Equipment A HOOSIER-Kitchen cabinet like: new, sink with built-in cabinets. My Chronicle and Leader-Tribune want ads second insertion resulted in the sale of all the Farming Sold GOOD John Deere corn planter, tractor hitch.

Reported sold after two insertions of the ad. Sold Washer FOR SALE- -Washing machine, $7.00. 2 9x12 rugs. Washing machine sold after first insertion of the ad. Garage for Sale.

GARAGE -For sale, must. be moved from lot. "Phone. The -advertiser- of the above ad. said she sold the garage almost immediately after the ad appeared.

Sold Thru Ad USED -Bath tub, $00, large $00. Phone. These articles were sold and the ad cancelled. Sold Bicycle GIRL'S -Bicycle, excellent condition. The bicycle -wAs sold to one of the several callers.

Sold Boat NEW -Row boat for. Inquire. We sold the boat to the first person that called after the ad was inserted. Sold 2. PORCH -Gliders, 8-piece wal nut dining room suite, radio, electric washer.

Although this ad only ran twice in the Chronicle and Leader-Tribune, I had no difficulty in ing the furniture. Sold Doors ONE--Door frame, 2 glass doors, 1 wooden door, 1 screen door, 1 storm door. This ad worked wonders in selling all the doors. MARION CHRONICLE LEADER -TRIBUNE 234 3 And 6 Day Rates Are Cheaper 4 PHONE Ads pull They sell') Phone today! 244 41. the Want: 3 you Your Ad Will Go Into Over 18,000 Homes 1 1 0.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.