Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (2024)

Cassandra Hatton

Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House where we heard from former Australian Prime Minister, The Hon. Julia Gillard AC. It was inspiring and insightful to hear the human stories beyond the media headlines and policy politics... all about life after politics. I also had the honour of meeting Governor General designate, Sam Mostyn. Wishing her every success in this new role.Thanks Louise Mulley and the Britain Australia Society for creating a valuable space for connection and learning and thanks to the Law Squared team (who partnered with the event) for the invitation and fantastic evening. Natalie Di Donato you were a brilliant host- thank you.

  • Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (2)
  • Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (3)
  • Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (4)



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Jeff Antcliff

Chief Executive OfficerWounds Australia


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Cassandra Hatton, be honest. Julia asked you to be in the photo.

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Cheryl Cartwright

Delivers outcomes. Governance > Change > Program Management. GAICD CAHRI


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Love this Cassandra!

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Dr. Linette Etheredge


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Wonderful Cass xx let talk

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Joannah Coetzer

Executive Human Resources and Organisational Strategy Leader. Creating high performance leadership teams and uplifting employee engagement.


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Look at you go Cassandra Hatton So good

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Julie Fleming (nee Fewster)

Group Director Mission and Identity at Cabrini Australia


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Woo hoo! Wonderful stuff and photo with my hero Julia- priceless. Great opportunities abound in the motherland still! X

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Elise Warner

Marketing, Brand & Product Manager


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Love this!

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Chelsea Vanderzaag

Communications, Media and PR Professional


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    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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    • Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (34)
    • Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (35)



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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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    PEOPLE STRATEGY: What do we need to UN-learnWhen I focus on my personal and professional growth, I often focus on learning new skills and acquiring knowledge. But what about unlearning old habits and mindsets that might be holding us back? Just as learning demands time, patience and intentionality, so does unlearning. I heard this story years ago (from who I cannot recall - sorry I cannot credit it) - It is about a man's journey to learn to ride a bike backward. It took him three months, while his son mastered the same distance in just two weeks. Perhaps the son did not have to ‘unlearn’ as much as his father who had years of experience riding the bike forward. To me this story shows that sometimes to adapt to a new thing (new world, ways of working, etc), unlearning can be a crucial part of the process.I wonder what habits, mindsets, or ways of working might be worth unlearning individually and corporately? Here are some thought starters from me – I would love to know what you would add:🔵 Fear of failure - Unlearn the need for perfection and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.🔵 Hierarchical thinking - Unlearn hierarchical thinking and foster a culture of collaboration and openness.🔵 Linear career paths – unlearn predetermined trajectories and embrace nonlinear, industry-diverse career paths.🔵 Fear of AI displacement – unlearn the mindset that AI will replace human jobs (this type of fear existed when the calculator and computer were introduced too!), and instead focus on the potential for AI to augment human capabilities.🔵Dependency on traditional work environments (quite possibly an unpopular opinion) – With the rise of remote work and distributed teams, unlearn the mindset that productive work can only happen within a traditional office setting and embrace digital collaboration and a-sync working.What else would you add to the ‘unlearn’ list?#Learning #Unlearning #PersonalDevelopment #GrowthMindset



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  • Cassandra Hatton

    Chief Operating Officer | HR Executive | Non-Executive Director | Strategist | Leadership and Culture | Mentoring leaders of tomorrow

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    Did you know that April is stress awareness month?This year's theme is#littlebylittle, highlighting the BIG impact of seemingly little yet consistent, positive actions on our overall wellbeing. Stress can have a profound and sometimes devastating impact if not managed. I really value campaigns like this to remind us to take a moment to check in on ourselves and those around us.So, firstly, consider this your ‘self-check-in’ – are you okay? Is there anything you can change in your current situation or routine to improve your own wellbeing? It’s okay if you are not okay – ask for help.😊 Secondly, checking in on people’s stress levels is more than just a nice thing to do. Managing stress in the workplace represents an opportunity to improve wellbeing for your people and also reduce absenteeism and increase overall organisation performance. In a recent CIPD ‘Health and Wellbeing at Work’ report they found that 76% of respondents experienced stress-related absence within their workforces – a common and costly impact of too much stress (among many others). The report also shared that a lack of line manager skills and confidence is the most common challenge for fostering employee wellbeing. Equipping your leaders with the tools and knowledge to lead well is an investment worth making.To help you get started, here is an incredibly valuable resource from @CIPD ‘People manager guide: Managing stress at work’. Although we cannot completely eliminate stressful situations, there are actions we can take to prevent stress, and help others to effectively deal with stress when it arises.What other resources or support do you provide your leaders with on this topic?Take time to take care!#stressawarenessmonth#wellbeing#littlebylittle

    CIPD | Guidance on managing stress at work


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Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (51)

Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society event at Australia House… | 10 comments (52)

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Cassandra Hatton on LinkedIn: Last week I attended a Britain-Australia Society  event at Australia House… | 10 comments (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.